Is this rejected?

Hearing the words, the third prince was unhappy in his heart, this is a rejection!

That's it for Elder Xu! Lin Honghao is also like this!

Don't think he doesn't know that the reason why Wen Chun and his three brothers were able to become Lin Honghao's apprentices was recommended by Uncle Seventeen. Now that he recommends two people, he actually refuses?

These two are not taking their own eyes!

However, Lin Honghao is also a great scholar in the world and the son-in-law of Han Da Shi. He couldn't show it, so he said with a smile: "Okay, this prince asked them to study in the academy."

Since Lin Honghao said to let them apply for the academy, let them study in the academy!

The grandson of the Minister of Industry has also reached the age of the Academy, so let's send it there together!

In this way, the Minister of Industry will definitely be more loyal to himself.

At that time, let the three of them go directly to the academy to take the exam, write them a letter of recommendation, and let them and the academy examiner say that Lin Honghao agreed to instruct them in their studies. Those academy gentlemen will definitely think that. They are closed disciples that Lin Honghao has already accepted, so it's a done deal, even if Lin Honghao wants to refuse, he has to decide whether to make his prince shameless.

The third prince still understands these pedantic Confucian scholars, because the third prince follows the line of literati and elegance. These people take the way of the monarch and ministers more seriously, and as a prince, he is the prince.

Since the matter has already started, and it is not a matter of morality, Lin Honghao will not and cannot refuse in person, otherwise it will violate the way of the ruler and the minister.

At this time, Nalan Jinnian, Feng Nianchen, Ouyang Huaian, Wen Chun, Wen Hou, and Wen Luo came over.

The three brothers Wen Chun came to accompany their husband to dinner.

I was a little surprised when I saw the third prince here.

Wen Chun was not surprised when he thought that the third prince was a man who likes to dance and write.

When the third prince saw Nalan Jinnian, he hurriedly stood up and saluted: "The nephew of the emperor has seen the uncle of the seventeenth emperor!"

Elder Han, Elder Lin, and Elder Xu also stood up, preparing to salute Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian raised his hand: "The three gentlemen don't need to be polite, sit down!"

The three still bowed.

Then Wen Chun and others also bowed to the third prince and the three gentlemen.

The three princes smiled and waived the ceremony.

Nalan Jinnian sat down and looked at the third prince: "Why are you sitting here?"

The third prince did not dare to make trouble in front of Nalan Jinnian, but he respectfully said, "I saw a few gentlemen here, so I came here to say hello!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Since the question is over, let's go! This king has something to tell the three gentlemen."

Third Prince: "."

He glanced at the three Wen Chun brothers who had already sat down, as well as Feng Nianchen and Ouyang Huaian!

So Uncle Seventeen and the three gentlemen have something to talk about. They can listen, but they can't?

Nalan Jinnian said indifferently: "Not yet. G go?" The words rolled at the beginning and turned into gone.

The seventh prince smiled: "Then the nephew will not disturb the seventeenth uncle and the gentlemen."

After the third prince finished speaking, he stood up and left.

The expression on his face still had a smile on his face, which made people look refined and gentle, with a graceful demeanor, but there was a deep wickedness hidden in the depths of his eyes.

If it wasn't for Nalan Jinnian's ability, and I wanted him to help open up the remote areas of Xinjiang and win the two countries of Beiming and Nanjiang, the third prince really wanted to kill him at this moment!

After the third prince left, he went to sit with those royal relatives. When passing by the Minister of Works, he touched his nose with his left hand.

When the Minister of Industry saw it, he knew that the third prince had something to say to him.

After dinner, I will go to see him.

The Minister of Industry looked around. Today, the Anguo Gong's mansion is very lively. People are coming and going. That person should put things down, right?

The Minister of Ministry did not dare to do it by himself, and even he did not dare to send out people related to him, so he let the person who sent the letter hide his identity and found someone from the former Guo family to do it.

The Guo family tree fell into disrepair. Although he was given to exterminate the clan, there would always be some fish that slipped through the net. It happened that he knew one or two, so he just took the opportunity to use it.

Even if there are no people from the Guo family, there are still people from the First Prince!

And the people on the First Prince's side really gave up?

He may not see it!

Anyway, some people can take advantage of it!


The male guests in the front yard were lively eating, and Wen Nuan hurried forward in the corridor and went to the back yard.

When he saw someone, he smiled and nodded.

Along the way, you will meet some busy servants, or guests enjoying the view in the garden.

In particular, the classmates of the three brothers Wen Chun and some young women lingered in the garden and were reluctant to leave.

The gardens of Anguo Gong’s Mansion are unique in every plant and tree. The rockery and caves are all ingenious, the pavilions and pavilions are scattered, the water corridors are winding, the reflections on the terraces, quiet and tranquil, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the halls and pavilions are elegant, and the flowers and trees are lush.

There are many levels, the scenery is deep, and the poetry is everywhere!

As simple as the flower stand, a few, a case, and a tea set, all look poetic.

Complicated to the depths of blooming flowers, hundreds of flowers bloom in full bloom, with various poses and expressions, competing for beauty and beauty, and it will not make people feel dazzling and full of painting.

And in order not to cause visual fatigue, warmth is re-arranged every season every year. Every season is different in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the seasons are different from year to year, which makes people feel that they live every few months. Like a new house.

When Wen Nuan passed the rockery, he saw a white shadow moving out of the corner of his eyes.

Xiaobai jumped up the corridor at once, and came to the warm front. It wagged its tail vigorously, with a hairpin in its mouth, and whimpered.

Wen Nuan stopped, bent over, reached out to take it, and glanced at it: This hairpin is a phoenix-like hairpin, with exquisite carvings. The phoenix tail is decorated with seven gems of the same size but different colors. You can see that it is not an ordinary product.

It's just that this is a phoenix tail hairpin, and not everyone can use it. Generally, only the queen can use it.

However, the regulations of this dynasty are not as strict as those of the previous dynasty. As long as it is not Jiufeng's phoenix tail, other royal daughters-in-law can use it.

Wen Nuan bent over and asked, "Is this accidentally dropped by a guest?"

Xiaobai looked at the warmth with wide-eyed eyes, the man didn't seem to have dropped it accidentally, it seemed that he had dropped it in a hidden corner on purpose.

However, Xiaobai didn't know how to express such a complicated meaning. Anyway, it was dropped by the guest, so he nodded.

"Does Xiaobai recognize that guest?"

Xiaobai nodded.

Wen Nuan patted Xiaobai's head and praised: "Xiaobai is awesome! This hairpin is very precious, and people who lose it will feel distressed! Xiaobai takes me to find the guest! We have to return this thing to her. !"

Xiaobai nodded, and then ran forward.

Wen Nuan took the hairpin and turned around to follow.

Just warm and a little surprised, why does Xiaobai seem to be going to the front yard?

The guests in the front yard were all male guests, but it was not too surprising.

There is a man with a hairpin who wants to give it to his beloved woman, or it is not necessarily a token.

And it's not that there are no female relatives in the front yard.

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