The Path of Evolution

Chapter 864 Can you do it?

At one o'clock in the morning, Zhao Hao returned to his wedding room.

When he walked outside the gate, he felt a pair of eyes staring at him in the dark.

Opening the door and going in, he found Red Pepper leaning on the sofa in the living room, lazily watching TV.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" Zhao Hao asked.

"How many real people have you seen sleeping?" Red Pepper said in a bad tone.

Zhao Hao wisely changed the subject: "Are you getting married tomorrow and are you too excited to sleep?"

Red Pepper's attitude was still very explosive: "Bah, my aunt has never seen such big storms. How can I be excited about such a small scene?"

"Oh, I'll go to bed first."

Zhao Hao didn't intend to confront him. It felt safer to stay away at this time.

"Stop!" Red Pepper jumped up and stood on the sofa, looking down at Zhao Hao: "What did you do at the bachelor party? Aren't you going to report it?"

Zhao Hao looked confused: "It's not like we agreed that everyone should do their own thing, so I don't need to report this kind of thing."

"Who told you to cheat and not pay attention to your image? Even my mother knew that you went to that party. You called me late at night to ask me what was going on. How do you want me to explain?" Red Pepper put on a fighting posture, with a big smile The tendency to get angry when things don't agree with you.

"The word "stealing" is a bit strong. I just went to join in the fun and didn't do anything extraordinary." Zhao Haoer said seriously.

Red Pepper rolled his eyes and softened his tone slightly: "Really?"

"More true than Azhen." Zhao Hao smiled: "I listened to a song recently, "Azhen fell in love with Aqiang". Your current situation is a bit similar to the lyrics. Could it be that you are jealous? ?”

"I'll give you a gesture. You can experience it yourself." Xue Qing raised her middle finger in an unladylike manner.

Staring at the eighteen-year-old face forever, as if yesterday happened again, Zhao Hao thought of Weiwei when she was eighteen. My sister-in-law has grown her hair long, and even her hairstyle is exactly the same as her sister's back then.

Perhaps because he was moved by the scene, Brother-in-law Zhao planned to have a heart-to-heart with his sister-in-law, so he simply walked over and sat down: "The wedding is tomorrow, don't you regret it?"

My sister-in-law asked, "It's my turn to ask you this. It's still too late for you to regret it now."

Zhao Hao smiled: "Brother Bai picked up a wife and can't find any reason to regret it."

Xue Qing's face suddenly turned red: "Can I have a little face? Who is your wife?"


Zhao Hao directly photographed the marriage certificate on the coffee table: "With this thing, who do you think would not think you are my wife?"

Xue Qing looked him up and down for a while, then jumped up in front of him, waved her hand in front of his eyes, and asked suspiciously: "Are you drunk and think I am my sister?"

Zhao Hao asked calmly: "Do you really believe that Master Baxing can get drunk?"

Xue Qing was a little nervous: "You are not normal tonight. Qin Sheng originally called and said that you would spend the night at his place tonight. Why did you come back in the middle of the night?"

Brother-in-law Zhao asked again: "This is my home, do I need a reason to come back?"

Xue Qing seemed to see through his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't understand you yet, there must be a reason."

Zhao Hao thought for a moment and said, "Peace of mind is where you are going. I always feel like something is missing when I'm lying next to Qin Sheng. When I get home, I feel at ease."

"If you keep saying this at the wedding, you might be able to fool many relatives and friends. I'll go to bed first."

After saying this, Red Pepper ran away and closed the door with a bang.

The next day, the wedding was held as scheduled.

The location is the most famous seaside Holiday Inn in Zhonghai. Every guest who comes here will feel at home.

Dad Zhao's pre-marriage hype is still useful. At least at the wedding, no one will jump out and engage in vulgar plots of pretending to slap people in the face.

Parents on both sides were very happy, and both parties had achieved their long-cherished wish.

Xue Qing became the most beautiful scenery at the wedding. Wearing a pure white wedding dress, she blinded countless eyes.

They say girls in wedding dresses are the most beautiful, and there is some truth to this.

