After Liu Xiaoen left, Huang Hengen put his hand on Zhu Huale's shoulder and said with a smile, "Who is that Mr. Liu? So generous!"

Zhu Huale smiled: "A relative and friend from the south, I heard that the family is in the boat business. He has some money and is more generous. So he took him out to play."

Disdain flashed in Huang Heng'en's eyes, he saw many people like this, just to cling to the powerful, but he still smiled and said, "Brother Zhu is blessed, he has such a generous friend, and we will call them out to play more in the future. "

Zhu Huale laughed: "Haha. Sure, sure, Mr. Huang speaks out, he doesn't dare not come!"

Huang Heng'en was the son of the Minister of Industry, and Zhu Huale also had to curry favor.

After all, the position of prime minister is still hanging, except for the first assistant, the six are the biggest officials.

Moreover, his father is different now. Although the eldest prince did the fraud in the imperial examination last time, the emperor also has an opinion on his father. If it wasn't for his sister who became a nobleman in the palace, he would have been favored and could say a word in front of the emperor. It is estimated that the National Child Supervisor has replaced the wine.

The third prince sat at the top of the pavilion and listened to everyone talking. He didn't care much about Liu Xiaoen, and he didn't even care about a businessman.

Just for boats?

Is the surname Liu again?

Is it.

The third prince's thoughts moved, he couldn't help but glance at Zhu Huale, he quickly retracted his gaze, and his expression returned to normal. He continued to shake the folding fan and listened to everyone's discussion there, with a calm look.


Nuan and others were in the private room upstairs and heard the conversations of those people clearly.

Liu Xiaoen and his servant said very few voices, but they didn't hear them, but Nuan Wen learned a little bit of lip language with Nalan Jinnian, probably knowing what the two said.

"The world is bustling for profit, and the world is bustling for profit."

How many people in this world live their lives to put it bluntly either for fame or for profit.

No matter what the reason is, there are principles, and it is not just unscrupulous profiteers.

However, unscrupulous profiteers generally make quick money, and it will not last for a long time. It is impossible to run a family business for several generations without a good reputation.

Wu Jingmei, Wen Qian and others did not hear Liu Xiaoen's words.

Wen Ling had also seen Liu Xiaoen that day, and now seeing Zhu Huale and others acting like this, she obviously treated him as a banker and asked for anything, she couldn't help but say, "Isn't that Mr. Liu too stupid, those people don't look down on him at all. When he is taking advantage of him, why is he still rubbing it up? There is no need to be like this!"

The tone was a little disdainful.

Wen Wenyan couldn't help but glance at Wen Ling.

Wen Ling felt warm and looked at herself, and couldn't help but startled: Did she say something wrong?

Why does Sister Nuan see herself like this?

She hurriedly smiled at Sister Nuan and explained, "I think it's too much for those people to take Liu Gongzi as a big head!"

The tone was a little cautious.

Seeing her like this, Nuan nodded, smiled and added, "It's a bit too much."

But Liu Xiaoen is not stupid.

He has money, and in his opinion, a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

Besides, those present today are all scholars, even the children of officials, relying on the shelter of the family, their future will not be bad.

Since he has no shortage of money, be generous and invite them to a few meals, what does it matter?

Although Zhu Huale took him as a big head, but he was short-sighted and soft-hearted, and if he came out to mix, he would always have to pay it back.

Say it again and again, after a long time, among so many people, will everyone be like Zhu Huale as he takes advantage of it? If you can really make friends with someone who knows gratitude, appreciates his straightforwardness and generosity, and thinks that he is worthy of friendship, then it will be worth it.

After all, in this strict society, having money is really not everything.

At this time, Wu Jingmei sighed: "Everyone in this world has their own difficulties, so be afraid of what you want! Otherwise, who would want to be so low and small?"

Nodding warmly, she looked at Wen Ling and said, "There are some loss-making businesses in the business field. You know that you are losing money, or you don't have the money to make any money, so it's a waste of effort to do it, but sometimes a friend asks you to do it, and you do it too. It has to be done. Does the third cousin know why?"

Wen Ling subconsciously said: "Why? Is this still a friend?"

This is clearly taking advantage of himself in the name of a friend. Since he is like this, why should he help him?

Wen Nuan looked at her and said word by word, "Because it's not money, but favors."

Wen Ling's expression was a little dazed.

Nuan Wen continued: "It's not easy to be a person, you have to give up before you can get it. If you want to make friends with others, or you want to get something from others, you naturally need to give something, whether you give your heart or money. It's fine! If your efforts can't satisfy others, why should others give you what you want? Are you his father, his mother, or his ancestor?"

Wen Ling's heart trembled.

Wu Jingmei nodded: "That's the truth. You need to show your sincerity when asking for someone, and you need to show your sincerity when making friends."

Warm: "That's right."

Warmth didn't say anything more.

She just mentioned Wen Ling.

Wen Nuan had eaten lunch and glanced at the hourglass. The appointed time was approaching, so they planned to leave Tao Ranju.

Because Nuan Nuan received a letter from Nalan Jinnian last night, saying that he would be back in the afternoon, so Nuan Nuan didn't plan to see Liu Xiaoen by himself today. After Nalan Jinnian, it should be better, so he sent someone to Ning Huaijie Said to find an excuse to bring Liu Xiaoen to the Anguo Gongfu.

A few people just walked out of the door of the private room, just happened to meet Ning Huaiyu and the seventh prince and others came out after finishing their meal.

Prince An's eyes lit up when he saw Wu Jingmei.

The seventh prince and others happily greeted Nuan and others.

A few people warmly bowed to the seventh prince and others.

Ning Huaiyu walked to Wenrou's side and said with a smile, "Why did you come to Tao Ranju when you went back to the Duke of Anguo's mansion?"

Gentle smile: "Sister Nuan said to invite us to Tao Ranju for dinner."

Hearing the words, the seventh prince said, "Aunt Seventeen, you are partial, and you didn't invite us!"

He smiled warmly and said, "I don't know if the Seventh Prince is here, why don't we have a barbecue at Duke Anguo's mansion at night? King Jin will be back tonight."

The Seventh Prince immediately said: "I knew the Seventeenth Aunt was the best! I was thinking that we would be fine in the afternoon. How about we all go to Duke Anguo's Mansion to fight horses?"

Prince An and others naturally shouted ok.

At this moment, Wenrou pointed to the thing in Ning Huaijie's hand: "What are you holding?"

Ning Huaijie lifted a large package of rice noodles wrapped in an oiled paper bag, and said with a smile, "Don't you want to eat Liuzhou's rice noodles? This is the rice noodles that Mr. Liu gave me, and he brought it from Liuzhou Prefecture. ."

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