Warm: "I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, ask the imperial doctor! Anyway, you should pay attention."

The eighth princess almost rolled her eyes!

Also ask the doctor!

Amber's face is also hot, but his skin is dark after all, and the night is dark, so he can't see: "I know, I will pay attention!"

He wants to say, I'm gone all the way! Only on the wedding night, he endured it all the way.

But forget it, not much to say about these boudoirs.

However, he had known that Yue'er would be pregnant as soon as he touched it, and he endured it on the wedding night. After all, it had not yet reached Lanling Country, and he was really worried that her body would not be able to bear it all the way.

Nalan Jinnian was thoughtful, she was pregnant, so she couldn't have sex?

Then he doesn't want to have a child overnight, so let's get the child later!

He is so young, the little girl is even younger, not in a hurry, not at all.


In the following days, because the eighth princess was pregnant, the journey became slower.

Fortunately, the eighth princess is in good health. After all, for the past two or three years, she has been eating healthy vegetables every day. Warming will help her to check her pulse every night, and by the way, she will use purple qi to help her have a child, so the eighth princess vomited except when she ate fish that day. Well, the next few days are in very good condition, but love is sleepy.

On the seventh day, Chongling

The person that Emperor Junxian sent out to inquire came back to report: "Master, the wedding team is still in Liang County."

Di Junxian frowned when he heard the words: "Why so slow? What happened on the road?"

There are still two days to go to Lichongling in Liangxian County. Did they stop halfway and rest for two days?

"No, I have inquired about it, but their speed suddenly slowed down."

Di Junxian knocked on the table: "Go and find out what happened, why the speed of the journey has suddenly slowed down, and it is almost time to reach Lanling Kingdom, it is impossible to slow down at this time!"

"Yes!" The man responded and left quickly.

The next night, Di Junxian got the news: "Have you been happy?"

"Yes, when I saw the maid next to the eighth princess of Nalan country buying a kind of wild fruit, I specifically asked if a person with two bodies could eat it."

Di Junxian couldn't help laughing!

So happy so soon?

Haha, it's better if you're happy!

Rejoice, their team will definitely focus on protecting the Eighth Princess, so that the defense of the Hui'an County Lord will be relaxed.

"Where are they now?"

"Anxi County, it is estimated that we will settle in Anxi County tonight and arrive at Chongling around noon tomorrow."

Di Junxian tapped on the table, thinking: The area of ​​Chongling is a mountain road, which is difficult to walk, and because of the bandits, there are no villages nearby. At night, they can only sleep in Chongling for one night!

Unless you hurry on the road, but a person with two bodies will not dare to hurry up anyway!

Tomorrow evening!

Tomorrow night, he will be able to kidnap Princess Hui'an!


Early the next morning, the sky turned gloomy, and it looked like it wanted to rain.

Amber couldn't help worrying: "Let's wait for the rain to stop before rushing on our way. Today we passed Chongling, and the mountain road in Chongling is difficult to walk. Since we will not be able to go out all day, we have to sleep in Chongling at night. If it rains, It's inconvenient."

Wen Nuan looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Is this spring rain? What are the characteristics of the climate here? Will it rain for many days? If it rains for a long time, the mountain road will become muddy and more difficult to walk."

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "I can't tell how many days it will last."

Although Nalan Jinnian had been here before, he was the one who traveled even when it rained.

Except when fighting, he would not pay attention to the climate of a place deliberately.

Looking warmly at Amber.

Amber also shook his head: "It's going to rain this day, who can predict how it will happen!"

The Eighth Princess: "This season is the spring rain. The spring rain is usually dense and dense, and the road is generally not too muddy at the beginning. Besides, isn't it raining yet? Let's start now, and if it rains, we will just hurry through the night! "

Amber frowned: "But your body."

"My body is very good, Nuan Nuan takes my pulse every day, and I say it's very good, and the fetal phase is very stable. Besides, I can sleep in the carriage even if I drive all night. Otherwise, if it rains for a few days, the road will be muddy. , when do we have to wait to leave?"

Nalan Jinnian: "Then let's go all night!"

This is the area of ​​Beiming Kingdom, and it is not safe to stay here for a long time.

Amber looked at the warmth: "Are you afraid of traveling all night?"

Warm and honest: "I'm here, don't be afraid."

Amber: "Hurry up over there!"

So the group set off again.

Fortunately, the rain has not fallen, and at noon, they really reached Chongling.

After Chongling, the speed of the carriage became even slower.

Amber sent people to explore the road early in the morning to see if there were bandits in ambush ahead.

The visitor reported that there was no.

In the evening, the rain that had been brewing for a day finally fell, making it more difficult to travel.

The group of people walked for a little while, and if they hurried through the night, they would be able to leave the Chongling when it was dawn.

The guard beside Amber ran to the carriage where the warmth was and said respectfully: "King Jin, Princess Hui'an, our king asked, it's raining, do you want to find a place to hide from the rain and continue on your way?"

Nalan Jinnian lifted the curtain of the carriage and glanced around: "No, continue on the road! Let everyone eat some dry food directly. If the rain is heavy, find a place to hide from the rain."


Chongling, somewhere on the mountain.

Emperor Junxian took a thousand people and ambushed here.

"Master, it's raining, will they take shelter from the rain, but come?"

Di Junxian: "Are there any places to hide from the rain nearby?"

"There is a broken temple about a kilometer away."

"Where to send people to wait, if you find them sheltering from the rain in the temple, come and report quickly!"

With such a light rain, Di Junxian felt that they would continue on their way.

After all, it is not safe to stay in the mountains at night.

But the eighth princess was happy, and maybe, after all, it was raining and the mountain road was slippery, so he only sent one person to watch over there.

"Yes!" The guard quickly ordered someone to ambush.

Fortunately, the rain was fine and dense, and it stopped after half an hour!

It was already dark by this time, and Nalan Jinnian ordered everyone to stop, take a rest, change into dry clothes, eat something, and continue on their way.

Amber sent people to explore the way ahead.

It's just that the people brought by Emperor Junxian were all cultivated by him. He was an excellent dark guard and was very good at hiding his whereabouts. It was dark and he didn't find anything unusual.

The group quickly rectified and continued to set off.

After half an hour, Di Junxian, who was hiding in a big tree, saw the team with torches from a distance.

Great, it's finally here! He has been waiting here in the rain for hours!

Di Junxian snapped his fingers lightly.

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