The Path of Evolution

Chapter 909: What will Bulbasaur evolve into?

Deep in the wilderness, there is a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

An elegant wooden house was built beside a creek.

It can be seen that the owner of the wooden house is extraordinary, and the house built with discarded wood actually coincides with the rhythm of heaven.

Just one look at the shape of the wooden house gives people the feeling that they will be enlightened and die by night.

There is a couple in the wooden house. For many years, the man farmed and the woman weaved, living a secluded life without any competition from the world.

Zhao Hao learned to calm down and comprehend life from peace.

He enjoyed the process because he had the person he loved most in his life by his side.

No matter what you do, you feel very happy when you are with the person you love most.

This ordinary day gave him extraordinary insights.

In the past twelve years, Zhao Hao has been possessed by inner demons three times.

Fortunately, he had the people he trusted the most to protect him, and all his inner demons were conquered.

The eighth level of the Heart Technique was perfected, and he truly came into contact with the ninth level of the Divine Wood Mind Technique.

It was a brand new world that made him advance by leaps and bounds, reaching a level that even surprised him.

Xuewei refused at first and wanted to leave without saying goodbye several times, but she never ran away every time.

Zhao Hao broke out his stalking spirit, which was equivalent to pursuing Weiwei all over again.

Later, Xuewei also figured it out and agreed to stay with him for twelve years.

She took a large amount of spiritual dew that Zhao Hao brought out, and her realm was elevated to a high level, at least much more powerful than Gu Chen.

Twelve years is not a short time, but there are no years in the mountains.

"Is Lord Dan confident of sending you back?"

On this day, Xuewei talked about a serious topic.

"It should be okay, it's not me, it's us." Zhao Hao corrected.

"Do we have to go back?" Xuewei seemed a little conflicted.

"Our parents are both on Earth. We can't go back." Zhao Hao also became entangled: "Besides, Qing'er has a child, and I have to go back and give her an explanation."

Xuewei nodded: "Okay, you promise me one thing."

Zhao Hao nodded: "You say."

Xuewei: "Promise me first."

Zhao Hao: "You know I will promise you anything."

"Then I'll take it as your promise." Xuewei said solemnly: "After you go back, treat Qing'er well and take good care of your children. I've been with you for twelve years, and the fate between us has ended. Don't come looking for me again in the future. I."

Zhao Hao flatly refused: "That won't work. You know who I like the most."

Xuewei made a little concession: "Don't be like this. I will go find you when I miss you."

"Damn, aren't you the mistress now?" Zhao Hao couldn't laugh or cry: "You were originally the principal wife, why did you turn yourself into the mistress?"

Xuewei said angrily: "Don't be so playful. After you go back, it will be a very real world with many things to face. If you don't think about me, you also have to think about Qing'er and the children, as well as my parents." , it’s not easy for them.”

"It is also reality now. There is no difference between this world and that world." Zhao Hao seemed to have awakened and reached another level: "I said, I will bear all the responsibilities and bear all the consequences. You don't have to do anything. No matter what, you only need to do one thing well and live peacefully."

Just as Xuewei was about to speak, her eyes suddenly straightened and stared at the strange scene in the void.

A crack appeared in the void, and two figures flashed out of the crack.

The uninvited guests in front of me were a young girl and a boy of two or three years old.

The young woman with a hot figure is very similar to Xuewei. She looks like a younger version of Xuewei in her twenties. Xuewei's appearance has changed over the years. She looks about thirty years old and a little more mature.

The ignorant little boy appeared, and the three adults' bodies were trembling, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Xuewei's eyes bulged with a layer of mist.

Xue Qing's eyes were also red, and tears were rolling in her eyes.

Zhao Hao looked at his sister-in-law and then at the little boy. His body was trembling and he was speechless for a long time.

The most embarrassing people present were none other than Zhao Hao and Xuewei. Their nature was like being caught in bed and they no longer knew what to say.

On the contrary, Red Chili Pepper took the initiative like a man who came to catch an adulterer.

She took a deep breath and spoke: "Sister, come here, I have something to tell you."

After saying that, she quickly flew ten miles away, with Xuewei following closely behind.

When they reached the source of the creek, Red Pepper turned around, hugged her sister suddenly, and cried loudly.

At this moment, what filled her mind was not the love between men and women, but a kind of family love that was thicker than water.

For many years, she has always wanted to say sorry to her sister, apologize for her unruly and willful behavior, and repent for her youth and ignorance. However, she never had such a chance. People only know how to cherish when they have lost it. Red Pepper had already understood how good her sister was to her, but she had no chance to thank her and watched helplessly as her sister was robbed on Castaway Island.

In the small open space in front of the wooden house, Zhao Hao looked at the little boy stupidly.

He didn't even need to use the Heavenly King's Eyes. He knew that this child was definitely his biological child just by relying on the sense of blood in his bones!

Back when he was still a third-level real person, he could sense the bloodline of Zhao Longqiang that had been separated for several generations, not to mention that his realm had improved several blocks now. In addition, he has cultivated to the ninth level of the Nine Heavens, and his intuition is so sharp that he even fears it, and will never admit his mistakes.

Excitement and guilt rushed into my heart together.

He did not wait for the child to be born, nor did he accompany the child to grow up. He never changed the child's diaper once.

The little boy looked at him curiously and said in a milky voice, "Are you my daddy?"

"Yes!" Zhao Hao nodded quickly, unable to speak clearly: "I...I, I, I am your father."

The little boy is as big as a brat, and he said in a provocative tone: "Mom said you are very powerful, even more powerful than a superhero, but I don't think you are very good either."

Every father is the childhood idol of his children. Father Zhao decided to protect his image: "Actually, I am very powerful. You will know later."

The little boy expressed dissatisfaction: "My mother said that you know everything about the evolutionary world. You know everything. Is it true?"

Dad Zhao said modestly: "I still know something about evolution."

"Okay, then let me test you." The little boy asked a simple question: "Let me ask you, Bulbasaur, what will it be after it evolves?"

Father Zhao was stunned and said uncertainly: "Miao Frog Flower?"

"Idiot, Bulbasaur evolves into Bulbasaur, and Bulbasaur super-evolves into Bulbasaur!" The little boy looked disgusted: "You adults, you don't understand anything, and you still talk about how powerful you are all day long, and you are so shy. Face!"

Zhao Hao had a confused look on his face, and he inspired the Olympic spirit: "Then let me test you, what is the super evolution of the mini dragon?"

"The mini dragon evolves into a hack dragon, and the hack dragon evolves into a fast dragon!" The little boy answered fluently.

"Awesome!" Zhao Hao looked like he was shown playing cards when he was a child, with a look of admiration on his face.

The little boy said arrogantly: "I'm not as good as you. I'll give you a final test. If you get the answer wrong, I won't call you daddy in the future."

Dad Zhao was under great pressure and said weakly: "Can you give me a simpler question?"

"Okay." The little boy was very straightforward: "Listen up, what is the evolutionary sequence of Charmander?"

"I know this!" Zhao Hao immediately became excited, as if he had grasped the biggest mystery in the world, and quickly replied: "Charmander evolves into a fire dinosaur, and the fire dinosaur mega evolves into a fire-breathing dragon!"

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