Eunuch Lin hurried forward with the handkerchief and handed it to the emperor.

The emperor took it and wiped his mouth: "Aren't you joking? How can there be such a mess written on the imperial edict of marriage!"

Nalan Jinnian was stunned, why didn't he think of adding such a sentence to the imperial edict?

Will such a little girl be moved?

Prince An: "This is not a mess, it's a promise! Only in this way can the sincerity of the servant be shown."

"Nonsense, the emperor's life cannot be violated, this life is very long, what if you can't do it?"

"My son will definitely do it! Didn't my father do it too? Please, the emperor!" Prince An saluted with his fists.


Forget it, anyway, there are too many wives and concubines, and they are always jealous, fighting openly and secretly, intriguing, and committing too many crimes, which is also very annoying.

"That's it!"

For thousands of years, it is estimated that only the emperor, I, has issued such a decree!

His princess's imperial decree did not require the concubine not to take concubines!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty!" Prince An said happily!


Wouldn't I be famous forever? !


Nalan Jinnian and Prince An left the palace together.

When he walked out of the palace, Prince An took out a stack of silver bills from his arms and gave it to Nalan Jinnian: "This is the silver bill I owe Hui'an County Master and Sister Ran, and Uncle Seventeen helped me give it to Hui'an County Master. Bar!"

Although the money spent is a bit much, it is all worth it to be able to marry a Jingmei girl!

Nalan Jinnian took it over, got on the horse, and went directly back to Prince Jin's mansion.


Anguo Gongfu

When Nalan Jinnian walked in in the cold air, Nuan Nuan was looking at the map of Beiming Kingdom. A box on the ground was folded up to a full-length sheepskin map.

There are also several stacks of local logs of Beiming Kingdom half a person high on the desk.

Some of these maps and local logs were drawn and bought by Nalan Jinnian when he traveled to Beiming Kingdom, and some were collected from various places.

It is impossible for Nalan Jinnian to travel every inch of Beiming Kingdom, so many of the collected maps do not know the accuracy, which requires continuous research and comparison to make judgments.

Beiming State is vast, with half of its territory more than Nalan State.

There are deserts, the largest deep forests and mountains in the continent, and the largest basins, rivers.

Many cities have complex terrain and are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Moreover, Beiming Kingdom, as the most powerful country in the mainland, has strong soldiers and horses, and is brave and good at fighting.

Therefore, Beiming Kingdom is arrogant in front of the four countries, because they have capital!

The Nalan Kingdom wanted to compete with them. If they didn't study it carefully, it was estimated that they would be destroyed before they entered the center of Beiming Kingdom.

Not only Wen Nuan often looked at the map of Beiming Kingdom, but Nalan Jinnian also studied every day when he had time, how to capture Beiming Kingdom.

Recently, what he has discussed most with his generals and aides is how to conquer the Beiming Kingdom with more and less, with the weak over the strong.

Nalan Jinnian walked behind the warm and covered her eyes: "Don't look at it for too long, it will hurt your eyes."

Wen Nuan took his hand and said a little excitedly: "Is it done? Look at these two maps, and then look at the records in this book."

"Let's see." Nalan Jinnian picked up Nuan, sat on a chair, placed Nuan on his thigh, and wrapped his waist around his waist. The two of them pressed their faces to their faces, looking down at the front of their eyes. Large map: "Where?"

Nuan pointed to a certain point on the map and said: "These two maps are a little different in this place. If I guessed correctly, these two maps are both fake and deliberately leaked out to confuse the enemy. This place should be Beiming. The country's largest military camp, and the terrain."

Nalan Jinnian likes to sit with warmth like this, and then study strategies and tactics together.

This is not the first time, the warmth is also used to it, and it is more convenient, comfortable and warm.

The two hugged each other like this, talking until the middle of the night, when Nuan was unconsciously sleepy and fell asleep in his arms.

Nalan Jinnian was talking and suddenly realized that someone's breathing was wrong. He lowered his head and saw that she had closed her eyes, and her long eyelashes could not cover the dark shadow under her eyes.

I couldn't help being a little angry with myself. How could I be too involved when discussing matters?

Obviously he came to see if she had rested.

Nalan Jinnian hugged her and stood up cautiously.

Warm eyelids moved.

Martial arts practitioners have always been alert. He was already very careful. The little girl was still awake. Nalan Jinnian immediately comforted her softly: "It's me, I'll take you back to bed, sleep peacefully!"

Nuan was really sleepy, nodded in his arms in a daze, and then fell asleep again.

The corner of Nalan Jinnian's mouth was slightly raised and he meditated in his heart: "It's really a little pig.

He walked to the edge of the bed with warmth in his arms, put her on the bed, helped her take off her shoes and socks, and tucked the quilt.

Thinking of the silver note given by Prince An, he put the silver note on the desk, left a note, closed the window, leaving only a small slit for ventilation, and turned the mechanism to put away the night pearl, he only left it outside An oil lamp is handy for getting up at night.

He walked out of the warm room and whispered to the aster who was guarding outside: "The county master has rested, you don't have to go in."

"Yes." Aster responded.

She also knew that if she went in again, she would definitely wake the princess.

Warm sleep has always been alert. As long as someone goes in, she will wake up.

Nalan Jinnian went straight over the wall and returned to Prince Jin's mansion.

the next day

Warm wake up to see the banknotes and notes on the table.

She smiled slightly.

Aster knocked on the door at this time: "Girl, are you awake?"

"Well, come in!" Wen Nuan responded.

Aster came in with a basin of water and placed it on the basin shelf made of pear wood.

Nuan Nuan took out a few silver notes from a wooden box, and gave them to Aster together with the stack of silver notes on the desk: "Send 100,000 taels to Sister Ran, and send the remaining 450,000 taels. The bank is exchanged for silver."

Aster asked curiously, "What is the girl doing for so much cash?"

"Press the bottom of the box for cousin and sister Tingya. Put them in the warehouse first!" Wennuan said and went to wash up.

"Yes! I'll arrange it right away." Aster immediately went down to arrange for someone to exchange money, and then set up a warm breakfast.

The money she swindled from the prince, the warmth will not be kept by herself, and it will be used by Jingmei at the bottom of the box.

When a woman gets married, it is not bad to have a generous dowry.

After the warm breakfast, the imperial decree arrived.

The family hurriedly prepared the incense case and received the order.

"Emperor Fengtian Chengyun issued an edict: I have heard that Wu Jingmei, the niece of Mrs. Anguo's maiden family, is of outstanding character, generous in temperament, gentle and honest. The queen mother and I are very pleased to hear that, the prince of Prince An's house is already weak in age, and when it is time to marry, When choosing a virtuous and virtuous daughter and matching her, it is suitable for Miss Wu to be in her boudoir"

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