The Path of Evolution

Chapter 870 The Semi-Saint Pill is Completed

Could it be that this girl is the top student among the seven sisters?

Zhao Hao glanced at the unconscious woman in blue and ignited a little hope.

After being promoted to Nine-Star Supreme, his Heavenly King's Eyes evolved again, and he could tell at a glance that those unconscious girls had signs of inner demon possession. Fortunately, those six women's souls are not weak, and they are still fighting their inner demons in the coma. As long as they can wake up, they will be fine.

Zhao Hao walked over, stretched out his index finger and pressed the woman in blue between her eyebrows, and a burst of soul power penetrated into her.

Now that his soul beads have been increased to forty-eight, he only used the power of one soul bead to eliminate all the remaining demonic sounds in the sea of ​​consciousness of the woman in blue.

The woman in blue woke up and sat up with difficulty, looking weak and weak.

Murong Hong'er looked at Zhao Hao in shock. She revived her unconscious sister in an understatement. What kind of method was this?

At this time, the woman in blue opened her big watery eyes, looked at the strange man in front of her, and then at her sister.

Murong Hong'er quickly taught her sister about illiteracy: "Lan'er, this benefactor killed Pinhua Langjun and saved our sisters' lives. My benefactor has something to ask you, and you must answer it. Do you understand?"

Hearing that her sister had deliberately bit "Killing Pinhualangjun" very hard, the woman in blue immediately heard the implication: You can't afford to offend this guy, please cooperate as much as possible.

She rubbed her aching head and said weakly: "I wonder what my benefactor wants to ask?"

Zhao Hao held on to the last glimmer of hope and said, "Have you ever heard of the evolutionary world, or the third-order heavenly realm, or the fourth-order heavenly realm?"

The woman in blue was very direct and concise, saying only four words: "Unheard of."

No more love!

I don’t believe in top academics anymore!

Zhao Hao's indescribable blue-thin mushroom has been working for a long time, and even the top academics can't trust it.

He suppressed the grief in his heart and said from a strange angle: "Girl, can you tell me about the origin of Tianji City?"

This time Murong Lan'er answered fluently: "Tianji City has existed since the prehistoric era, and has a history of hundreds of thousands of years. Seven hundred and forty-eight city lords have been born in the city, and the shortest reign was only three days. The longest one is nine thousand years old.”

With such a long lifespan, he must be the monster city lord, right?

Zhao Hao complained in his heart, but couldn't help but wonder: "Is the city lord hereditary?"

He was very curious about the so-called wealth that could last only three generations but could be hereditary for hundreds of thousands of years. How powerful a family must be to achieve this.

"My benefactor, what is hereditary?" Murong Laner was as confused as her sister and could not understand the new words that came out of her benefactor's mouth.

"It is passed down from father to son, son to grandson, and passed down from generation to generation." Zhao Engong explained patiently. He didn't even understand whether he was here to ask questions or to answer questions.

When Murong Hong'er heard this, she chuckled.

When she came into contact with Zhao Hao's questioning eyes, she immediately blushed and said nervously: "Forgive me, I didn't mean it, little girl."

The woman in blue couldn't help but smile and explained for her sister: "My dear friend, there has never been a hereditary theory in Tianji City. The previous city lords were all challenged by nobles to duel with the current city lord in a life-and-death contest. Only one of the two can survive. , the person who survives is the new city lord."

Such a crude setting?

Zhao Hao was stunned and asked: "In other words, only nobles are qualified to challenge the city lord?"

"Yes." Murong Lan'er nodded.

Zhao Hao had a guess. Maybe the people in power in Tianji City had come up with a strategy to fool the people, so that many ordinary people were unaware of the secrets. The real secrets about this world are probably only known to the city lord and nobles.

Following this line of thinking, he asked: "Then how to become a noble? Is it also a challenge?"

The two sisters were amused by this ignorant country bumpkin again. Murong Lan'er suppressed her smile and said, "There is no need to challenge, you can be promoted to the nobility by cultivating to Nine Stars and Half Saint."

Half Saint?

Zhao Hao's eyes almost became wet. He glanced at the ground. It was not easy. He finally heard a word he could understand!

Next, he pestered the woman in blue with a series of questions and basically understood the situation.

The creatures in this world have a very high starting point, and they are at least at the level of real people when they are born.

This kind of real person who has won at the starting line and is enough to make people on earth unattainable is just a commoner at the lowest level in Tianji City.

A nine-star real person as powerful as Zhao Hao can only be regarded as a commoner. There are not only 100,000 but also 80,000 evolvers of this level in Tianji City.

Further up, those with a certain social status are semi-saints.

The pinnacle of semi-saints is nobles.

Nobles and above are city lords at the saint level.

Do you think that a person who is born as a real person has the highest starting point?

No, there is actually a rare natural half-saint in this world!

For example, the comatose purple-clothed girl was born a half-saint. She is only fifteen years old this year and is already a tall five-star semi-saint... A fifteen-year-old five-star semi-saint is even more powerful than Zhang Sanfeng, who has been practicing for hundreds of years. Diudiu, do you dare to believe it?

What’s even more exaggerated is that every thousand years or so, more awesome born saints will appear!

According to the two sisters, saints, also known as saints, are the pinnacle of this world.

Female academic masters are still useful. After Zhao Hao's tireless questioning, he had a very intuitive understanding of the levels of cultivation in this world.

The level judgment of Tianji City's real person is the same as that of the third-level Tianyu Yimao, but there is no such thing as "nine-star supreme". None of the nine-star real people in this world are doing very well, and the most outstanding among them can only be the leader of a street.

At the semi-saint level, the rating method is very simple and crude. If the original power is developed to 51%, it is considered a one-star semi-saint. If the original power is developed to 52%, then he is a two-star half-saint... By analogy, if the original power reaches 60%, then he is an unattainable saint.

Zhao Ritian, whose original power has been developed to 50%, is in a very embarrassing situation.

He is 49% higher than the real person and 51% lower than the half-saint. He can barely be regarded as a "quasi-half-saint".

After understanding the basic settings, Zhao Hao also made a preliminary plan to find a way to get into the aristocratic circle and learn more about the world. If it doesn't work, then cultivate to the realm of a saint, press the city lord to the ground and rub him, and he won't believe that he can't get the answer he wants.

Seeing that the auras of the two sisters were getting stronger and stronger, and it was obvious that they had regained seventy-eight percent of their success, Zhao Engong waved his sleeves and refused to take away any of the girls.

In order to avoid failing in his pretense and being beaten by the seven sisters, he drifted away amidst the reluctant efforts of the two sisters to stay.

With the teleportation function of Qingyun's three-piece suit, he traveled thousands of miles away and found a cave to retreat and practice hard.

Seven days later, the pure Yuan Yin of Red Pepper was completely refined by him.

The nine hundred and ninety-nine true essence beads in Zhao Hao's body melted into a ball and gradually turned into a white bead.

That bead is what Sister Murong called the Semi-Saint Pill.

In the semi-holy realm, one needs to cultivate nine semi-holy elixirs, and then convert them again. The nine semi-holy elixirs merge into one to form a true holy elixir. That kind of holy elixir exclusive to saints is probably equivalent to the golden elixir mentioned by Zhang Sanfeng.

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