The Path of Evolution

Chapter 907 Tianji City and Tianjizi

Gu Chen, who flew backwards, was horrified and bleeding from his mouth.

The young gatekeeper's attack was so fast and powerful that the ancient leader had no time to sacrifice the Kunlun Mirror.

The little guy guarding the city gate in the eyes of everyone is actually the queen of the noble family. As we all know, the nobles of Tianji City take turns guarding the city gate. The minimum standard for the soldiers responsible for guarding the city gate is three stars and a half saint, and the leader needs at least a six star and a half saint.

As a three-star semi-saint, Gu Chen could easily imagine his fate when faced with such a ruthless character.

Witnessing the tragedy of the ancient leader, a group of supreme bosses from the third-level heavenly domain couldn't help but look at him sideways.

These big guys were calm on the surface, but panicked in their hearts.

A mere little gatekeeper has such terrifying strength, so one can imagine the situation in the city.

They suspected that they had come to the wrong place and wanted to retreat.

But there is a kind of greed spreading in their hearts. The Demon Emperor's treasure trove is so magical and can train a young gatekeeper to be so powerful. If they get the real Demon Emperor's treasure, wouldn't they be able to dominate the world?

Gu Chen took a pill of healing medicine, and his heart was filled with ups and downs.

Just turn around and leave in such a dejected manner? He was unwilling to give in.

Just force your way through? He doesn't have that ability.

Just when everyone was in a dilemma, a bloody light shot into the sky from the city.

A huge blood moon rose from Tianji City.

The blood moon was clearly transformed from the city lord's palace, with a diameter of more than five hundred meters. It looked like a huge blood ball from a close distance, and looked like a bloody full moon from a distance.

As if there was some echo with the blood moon in the sky, the blood moon in the city rose slowly, suspended a hundred meters in the sky.

Dongji Demon Lord and Baili Xuanji were completely attracted by the blood moon in the city, and a brilliant look flashed in their eyes.

The young monk in white robe looked at the blood moon in the city, looking thoughtful.

Baili Xuanji, the only remaining disciple of the Demon Cult's Chief Protector, undergoes a subtle change.

He is the only weakling who has not reached the supreme level. In this supreme game, no one understands why the Demon Lord of East Ji brings this burden.

Only Demon Lord Dongji understands how magical his apprentice is.

The city in front of me is called Tianji City.

Baili Xuanji's pseudonym in the second-order heaven was called Tianjizi.

Tianji City, Tianjizi...are there some mysterious connection?

Zhao Hao and Cang Yun had discussed this topic before, but unfortunately they did not come up with a result.

A few seconds later, Baili Xuanji announced the answer with actual actions.

His black hair faded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It's like many white-haired old people dye their hair pitch black. Later, the hair dye fades and the original gray color returns.

Baili Xuanji's hair is not gray, but a shocking silvery white!

His hair kept growing wildly, from his shoulders to his waist, soon covering his knees and hanging to his ankles!

His appearance is also changing, and his temperament has changed even more, from the original gentleness to a kind of evil cruelty.

"Why does this person look like the prophesied descendant of the Demon Emperor?"

A group of big guys from the Tier 3 Heaven Realm couldn't help but be stunned.

The Baili mystery in front of me is more like the descendant of the Demon Emperor than the white-haired birdman back then!

The young gatekeeper at the city gate was also stunned at this moment.

"Lord City Lord?"

The young gatekeeper exclaimed. As a descendant of a noble family, he was lucky enough to meet the Lord of Tianji City once.

That experience will be unforgettable for the young goalkeeper.

The Baili Xuanji in front of him is exactly the same as the legendary Lord of Tianji City, both in appearance and temperament!

Baili Xuanji smiled and said nothing, with that evil smile and that arrogant gaze, as if he was looking down at a group of ants.

He didn't mean to waste time with a group of ants, so he jumped and flew into Tianji City.

At that moment, all the gatekeepers believed that Baili Xuanji was the Lord of Tianji City.

The reason is very simple. Tianji City has an unparalleled powerful city defense formation.

The great sage Yaoguang, who was so tyrannical back then, could not break through that formation, which is enough to imagine the power of the Tianji city defense formation.

At this moment, the young gatekeeper has not yet opened the formation entrance, and Baili Xuanji breaks in directly, which only shows one possibility - he is the city lord himself!

Looking at the entire Tianji City, only the city owner can freely enter and exit the city defense formation.

"Old Dongji, what do you want to do as a disciple?"

Yao Ji stared at Demon Lord Dongji coldly, and she realized that she had been tricked.

The Demon Emperor's treasure house in front of her was very different from what she had imagined.

The changes in Baili Xuanji were beyond everyone's expectations.

Demon Lord Dongji laughed proudly: "Hahahaha, you saw it too. My apprentice is the real successor of the Demon Emperor!"

"Impossible!" Demon Lord Tianvi stood up and pointed at the young monk in white robe: "The teleportation restriction in the abandoned land was opened by this little bald man with his blood. How could your disciple be the descendant of the Demon Emperor?"

"Hahahaha, this impostor is just a hook. The secrets of the Demon Emperor's lineage are not something you ignorant people can understand!" The Demon Lord of Dongji is quite rampant and is not afraid of being attacked by a group. He seems to have some kind of rely.

At this time, Baili Xuanji flew into the blood moon in the city.

There was someone waiting inside the blood moon, and it was the Lord of Tianji City himself.

Two identical people looked at each other for a moment and walked towards each other.

An incredible scene occurred. The two people actually merged into one person!

This scene was covered up by the blood moon barrier, and no one outside could see clearly what happened in the blood moon.

The merged person has the charm of Baili Xuanji, so let's call him Baili Xuanji.

After that incredible combination, Baili Xuanji seemed to wake up from a long slumber, restored his ancient memories, and said with emotion: "How many years has it been since this emperor was reincarnated? Bitch, you were so forced back then. After the disintegration of the demon, I only have a ray of remnant soul that has gone through countless degenerations and been reincarnated by luck. Haha, how much better can you be than me? Does your ray of remnant soul have a chance to be reincarnated?"

With that said, Baili Xuanji glanced at Tianji City, as if he had seen through the world, and murmured to himself: "Yaoguang City? Tianhu Sacrifice? Bitch, I didn't expect you to be resurrected earlier than me! Saint, Yaoguang Saint...Humph, it turns out you have already prepared a backup plan!"

Speaking of this, Baili Xuanji burst out with a powerful momentum, as if he was the only true god in the sky and on earth. His words were filled with powerful and boundless confidence: "So what if you are resurrected? Now that I have woken up, I will not be able to do it again." Give you a chance! Do you think you are the only one who has a backup plan? This world is my backup plan! All the creatures in this world are sacrifices to this emperor!"

Before he finished speaking, Baili Xuanji waved his hands, causing changes in the world.

Around Tianji City, a huge gate of time and space appeared.

Countless evolved creatures emerged from the gate of time and space.

The four gates clearly connect the four evolutionary worlds.

In the first door, over 100 million first-order evolved creatures emerged. They did not get in by themselves, but were pulled in by an invisible force.

In the second door, hundreds of millions of second-level evolved creatures also appeared. Among them was a big black dog with deep doubts in his eyes.

In the third door, there are relatively few evolved creatures, about a few million, all of which are at the third level.

In the fourth door, there are even fewer creatures, only a few hundred thousand. But these creatures are all incredibly powerful. The lowest ones are at the semi-saint level. There are at least several thousand majestic creatures among them, and they are obviously the legendary saints!

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