The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1092 Are you just looking after your granddaughter?

After waiting for the guards to leave, Wen Nuan said to everyone: "No one can leave the house from today until the truth is revealed. If you really want to leave the house, you must report to the housekeeper, and then the madam will let you go out. House. Don't worry, things we haven't done will always come to light, everyone is gone, let's do our own work! Just make something simple for tonight's dinner."

The servants of Anguo Gong’s mansion saluted one after another, and then retreated.

To say they are afraid, of course they are also afraid, but many people are not very afraid in their hearts.

Some of these people in the present have also had their homes raided for crimes. How could the soldiers who raided their homes be so polite?

As soon as he came to the door, he was ferocious.

So some people are calm in their hearts!

And some people are because they saw a prince, a prince, and two princes have come to support their county master, so they are not afraid at all!

In addition to the emperor, the most distinguished people in the world are here, what are they afraid of?

Besides, the emperor is still the father of the prince, the prince dared to come, to prove that his father also agreed!

If Nuan knew their logic, he would have laughed!

After waiting for the servants to retreat, Wen Nuan bowed to the seventh prince and Prince Ning: "., Seventh prince, Prince Ning, why are you all here?"

Sure enough, good things don't go out, and bad things travel thousands of miles!

It didn't take long for the next day, both of them received the news and rushed over.

Don't flatter yourself at this time, when will you wait? The Seventh Prince said as a matter of course: "Of course, I came here to worry the Seventeenth Royal Aunt that some unsightly dog ​​things might offend the Seventeenth Royal Aunt!"

Prince Ning: "Look if you need help."

This kind of affection, warmly remembered in my heart.

In this world, all living things have the nature of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, seeking benefits and avoiding harm, so they are usually the icing on the cake.

When you encounter a major event, the person who still comes to the door is naturally the one worthy of your concern, friendship, and gratitude.

The seventh prince couldn't help but look at Nalan Jinnian and asked, "Uncle Seventeen, is it true that the money from the former treasury was found in General Wang's Zhuangzi? Have you checked the matter?"

There are a lot of people here, and Nalan Jinnian didn't want to say more, only said: "I haven't checked it out yet."

The yamen said that it was bought by one of General Wang's stewards. The steward has not been found, and Wang Xiao has not answered, so it is true that they have not checked it out.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Prince An and said, "Have you found the list?"

Prince An shook his head: "Mother and concubine haven't been sent over yet."

If they are found, Princess An will definitely send the list to Prince An as soon as possible, and let him enter the palace to Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian frowned.

Wen Jiarui didn't know what was going on. He was stunned when he heard about it in the morning. He said to Nalan Jinnian, "Seventeen, let's talk in the study?"

Nalan Jinnian nodded.

Then Gentle, Seventh Prince, Prince An, Prince Ning, and Feng Nianchen all followed.

Nuan also wanted the past, but Wen Wen thought that Nuan knew the whole story, and took Wen Nuan's hand: "What's the matter with Nuan sister?"

Lin Tingya was holding her warm arm, and she was also worried.

Wen Nuan thought that Wen Wen was pregnant and should not worry too much, so he comforted him: "It's nothing major, I heard that that Zhuangzi was the former Zhuangzi of the Guo family. After the Guo family was raided, all the Zhuangzi were auctioned by the imperial court, and they should have happened to be sold by the uncle. I bought it. But since I found the Zhuangzi that my uncle bought, just in case, the court naturally has to check this kind of thing carefully, right?"

Wen Wenyan frowned when she heard the words: "Why is it so unlucky to buy that Zhuangzi!"

Nodding warmly and agreeing: "No! Fortunately, the emperor still believes in us."

Wenxin thought that this time the house was raided, although it was carefully copied, it was considered a gentle breeze, and the dangling heart was relieved.

"Since you just told everyone not to leave the house recently, then I won't go back either."

Wen Wen said to Lin Tingya again: "Tingya, go back to the mansion first! I'm too lazy to move around."

Lin Tingya hurriedly said, "I stay here with my sister-in-law."

He smiled warmly: "Okay, I asked you to come back to live in the mansion before, but you didn't want to, but now you're willing? Second sister, sister Tingya, don't worry, go back! It's alright!"

Nuan knew that the two wanted to share weal and woe with Anguo Gongfu.

But if this is true, the two of them will go back even more. Wenxin is already married and will not be implicated. It is possible to save one!

Mr. Wu nodded: "Yes, the house is a little messy now, and you are a man with two bodies. Don't make trouble. After dinner, I will ask your father to take you back."


Wang interrupted her: "Sister Xin is obedient, we live close together, you can know what's going on, and you can't help you by staying here. When you go back outside, if your uncle is really framed, we are all in prison, you can still deal with it, let people find out the truth, and let us be innocent, right! Everyone has been arrested Well, that is really called Tian Tian should not!"

Nodding warmly, he took Wang's hand and said with a smile, "Grandma is right, but second sister, rest assured, our family will not come this far!"

Wen Wen really wanted to stay, but what Wang Shi said also made sense. In any case, she would not live a good life by herself and make the family suffer!

"Then I'll go back after dinner."

Wu Shi breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Shi smiled: "This is a good boy!"

Wen Ling moved her lips and felt a little anxious. Why didn't the fourth aunt and the eldest grandmother let herself and her sister go back to Ningyuan County?

Are you just looking after your granddaughter?

At this time, Wen Wen and Ning Huaijie hurried in.

With a gentle face, he said eagerly: "Mother, grandma, sister Nuan, what's going on? I heard that our house was raided?"

The two went out of the city today to see the silkworms spinning on Zhuangzi. Unexpectedly, as soon as they returned to the city, they heard people on the street saying that the mansion of Anguo Gong was surrounded by heavy troops and their homes were raided!

Scared them to come quickly.

Wu clapped her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, don't you think the mansion is fine?"

Ning Huaijie patted his gentle back and comforted: "Look, I said it must be a misinformation!"

"But everyone said that." Gentle glanced around and saw that everything was as usual, and she felt a little more at ease.

Warm and gentle explained.

He will also say soothing words.

Ning Huaijie was also surprised when he heard the words. He was afraid that he was tricked, but he was not too worried. He didn't believe that his uncle was such a person: "Fortunately, the emperor trusts us."

As long as the Son of Heaven trusts and he doesn't do it himself, then there is no need to be afraid!

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