Zhao Hao was originally worried that a girl like Xue Qing, who had a bit of a tomboyish temperament, would look immodest in a wedding dress, but it turned out that his worries were completely out of place. He fell into a trance several times during the wedding, unable to take his eyes off his little bride.

For a few moments, he couldn't tell whether this was a dream or reality.

When he was eighteen years old, he once had a dream. He dreamed that a girl who looked like eighteen years old was walking towards him in a snow-white wedding dress.

That was his dream girl, and he always thought that the girl in his dream was Weiwei.

Now the dream reappears, and the lover in the dream is his sister-in-law.

Until the wedding was over, Zhao Hao was still distracted.

That night, when he returned to the newly decorated wedding room and found himself in this two-person world, Zhao Hao was still staring at the bride in a daze.

"Why are you so absent-minded today? Are you so reluctant?" The bride finally couldn't help complaining.

"No, I just didn't expect that I would actually marry you." Zhao Hao was a little incoherent.

"I didn't expect it. I got the certificate and the wedding was held. You have to admit it even if you don't recognize it." Red Pepper said, taking out a plastic cup with a lid from somewhere, and said with a little gloating: "Anyway, it's already like this, hurry up and get it done. Let’s get down to business. Go straight away and put your hair in this cup, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

Zhao Hao was startled: "That's too hasty, isn't it allowed to donate sperm to a formal institution?"

"Are you stupid? Why don't you go to that kind of institution and cause a national sensation? The fewer people know about this kind of thing, the better." Red Pepper is very professional: "I have people I trust to handle follow-up issues. Now in this regard The technology is very mature, as long as you can donate the things, I will be pregnant soon."


Zhao Hao took the cup and walked towards the bedroom in despair.

On the wedding night, the bride actually had to lift her hair to impregnate her, which was unprecedented.

Xiao Zhao couldn't accept this method in his heart, but he had to admit that this was currently the best plan to continue the family lineage. Firstly, he had a successor, secondly, Red Pepper also achieved his wish, and finally he had an explanation for both parents. .

He opened his laptop in the bedroom, entered the cloud, and clicked on a wonderful movie that he had collected during his student days...

The moment he closed the door, Red Pepper's eyes showed unconcealable disappointment, and he cursed in a low voice: "Idiot, I've never seen such a reckless person, you are really going to masturbate!"

She was as devastated as Zhao Hao, sitting on the sofa in a daze.

As time passed, she took out a makeup mirror from her bag, looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly lost her confidence: "Am I not as beautiful as my sister when I put on a wedding dress? That guy doesn't feel anything for me at all. , what a failure!”

Half an hour later, Zhao Hao came out crying.

The cup in his hand was empty.

The bride looked at him suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

"No, this method won't work. I can't jerk off at all." Zhao Hao looked like he was about to cry. The wonderful movie that made him uneasy back then not only failed to make him uneasy, but also made him feel a little nauseous. The more he watched it, the less he felt like it. As for the taste, I can't find any points at all.

"You don't have any dysfunction in that area, do you?" The bride looked disdainful.

"Impossible. After all, I am a real person. Can you give me some basic respect?" Xiao Zhao was angry: "Have you ever heard of any real person who still masturbates? There is a fundamental problem with this operation. We have to find another way."

"Don't make excuses. Explanations are just cover-ups." The bride suddenly leaned on the sofa and assumed a very seductive posture: "Can you do it? I seriously doubt that you have lost that ability over the years. Don't say we are fake. Marriage, even if it’s a real wedding, if I lie here and don’t resist, you can’t get hard, right?”

How could a man admit that he was not good? Zhao Hao got angry on the spot: "Don't provoke me, or I will do something worse than a beast to you like a hungry tiger."

The bride's posture was even more ecstatic: "Do you think I'm scared? Who is afraid of whom? If you have the guts, try attacking a sheep when you are hungry."

Before he finished speaking, Red Pepper was startled.

She heard the groom let out a wolf howl: "Take the move, Jingshen's seventy-two moves!"

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