The Path of Evolution

Chapter 857 Zhao Family

A person who is over a hundred years old is said to be auspicious.

According to folklore, centenarians have their own auspicious buffs, which can bring blessings to future generations, and even bring good luck to neighbors.

Zhao Rulong is a famous person in the Tiannan area. This 108-year-old man has a life full of legends. He is one of the few founding fathers who is still alive today. He has many titles, including the former head of the Tiannan Zhao family, a master of martial arts, and the top leader of the Tiannan Military Region.

As early as thirty years ago, Zhao Rulong retired and stepped down as the head of the family, becoming the mysterious old man of the Zhao family among the world.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that this old man Zhao would suddenly kneel in front of someone.

In the Zhao family ancestral hall, there stood an energetic old man of half a century, whose body was like a spear. He was none other than Master Longqiang.

Zhao Longqiang is not as young as he appears. He is older than everyone present and is also the ancestor of this group of people.

Zhao Rulong kneeling in front of him was Zhao Longqiang's only son.

The two ancient men kneeling behind Zhao Rulong are his eldest son Zhao Jintian, the current head of the Zhao family, and the other is his third son Zhao Jinrong.

Behind Zhao Jintian, the middle-aged man and woman kneeling are his son and daughter, and behind him are two grandsons and a grandson.

Behind Zhao Jinrong, kneeling are his only son Zhao Zhiguang and his grandson Zhao Xin.

These people present are not all of the Tiannan Zhao family, there is still a missing link.

Zhao Rulong's second son, Zhao Jinhong, did not come and could not come. This man has passed away.

Zhao Jinhong's son Zhao Zhicheng and his grandson Zhao Hao also did not appear in this happy reunion scene.

This was precisely the reason why Zhao Longqiang was angry. Since he returned to his hometown in China, he rushed to the Tiannan area as soon as possible and quickly found the Zhao family mansion with his blood induction. After a heart-warming recognition of his ancestors, Zhao Longqiang learned about the situation and understood the feud between Zhao Hao and the Tiannan Zhao family.

He began to understand why Zhao Hao, the real person from Qingyun Realm to Lingquan Valley, sent him benefits intentionally or unintentionally.

He also understood why King Zhao Tian had no intention of recognizing him.

As a result, Zhao Longqiang became angry.

"A bunch of unscrupulous descendants, who allowed you to do this?!"

Zhao Longqiang roared in anger, frightening a group of descendants kneeling in the ancestral hall to tremble.

The imposing manner of the Eight-Star Master is no joke. Zhao Rulong, the strongest person present, is only half a master. Some of the rest of the people were only second-order evolvers, and a few were even first-order evolvers. They were so scared that their knees went weak.

"Father, please calm down. The palms and backs of your hands are all flesh. Jinhong is my biological child. How can I bear to harm him?" Zhao Rulong knelt down and raised a question: "Father, do you still remember what you told me when you left? What's going on?"

Zhao Longqiang was stunned when he heard this. When he shattered the void, Zhao Rulong was only six years old.

He had failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father, relying entirely on his late wife's hard work to raise the child, and he felt guilty for his son. If he hadn't learned that the Tiannan Zhao family had done something ridiculous to Zhao Hao, he wouldn't have lost his composure and become furious.

He still remembered that before he shattered the void, he had a vague omen in his heart, and he once told his son: In this life, he must not have anything to do with people from the Xichuan Wu family!

In his early years, he had a grudge against the Wu family and did not want his children to carry those heavy things.

Destiny is unpredictable, and some bonds are constantly being cut and messed up.

"Jinhong worked in a state-owned enterprise when he was young. He had outstanding abilities and originally had a promising future. Later, he met a female child named Wu Guifang. After I sent someone to inquire, I found out that after liberation, the descendants of the Wu family were scattered all over the country. Wu Guifang was He is a descendant of the Wu family." Mr. Zhao's expression was very sad: "I kept in mind my father's instructions and did not let Zhihong have contact with that girl. Who knew that Zhihong was fascinated by the girl from the Wu family, and he was obedient to me, and later he took him with him Wu Guifang eloped!"

Master Long Qiang was stunned when he heard this. The root cause of this series of accidents actually happened to him?

"Jin Hong and Wu Guifang ran away to other provinces. When I sent people to find him, he was already a father. Wu Guifang died in childbirth. In the 1960s, the country was in turmoil and the medical conditions were really poor." Zhao Rulong said Here, the old man burst into tears: "Jinhong took his newborn child Zhicheng to seek life in Zhonghai. He threatened to die, and the people I sent did not dare to bring him back by force. Later, I went to Zhonghai in person and tried to persuade him. Go home, but that stubborn kid told me that if I wanted to go back, I could take his body back. I knew that he hated me in his heart. If I hadn’t beaten the mandarin ducks, Wu Guifang would not have died, and Jinhong would never forgive me for the rest of his life. .”

In the ancestral hall, all the listeners felt sad.

When the second master of the Zhao family betrayed the family, many people within the family did not know the real reason.

"Later Jinhong died of illness, and I was too embarrassed to attend his funeral. After he was buried, I went to his cemetery, where the white-haired man sent the black-haired man. I originally wanted to take his son and grandson home to take care of him, but who knew That boy Zhicheng is even more stubborn than Jinhong. He said that he was living a good life and didn't need charity from others. He also hated me and blamed me for killing his mother." When Zhao Rulong said this, he suddenly turned his head and pointed at the person behind him. A bunch of children and grandchildren sighed: "These sons and daughters of the Zhao family, on the surface, are all harmonious, but secretly they are scheming and trying their best to carve up the resources of the Zhao family. At that time, I thought that bringing Zhicheng and Zhao Hao home would actually harm them, father and son. It would be better for them to be simple and happy as ordinary people."

A group of young Zhao family descendants looked embarrassed and wished they could dig a hole in the ground and get in.

In any high-end family, internal struggles for power are inevitable.

Even Zhao Jintian and Zhao Jinrong had secretly fought for a long time for the position of head of the family.

"I am also responsible for this matter. I didn't expect that my one thought back then ruined Jin Hong's life." Zhao Longqiang sighed: "It's just that I don't know something. Why did you forcefully transfer Zhao Hao to Tiannan and send people to Tiannan?" Come to threaten their father and son?"

"Grandpa, blame me, it's the grandson who makes the decision!" Zhao Jinrong did not pretend to be a grandson. In front of Zhao Longqiang, he was a real grandson. He admitted his mistake with snot and tears: "Back then, I wanted to bring Zhao Hao and his son back. Family, give the old man an unexpected surprise, who knows it will be self-defeating, you all blame me for this!"

Zhao Longqiang looked at his grandson who looked older than himself and hesitated to speak.

He was no longer able to complain, the end was done, the relationship between Zhao Hao's family and Tiannan Zhao's family had broken down, it was useless to say anything now.

"Everyone, get up. Remember, from now on, you will try your best to repair the relationship with Zhicheng's family, and you will never offend in the slightest!"

Zhao Longqiang put down these words and drifted away.

He flew to a famous mountain in the south of the sky and fell into deep thought.

"No wonder this boy has such cultivation at such a young age. Could it be that he has inherited the bloodline of the legendary ancestral witch?" Zhao Longqiang thought for a moment, then suddenly looked stern: "No, if that's true, that old monster from the Wu family I will never let him go! If that old guy is still alive, I'm afraid he has reached the supreme realm!"

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