The Path of Evolution

Chapter 873 There is only one truth

A colorful cloud crossed the sky.

Seeing those seven-colored auspicious clouds, all the semi-saints in Tianji City will be familiar with it. It is the famous seven-color cloud driving technique in the mercenary world.

The person who created this cloud-driving technique was quite famous in Tianji City back then, and was known as Grandma Rainbow.

Grandma Caihong was born as a mercenary, but later she became bigger and stronger and built a Rainbow Building, and was also known as the owner of Rainbow Building.

This old woman had a weird temper, never married, had no children, and had no apprentices. Then one day, Grandma Caihong suddenly had an idea and adopted seven adopted daughters one after another. She spent a lot of resources on these seven lonely orphans and taught them what she had learned.

The seven adopted daughters inherited the surname of Grandma Caihong, with simple and easy-to-understand names: Murong Hong'er, Murong Cheng'er, Murong Huang'er, Murong Lu'er, Murong Qing'er, Murong Lan'er, Murong Zi'er... When they grew up, the seven adopted daughters inherited the surname of Grandma Caihong. The girls are tall and graceful, with beautiful faces and beautiful faces. People in the world call them the Seven Beauties of the Rainbow.

Three years ago, Grandma Rainbow disappeared mysteriously.

Some people say that she single-handedly entered the wild land, encountered a high-level wild beast, and her body was already gone.

Some people say that Grandma Caihong made countless enemies in her early years, and most of them were assassinated by her enemies.

Others say that Grandma Caihong met a strong deserter, and from then on the iron tree blossomed and she no longer wanted to go back to the city.

Rainbow Tower lost its backbone, and various problems followed.

First, the trees fell and the hozens dispersed. More than half of the people in Rainbow Tower chose to find another job. The reason is very good: water flows to lower places, and people move to higher places.

Secondly, the seven sisters who took over the Rainbow Building were inexperienced and made some jokes.

There is a more important point: Rainbow Seven Beauties offended people who shouldn't be offended.

Originally, the seven sisters were determined to strive for self-improvement and revive the glory of Rainbow Tower. However, the ideal was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. Their next few commissioned tasks all had problems more or less. A year ago, they were entrusted by an alchemist to find the holy moon flower, the main ingredient for alchemy. After a lot of hard work, they found the target. Suddenly a group of vicious men appeared behind them. A despicable act.

However, Ouyang Xiong underestimated the strength of the Rainbow Seven Beauties and was defeated by the seven sisters.

I thought the matter was over, but I didn't know that when the seven sisters returned to Tianji City after getting the Holy Moon Flower, they didn't receive even a word of praise. Instead, they received all kinds of doubts. It turned out that it was Ouyang Xiong who complained first and returned to Tianji City to spread the news. He said that the Seven Beauties of the Rainbow had robbed him of the Holy Moon Flower that he had finally found, and he was also clamoring for a ruling from the city lord.

Even though Ouyang Xiong is just a seven-star semi-saint, his fighting ability is not as good as Murong Hong'er, but he has a noble grandfather. The nobles of Tianji City, like the city lord, are not hereditary, but as long as that noble is still alive, their descendants can enjoy some privileges.

In the end, due to insufficient evidence, the city government did not sanction Caihonglou.

However, the reputation of Rainbow Tower has plummeted since then.

The seven sisters were struggling in Tianji City, so they came up with an impossible solution: go to the wild land to find Grandma Rainbow.

They knew best that Grandma Caihong said she wanted to go to the wild land three years ago.

Looking back now, before Granny Caihong left, she quite intended to explain her funeral arrangements, as if she was going to do something that would lead to a narrow escape from death.

The seven sisters searched in the wilderness for more than half a year. Not only did they not find Granny Rainbow, they also encountered life-threatening dangers several times. Especially a few days ago, they were actually targeted by Pinhua Langjun. If it hadn't been for the "mysterious benefactor", the seven sisters would have suffered a disastrous end.

"It's such a pity that people don't even remember what my benefactor looked like."

Murong Qing'er, the fifth oldest person flying in the air, suddenly let out a sigh.

"Nothing to see, just a man."

Murong Zi'er, who was ranked last, looked quite young and mature today, and her tone was very disdainful.

She still remembers that she ran over and hugged her benefactor in a daze, shouting shameful words: "Man, I want a man..."

Then, the benefactor said three words to her: "Get lost!"

Then, she was knocked unconscious by a slap from her benefactor.

"Xiao Qi, are you still blaming your benefactor for knocking you out?" Murong Hong'er, the eldest sister, could see through the younger sister's thoughts at a glance and said earnestly: "In your situation at that time, it would be a good thing for you to faint. My mother-in-law once taught us , Know your kindness and never forget to repay it. Don't let your petty temper lead you to do things like repaying kindness with enmity."

"What the eldest sister said is that this kindness must be repaid." The third sister, who was wearing a goose-yellow skirt, said sweetly, "I heard from Lan'er that my benefactor is handsome and majestic. If we meet again, He, my little sister, can consider committing myself to him."

Upon hearing this, several little sisters blushed.

Murong Hong'er felt a headache. She, the third sister, was naturally charming and particularly interested in the relationship between men and women. She fantasized about meeting a handsome, powerful and handsome husband all day long. Moreover, the third sister, Murong Huang'er, just like her name, has a bit of a dirty mind, and sometimes the words she says make the sisters feel ashamed.

As the eldest sister, she had to remind her younger sister: "Third sister, don't think about it. Don't say that your benefactor, Shenlong, has never been seen before. Even if you meet him again, there will be no relationship between you. My benefactor is against Tianji City." I don’t know, if I’m not wrong, he should be... a deserted man."

When they heard the word "deserted man", the little sisters looked stern, as if they heard some kind of taboo word.

"Sister, I don't agree with your conjecture." Murong Lan'er, the top academic girl, spoke up and said with reason: "The barren people are not yet civilized, their words and deeds are barbaric, their behavior is vulgar, and their clothing is usually animal skins and animal skirts. We That benefactor was well-dressed, elegant, and spoke elegantly; he could not be a desolate man."

"If he is not a deserted man, it would be even more terrifying. Who could be the strong man who does not know Tianji City? I can only think of the spies sent by Yaoguang City." Murong Hong'er always put the safety of the seven sisters first. In the first place, once it gets involved with spies from hostile city-states, Rainbow Tower will be completely doomed.

Murong Lan'er objected again: "Impossible, the spies from Yaoguang City probably know Tianji City better than we do. Those who can serve as scouts must be cautious in their words and deeds, and will not ask many childish questions like our benefactor. , some of which are common sense even children know, sister, do you think the spies of Yaoguang City would ask such a question?"

"Sixth sister, you are so smart." The little seventh sister in purple looked at the sixth sister with admiration: "Sister, who do you think my benefactor is?"

"I don't know who he is, but one thing is certain." Murong Lan'er transformed into the famous detective Conan in this world: "Since ancient times, people have been severely injured in ancient places, or have been overly frightened, and have suffered from [amnesia]. There are many such people. Judging from the various signs on my benefactor, there is only one truth: he has lost his memory!"

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