The Path of Evolution

Chapter 875 Falling Skyfire

A group of colorful auspicious clouds floated across the sky, with a man and seven women sitting on it.

Fairy Zixia has a famous saying: The person I love is an unparalleled hero. One day he will come to sleep with me wearing golden armor and holy clothes, with colorful auspicious clouds under his feet...

Zhao Hao's current behavior has nothing to do with being a hero. He is just a freeloader.

The cloud riding skills of the seven sisters are very magical. Each one releases a cloud, and then the seven clouds combine together to double the speed. This combined flying method reminded Zhao Hao of a cartoon he watched as a child: form the feet and legs, form the torso and arms, and I will form the head...Voltron, the protector of the universe!

Zhao Engong was so confident that he was driving along, but when his speed was not enough, he flew up and was delayed. Secondly, when he is flying, his strength is easily exposed. Once the Seven Sisters find out that his skill is no more than this, they may not necessarily regard him as their benefactor, and they may hang him up and beat him.

He also has no intention of using the Three Treasures of Qingyun to teleport. This teleportation requires placing companions into the space of the Shura Heavenly Blade. The Shura Heavenly Blade is still evolving.

Regarding the solution proposed by Zhao Engong, Rainbow Seven Beauties had to accept it.

For them, working to pay off their debts is much better than being a slave.

Moreover, Duke Zhao didn't seem to be interested in their looks at all, and he acted like a gentleman, which gave the seven sisters an implicit sense of security.

At the same time, they were also very curious about this "amnesiac" master. When they last met, Murong Hong'er and Murong Lan'er both felt that Zhao Engong's aura was very similar to that of a real person with an ant level. But during this meeting, the seven sisters clearly felt that Zhao Engong had a semi-holy aura, but they couldn't see the specific number.

That afternoon, everyone felt the wild boar's lair.

When the seven sisters saw that their benefactor had come all the way to find a pig, they immediately felt helpless to complain. They felt that their seven picturesque girls combined were not as good as a pig...

Zhao Hao was obsessed with this pig. He didn't care whether he could bear it or not. He asked, "Can you see the strength of this pig?"

Six of the sisters looked at the fourth sister in green.

Murong Lu'er, who looks very shy and introverted, has a unique martial soul ability that can see through the strength of opponents who are within three stars of each other.

Murong Lu'er took a closer look and replied shyly: "My benefactor, that is a seven-star wild beast."

"Oh." Zhao Engong tried to calm down, thinking that no wonder I couldn't beat this pig every time, and he continued: "You have guessed my situation, yes, I have forgotten many things. This wild beast , I am obsessed with it, as long as I kill it, it may help me recover some of my memories."

The seven sisters were so convinced that they were so frightened that they didn't realize that they were all cannon fodder.


At this moment, the Wild Beast Big Boar roared and charged over menacingly.

The pig's eyes were very angry, as if to say: Let you compete blindly and pretend that labor and capital don't exist?

"Set up the formation!"

Murong Hong'er remained calm in the face of danger, and in the blink of an eye, a group of sisters formed a formation of the Big Dipper.

They moved without moving, and the soles of their feet shone with brilliant patterns, which was dazzling.

I don’t know how many times I have practiced this formation. The seven sisters have a perfect understanding and are extremely proficient. The big wild boar that rushed over suddenly staggered and almost tripped to the ground. It seemed to be trapped in a maze, taking two steps forward and one step back, and circled within a radius of twenty meters.

"Isn't it the magic formation, the mystery formation, that's awesome?"

Zhao Engong stood in the distance eating melons and watching, with ups and downs in his heart.

Through the Heavenly King's Eye, he could roughly judge that the magic circle had the effect of blinding the eyes, making the Seven-Star Desolate Beast unable to find an exit for a while.

"It's useless even if they're trapped and can't be killed. Do they have the special move to kill the Seven-Star Desolate Beast instantly?"

Xiao Zhao was worried for the seven sisters. As the saying goes, a trapped beast still fights. Once the big wild boar breaks through the shackles of the magic circle, the seven sisters may not be able to withstand it.

The answer was soon revealed. Murong Hong'er was seen doing two things at once, maintaining the magic circle and moving the magic formula at the same time, muttering something in her mouth.

Zhao Hao could feel that this girl was gathering momentum, just like when he was gathering momentum to use Draw Slash, she was about to unleash her ultimate move.

After more than thirty seconds, Murong Hong'er finally completed the long process of accumulating power and shouted loudly: "Falling sky fire, slaying demons!"

Before he finished speaking, a fireball the size of a house fell from the sky.


The sounds of violent collisions and pitiful pig noises were intertwined together, making people's ears numb.

The originally menacing big wild boar fell to the ground with a crash, white smoke rising from its body, and the smell of roasted pork in the air.

Is this done?

Zhao Hao was secretly frightened, and the power of the big fire ball made him frightened.

The seven beauties of the rainbow that looked like a vase were much more powerful than he expected.

Speaking of which, in that battle, if Pinhua Langjun's Bliss Demonic Sound was not so evil, the seven sisters would not have lost so miserably. Youdao means that one thing will bring down another, and the magic circle of the seven beauties of the rainbow cannot stop the possession of that kind of magic sound, which leads to the confusion of the mind after just one encounter.

"It seems that I have gone astray and it's time to change my fighting style."

Summarizing the entire process of Murong Honger's killing of the Seven-Star Desolate Beast, Zhao Hao found the core problem.

In fact, the fighting idea of ​​Rainbow Seven Beauties is very simple: trap first, then attack.

The big-breasted lady in red seemed to know that ordinary instant moves could not kill the seven-star desolate beast, so she prepared her momentum for a long time. This process is like the sword-drawing technique that Zhao Ritian often used back then. After accumulating momentum, it becomes astonishingly powerful.

For a long time, Zhao Hao abandoned this fighting method. After all, in actual combat, there were very few opportunities to use a sword-drawing slash that required five seconds of charging, let alone Murong Hong'er's kind of sword-drawing that required more than thirty seconds of charging. Fallen Skyfire.

Since the tragedy of Castaway Island, Zhao Hao has been a loner, neglecting teamwork and focusing on quick moves.

Now he realizes again that if his teammates cooperate, those powerful and powerful moves can bring unexpected surprises.

For example, the special skills that Zhao Hao now masters are equivalent to submachine guns, with fast firing speed and strong power. But when facing an iron wall, this kind of submachine gun loses its effect, and it is far less effective than a cannon.

Murong Hong'er's fallen sky fire is more like a giant cannon. Although it is bulky, as long as the fort is set up, it can still fight.

Following this line of thought, Zhao Hao was immersed in a mysterious thought.

As early as many years ago, Xiao Zhao had a premonition: the fifth level of perfection before the Nine Heavens might be able to activate a new magical power.

"The five elements rotate, and the great road leads to the sky..."

That original thought contained a magical power.

But that magical power is very subtle, and Zhao Hao has not been able to understand it yet.

Until this moment, inspired by the fallen sky fire, he vaguely touched the threshold of that magical power.

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