Nalan Jinnian said that since he wanted to rush back to the capital as soon as possible, he could not sit in the carriage and could only ride on horses.

Nuan, of course Wang Xiao has no objection. Now Nuan is used to the days on horseback. Anyway, he spends one or two months on horseback every year.

Making a carriage is not as comfortable as sitting on a horse, although you can sleep in a carriage.

Ouyang Kun was ordered to lead Wang Xiao back to Beijing. Wang Xiao and Nalan Jinnian rode back to Beijing together. How could he go back in a carriage?

If Wang Xiao has returned to Beijing, and he is still on the road, then he is really the end of the Dali Temple Shaoqing.

So he could only follow on horseback.

This way, warm, Nalan Jinnian, Wang Xiao's horses are all riding very fast!

They took a short cut, so they had to climb over mountains and mountains, and they were still on their way at night. They dismounted their horses and rested for two quarters of an hour. Until three o'clock.

Hurrying on the road like this, they don't feel any warmth, they are used to it, but this is hard for Wenchen Ouyang Kun!

He usually rides a carriage, where has he ridden a horse for so long?

By the end of the day, both sides of his thighs were frayed.

Tonight, they need a night's rest in the wilderness, and they will travel tomorrow.

Nalan Jinnian supported Nuan and got off the horse: "Tonight will be in the woods for one night."

Nodding warmly: "Okay."

At this time, Xia Xuan came over and bowed respectfully: "Master, Hui'an County Master, General Wang, the tent has been set up."

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Okay."

Warming to Xia Xuan: "It's hard work for Vice-General Xia. This is a pill for strengthening your body, and you won't be so tired after eating it." Originally, he only needed to take care of Nalan Jinnian, but now he has to take care of himself and Wang Xiao.

Nuan also felt that being Nalan Jinnian's bodyguard was really hard work.

Xia Xuan took it with both hands and said respectfully, "Thank you, Princess Hui'an, this is what your subordinates should do."

Wang Xiao patted Xia Li's shoulder: "It's hard work, you go down and rest."

Nalan Jinnian nodded to Xia Li. Tomorrow, he would have to set off one step earlier and arrange everything in advance.

Xia Li bowed and left.

Wang Xiao said to Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian, "I'm going to bed, you two should go to bed earlier."

Nodding warmly: "Uncle remember to take the strengthening pill before going to bed, so that you won't be so tired when you wake up tomorrow."

Wang Xiao nodded, then walked to a tent on the side, and got in.

Nalan Jinnian pointed to the tent in the middle: "Go to sleep."

Warm nodded and walked to the tent in the middle, and got in.

Ouyang Kun trembled with his legs and came to Nalan Jinnian's side: "King Jin, where is the lower official's tent?"

Nalan Jinnian looked at him coldly: "This king will help you?"

Ouyang Kun: "., dare not!"

Nalan Jinnian ignored him and walked directly to the tent next to Wennuan. He suddenly turned around after thinking of something and said, "Everyone is tired from traveling all day. Master Ouyang is fine, don't make a noise to disturb this king!"

Ouyang Kun: "Yes."

Nalan Jinnian went straight into the tent and fell asleep.

Ouyang Kun could only instruct the emperor to set up tents for his guards.

When the guards set up the tent, he crawled in and lay down. He felt that a handful of old bones were about to fall apart, and his legs were hurting so badly that he finally fell asleep, and then within a quarter of an hour, he was woken up by the guards and set off. .

Ouyang Kun almost burst into tears!

Is King Jin trying to torture him to death?

Ouyang Kun finally got up and didn't even drink a mouthful of hot water, let alone eat a mouthful of dry food.

Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan set off!

He watched their backs disappear into the night, and hurriedly mounted the horse and chased after them.

This day starts from the three o'clock of Yinshi, until the three o'clock of Zishi!

I just rested for an hour in the middle and ate some dry food.

It was another night in the wilderness. They had a tent that Xia Xuan had set up beforehand, but he didn't.

Ouyang Kun felt that he was about to die, and he dragged his legs that had no other sensation except the pain and came to Nalan Jinnian: "King Jin, why don't we change to a carriage when we are at the station? The lower official can't stand it. already."

Nalan Jinnian said with an expressionless face: "I have to return to Beijing as soon as possible, the emperor's order must not be violated! This is the fastest way to return to Beijing. Lord Ouyang wants to disobey the order?"

Ouyang Kun: "."

The next day was like this every day, Ouyang Kun was tortured to the death!

For more than 20 days, he didn't know how he returned to the capital alive.

On the morning of the sixth day of September, the city gate had just opened, and they finally returned to the capital.

Ouyang Kun excitedly looked at the familiar, towering city gate, and said to the guard beside him, "Is this the capital?"

The guard nodded sympathetically: "Go back to Lord Ouyang, the capital is here!"

"It's finally here!" Ouyang Kun said, and fell directly from the horse's back to the ground.

"Master Ouyang!" The guard quickly jumped off his horse.

Hearing the movement from behind, Wen Nuan looked back and said, "Master Ouyang has fallen."

Nalan Jinnian didn't even look back at him: "Oh, the guards will take him to see the imperial doctor. Let's go! Enter the palace to face the saint!"

After thinking about it, Nuan continued to ride into the city with Nalan Jinnian.

Wang Xiao glanced back and couldn't help thinking in his heart, don't provoke King Jin!

Otherwise, it will be remedied badly.

He glanced at Nuan again, alas, is it good or bad for Sister Nuan to marry such a man?

King Jin became ruthless, too ruthless!

I hope that King Jin can treat Sister Nuan as always!

But this is probably not possible, King Jin will be the emperor in the future.

In the future, there will be three thousand beauties in his harem,

Wang Xiao shook his head, thinking about it, Sister Nuan is so smart, even if there are three thousand beauties, it is estimated that few of them can be her opponents.

Besides, as long as she is the queen, no one can pass her!


In the capital, the mansion of Duke Anguo and the mansion of the Great General of the Great Wangxiao were already surrounded by heavy troops.

The emperor was under the pressure of the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty, so he did not immediately search the house for a thorough investigation!

No way, Wang Xiao's cronies personally admitted that Wang Xiao deliberately stole the money from the previous treasury, which is considered to be both human and material evidence.

The evidence is conclusive, if the emperor does not do something, then the national law will be meaningless, and it will be difficult to convince the public in the future.

Early on this day, the emperor received a letter from the monarch of the Tangling Kingdom.

Dongling Kingdom said that General Wang of Nalan Kingdom led troops into their Dongling border for no reason, burned up the food in their granary, killed their Dongling soldiers, and deliberately wanted to breed trouble!

Ask the emperor of Nalan Kingdom to give an explanation, otherwise Dongling Kingdom will definitely send troops to get justice!

As soon as this news came out, the entire court and opposition were shocked!

The Minister of Industry immediately stood up: "Your Majesty, General Wang dared to disobey the Emperor's orders, seek trouble on the border, and deliberately provoke the relationship between Nalan Kingdom and Dongling Kingdom. Personally go to the border to arrest General Wang and bring him to justice! Immediately order the house to be raided and thoroughly investigate the residence of Duke Anguo and General Wang!"

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