The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1016 This is the woman who deserves to be him!

Nalan Jinnian approached him and the warm carriage while killing the enemy.

Those men in black discovered his intentions, and their moves were even more ruthless!

He was even more convinced that this was for his little princess!

Di Junxian glanced at Nalan Jinnian's direction, and saw that more than a dozen dark guards were pestering him, but they were all at ease. He ordered four more people to pester him!

Then, while killing the enemy, he approached the carriage where the warmth was.

Nuan Nuan was already sitting in the driver's seat of the carriage. She pursed her lips lightly, with a cold and beautiful little face, holding a bow and arrow, she could see the battle in front of her eyes.

Draw the bow, shoot the arrow!

Draw the bow, shoot the arrow!

The dark night seemed to have no effect on her, as she drew the bow and released the arrow.

The arrows are released one by one, and the arrows are not empty!

If someone approached her without fear of death, her long, slender and straight legs would kick and kick!

The man in black, who was approaching quickly, didn't react.

The sword flew, and the whole person flew out!

Then he fell heavily to the ground, vomited a mouthful of blood, and was out of breath.

The warm archery shot well, but the prepared arrows ran out!

At this time, a black figure dodged, came to the warm front, and slashed at her directly with a sword!

Warm long legs kick!

The man twisted his hand and avoided it directly!

He squinted his eyes warmly, but he responded quickly!

But she warmed her feet faster than she could squint her eyes.

The long leg flashed in front of the man in black, and before he could tell which direction the leg turned, Di Junming felt a strong murderous aura approaching from his lower abdomen!

He quickly avoided the key parts, and that kick still landed on his pelvis, almost kneeling!

The warmth is even more surprising now!

So strong!

Response is fast!

There are not many people who can avoid her feet in modern times, and she thinks that there should be very few people in ancient times!

Who is he?

But at the same time of warmth and surprise, the silver bow in his hand is directly over the head of the other party, and the foot does not stop, even faster!

The two movements didn't even pause for 0.001 seconds.

Di Junxian quickly tilted his head, but did not avoid his body, was directly kicked in the chest by the warmth, took a few steps back, and vomited out a mouthful of blood!

Di Junxian: "."

This is the first person to hurt him besides Nalan Jinnian!

Hui'an County Master's martial arts is so powerful?

She didn't even use a weapon!

"Di Junxian?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

She felt that the man in black looked at her a bit like Di Junxian.

Di Junxian didn't speak, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth!

Soon, this is worthy of being his woman!

His desire to conquer has grown stronger!

Looking at the warm eyes even more fiery.

He must make Princess Hui'an his own woman!

He must make her fall in love with him, and give up on himself!

Di Junxian was afraid of hurting the warmth, so he didn't use all his strength.

But it seems that you don't have to work hard, you can't catch her!

Even if it hurts her, I have to take her back first!

Di Junxian raised his sword, his figure flashed, and he approached the warmth again.

This time even faster!

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Nuan Nian, and just wanted to fly over quickly, but there were more people in black clinging to him, and he killed one and two!

Nalan Jinnian is in a hurry!

His moves are even more ruthless, and he even kills those who stop him regardless of his injuries.

Lin Feng and Liu Kai are also anxious!

But they were also entangled by men in black and couldn't get out!

Di Junxian didn't dare to use the moves he had with Nalan Jinnian for fear of being recognized.

But Nalan Jinnian didn't know that he was better at another set of swordsmanship!

The sharp arrow pierced straight to the warm heart!

With fierce killing intent!

The expression on Wen Nuan's face was still indifferent. She stretched her hand up and directly clinged to the roof of the carriage, her whole body vacated in an instant, and then flew out with one foot!

Kick directly at the sharp sword that stabs quickly!

At the same time, the body twisted one hundred and eighty degrees, and the speed was almost like a rotating fan blade, and the other foot kicked out at the same time.

Di Junxian was startled and quickly retreated to avoid!

But the warm body had already flown out, and he directly volleyed and gave him a few kicks on his chest!

Even if Di Junxian had a heart guard on his chest, he was kicked and rolled with blood!

A burst of sweetness came out of my mouth!

very good!

Di Junxian endured the severe pain from his chest, and took the opportunity to grab his warm feet!

Pull her hard!

The warmth quickly shrinks the feet, the shoes are no longer needed, the whole body rotates, and is about to land.

Di Junxian took the opportunity to kick directly to the warm waist!

Nalan Jinnian narrowed his eyes, and the crossbow arrow in his sleeve flew straight out!

But also because of his distraction, his arm was slashed again.

Di Junxian's foot was hit by a crossbow arrow, and the strength and speed of kicking the warmth took five points away!

Wen Nuan directly bent over, put his hands on the ground, and took the opportunity to avoid Di Junxian's kick.

Her whole body was in a state of upside down, and the flexible and slender waist like a water snake twisted, and her feet again kicked at an unimaginable speed!

Because of the arrow in the foot, Di Junxian couldn't dodge in time, and was directly kicked in the chin by the warm kick, kicked in the chest, and flew out!

Warming turned over, her long legs drew a beautiful arc in the air, no, it should have drawn a beautiful afterimage, and she had already stood up.

Nalan Jinnian had only two people standing beside him!

He swung his sword and fell down again!

Nalan Jinnian escaped! Seeing this, Di Junxian shouted: "Withdraw!"

A smoke bomb with poisonous gas dropped and ran away quickly!

The men in black threw out poisonous smoke bombs and ran away quickly!

"Hold your breath! Poisonous!" Nuan shouted.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the direction where Emperor Junxian was leaving, raised his hand, and directly released several crossbow arrows!

Di Junxian was wearing armor, so he didn't get hit by an arrow, but an arrow was hit in his ass!

He was so angry that he almost turned around and killed Nalan Jinnian!

At this time someone asked: "Do you chase?"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "Don't chase after the poor!"

Nalan Jinnian raised her feet and walked towards the warmth quickly.

This is the area of ​​Beiming Kingdom. If you cross this ridge, there is a garrison of Beiming Kingdom there. It will be more troublesome to chase after it!

Nalan Jinnian directly pulled up his warm hand, frowning at the bloody palm.

He knew that Wen Nuan's body was not injured, but because of the movement just now, when his hand was supporting the ground, it happened to be supporting an arrow on the ground, and the sharp arrow pierced her palm directly.

But it was unavoidable at that time, she moved too fast, and only that place was supported to complete the next attack better, let alone an arrow, at the moment of life and death, even if there was a sharp sword there, she would directly support it. .

Well, the sword is so much taller than the arrow lying on the ground, she still has time to open the sword!

"It's okay, the skin injury, it will be healed soon! I'll help you bandage the wound." Nuan didn't take the little injury on the palm of his hand seriously.

Wen Nuan took Nalan Jinnian's hand and walked towards the carriage.

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