Xiao Hei flew in from the window and landed on the table. It looked around the room, and then looked at Nalan Jinnian with doubts in his eyes, as if to say, "Where's Miss?"

Nalan Jinnian glanced at it. For the wolves and eagles he raised, his heart was completely betrayed by warmth, and he was used to it.

"Nuan Nuan went to wash up. Any news?"

Xiao Hei opened his wings and motioned for him to take it down and take a look.

Nalan Jinnian reached out and took the note under the wing.

Xiao Hei flew in the direction of the clean room.

Nalan Jinnian slapped it with a big hand and slapped it on the ground with a slap.

The little girl is taking a bath, does it fly to find her to peep?

Xiao Hei slammed into a big character, lying flat on the ground, turning his head to look at Nalan Jinnian in accusation.

What's wrong with the master?

Nalan Jinnian gave it a warning look, then ignored it and opened the note.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the contents of the note, then narrowed his eyes, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

Wen Nuan just came out of the clean room at this time, saw Xiao Hei lying on the ground with his wings spread out, and felt the strong killing intent emanating from Nalan Jinnian's body, and was stunned for a moment.

"What's going on here?"

Seeing the warmth coming out, Xiao Hei fluttered his wings, struggled to get up, then flew to the front of the warmth, stopped in mid-air, one wing balanced his body, the other pointed at Nalan Jinnian, his eyes were full of accusation: He bullied me !

Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing, she stretched out her arm and let Xiao Hei fall on her hand.

When Nalan Jinnian was warm, she put away her coldness.

He turned his head and saw the warm and wet hair, picked up the cloth towel resignedly, and beckoned to her: "Come here."

"What news did Xiao Hei send? Did my parents ask us when to go back?" Wen Nuan walked over and glanced at the note on the desk.


Warm approached, Nalan Jinnian, you took her hand, let her sit on your lap, then hugged her hair with a cotton towel, and wiped it finely.

Wen Nuan picked up the note on the table, glanced at it, and frowned.

What was written on the note was that the Southern Border Kingdom used the death of the Sixth Prince Concubine of Southern Border as an excuse to send troops to attack the border of our Nalan Kingdom. The emperor had already sent Lin Tingxuan to lead a 100,000-strong army in the capital to fight in the Southern Border, and ordered Nalan. Jin Nian and Nuan quickly went back.

"We have to go back right away?" After reading it, Nuan lit the note under the oil lamp and threw it into a charcoal basin beside the desk.

Before the Dragon Boat Festival, the temperature difference between day and night here is relatively large, and when the cold wave falls, it will be colder, so the charcoal basin has not been removed.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "We will set off after two hours of rest."

They came here last night after traveling all night. The two of them hadn't slept for several nights because they were traveling. They had to get a good night's sleep tonight, otherwise their bodies would be overloaded.

Nodding warmly: "Okay!"

Nalan Jinnian helped Nuan Nuan dry her hair and let her sleep first, and then he wrote another letter to arrange the robbing of food.

With the news from Xiao Hei this time, he followed Emperor Junxian's temperament and habits, allowing Nalan Jinnian to guess the route of those caravans to transport food.

He wrote two letters in total, one for Xiao Hei to send to Lin Tingxuan, who was leading his troops to the southern border, and the other to Zheng Jia, who was doing business in Beiming.

Nalan Jinnian has twelve powerful subordinates, and their names (including homonyms) just form the sun, moon, stars, wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and settle down.

Among them, the four people who settled down and established a business were responsible for the business of Shikoku.

Zheng Jia is mainly in charge of Beiming Kingdom. He is one of the wealthy businessmen in Beiming Kingdom, and his business is all over Beiming Kingdom.

After Nalan Jinnian wrote the letter, he asked Xiao Hei to send it back, and then fell asleep in the soft collapse of the study.

Two hours passed quickly, the two woke up on time, and then rode away quickly in the darkness.


The next day, it was just dawn.

Di Junxian has been staying in the military camp in Chongling these days, and has not returned to the palace.

He sent people to guard the North Gate, and as soon as Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian appeared, they would immediately come to tell him.

The last chance, he had to take advantage of their return trip to grab the warmth.

And he knew that the team that sent the relatives had left early, and this time it was only the two of them.

That way the chances of success are greater.

A few days ago, Di Junxian had received a biography from flying pigeons, saying that Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan had entered Beimenguan.

Di Junxian is sitting on the reclining chair reading a book at the moment, but he is a little distracted. He looks at the morning light outside the window, thinking about where Wennuan and Nalan Jinnian are now.

I think I should be able to pass Chongling in two days!

At this moment a carrier pigeon landed on the windowsill.

Di Junxian put down the book in his hand, stood up, walked over quickly, took off the scroll tied to the pigeon's feet, and opened it.

"Waste! If you follow anyone, you can lose it!" Di Junxian scolded angrily and smashed the note in his hand and threw it out the window!

The carrier pigeon fluttered its wings in fright and flew away.

"Come on!"

A person walked in immediately outside the door, clasped his fists and saluted, "Master, please order!"

"You immediately bring a thousand people, no, two thousand people in ambush in Chongling. If you find King Jin and the master of Hui'an in Nalan, and capture the master of Hui'an alive, King Jin will kill you!"

"Yes!" The man responded immediately and turned to leave.

"Wait, let the order go down and let people in various cities discover the whereabouts of the two, as long as they enter the city, immediately seal the city and prohibit everyone from going out!"

Then Di Junxian reported the names of more than a dozen cities in a row.

The Southern Border Country had already sent troops, and he guessed that Nalan Jinnian should have received the news, so he rushed back quickly.

If the two of them were not for the sake of hurrying, his people would not be lost.

The two were riding a BMW, and the speed was naturally incomparable to the horse that his lower man rode.

It's just that he didn't expect the two of them to receive news from the southern border so quickly.

Of course, it is also possible that they will not go to the southern border. After all, he also received news that the elder brother of Hui'an County Master is about to get married.

But Emperor Junxian prevented them from going directly to the border of the Southern Border Country, and directly ordered all the cities they might pass through to be closed.

After hearing this, the man hesitated for a while before saying, "Master, will this disturb the Holy Highness and His Royal Highness?"

Di Junxian waved his hand: "It's okay, this prince will explain it himself."

It's just a city closure. If Nalan Jinnian can be killed, the royal father will naturally not blame him after knowing it.

After all, without King Jin, Nalan Country would not be a climate.

Then he robbed the county master of Hui'an, and they had rice and wheat with a yield of thousands of catties per mu.

How could the father be to blame?

The man listened and went away.

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