The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1155 Complete the four rituals

After two 800-mile rush orders, the banquet ended very well, and everyone dispersed.

The emperor said to Nalan Jinnian: Seventeenth emperor brother, you and I have entered the palace, and I will discuss with you about the ceremony of the day after tomorrow. "

In addition to discussing the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens, there are naturally front-line matters.

On the day of the sacrificial ceremony, the host of the Guofo Temple will bring the peach wood box to the altar, and after the sacrificial ceremony, it can be opened.

know then

Nalan Jinnian glanced at Nuannian. He originally said that he would take Nuanen out of the city for a walk in the afternoon.

It's just that it probably won't work now.

Warm nodded.

The emperor noticed Nalan Jinnian's actions and wanted to call on Wennuan.

However, Nalan Jinnian stopped him from speaking: "Brother Huang, let's go! I have something to discuss with you."

On the little girl's birthday, does the emperor want to squeeze her like this?

Let her have an easy birthday, won't you?

The emperor thought that today is Hui'an County Lord and Ji, and there are many girls in the family. How can he pull people into the palace to discuss matters?

The emperor gave up thinking about it!

Wen Jiarui brought the emperor and the empress dowager back to the palace.

All the guests were gone, but Princess An stayed.

The frontline has two consecutive 800-mile rush letters.

A month later, if Beiming Kingdom really sends troops, Prince An will really have to get dressed and set off immediately.

Although it is said that as a descendant of the royal family, it is an honor to protect the family and the country.

But Princess An couldn't help but worry, after all, swords have no eyes on the battlefield.

Who knows what will happen?

Those who lack arms and legs are not bad, but if they lose their lives, the prince will not even be able to get married, and there will be no children and half daughters left.

Although Princess An knew that her son was the prince, there would definitely be guards to protect her, and generally there would be no loss of life.

But she still wanted to take advantage of Wu Jingmei's parents coming, and Princess An didn't know when they would return to Ningyuan County, so she felt that she would discuss the marriage within a month.

In the house, Mrs Wu, Mrs Zhang and Mrs Ye spoke with Princess An together.

Princess An is also a relatively straightforward person, she didn't say anything foreshadowing, and said straight to the point: "Mrs. Zhang, Madam Ye, maybe you think it's too presumptuous and too hasty, but I still want to get the prince and the prince as soon as possible. Jingmei's marriage is over, what do you think?"

In fact, this is a bit selfish, because who knows what will happen when you go to war?

Who knows how long it will take?

Miss Wu was married to Duke Anguo's mansion, and she had to be alone in the vacant room for a while.

But as a mother, she really wanted her son to get married before he left for the war.

So Princess An spoke up. Although she was a little ashamed of Wu Jingmei, she would definitely treat her well and compensate her in the future.

Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Ye glanced at each other. They also knew that if there was a war on the border, the prince would go to the front line, and they heard that the imperial court had secretly sent tens of thousands of elite soldiers to go there.

The emperor has decreed the marriage, this marriage is a sure thing, and they also understand why Princess An is in a hurry to do the marriage.

Since Princess An opened her mouth, she could do it early, and if she did it later, it would be better to obey Princess An's wishes.

Zhang Shi nodded.

Ye Shi smiled and said: "The prince wants to protect the family and the country. We also think that it is better to do the marriage, so that he can kill the enemy with peace of mind on the front line. Therefore, although it is rushed, but there are priorities, we obey the Prince An's mansion. Arrangements. Besides, if Jing Mei gets married early, she can also serve by the princess instead of the prince."

Fortunately, this time, they brought all the dowry they had given to Wu Jingmei before, for fear that they would save more and more in the future, and it would be troublesome to transport them.

But as long as you have money, you can buy more in the capital.

Princess An laughed when she heard the words, it seemed that she was a reasonable person, so that she could get along better in the future.

Princess An's expression became softer and kinder, and her name was changed immediately: "My family is sensible, so I'll go back later and ask the people from Qin Tianjian to find a way. Although the marriage was rushed, we, Duke Anguo. The government will never treat Jing Mei badly. There will be no lack of etiquette! My family can rest assured."

Ye Shi responded with a smile.

Then Princess An and the Ye family discussed the details of the marriage. After all, they were married into the royal family. There were many red tapes, and they were very complicated. They all needed to be reminded.

Princess An also planned to send two maids over to guide Wu Jingmei. She was afraid that the Wu family would be unhappy, so she explained it.

This is very difficult for a princess!

It is simply to let go of the figure completely, and to discuss the relationship as an equal.

As a result, Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Ye became more and more satisfied with the marriage, and the rest of the anxiety disappeared.

In the end, Princess An left happily, took the two men's Geng Tie, and hurried to Qintian Prison.

Sitting directly in front of the Qin Tianjian, let him immediately choose the fastest auspicious day in front of him.

When Nalan Jinnian left the palace, it happened to be at sunset.

He returned to the door of Duke Anguo's mansion, just in time to see Princess An happily disembarking from a carriage.

"Imperial Sister-in-law." Nalan Jinnian bowed to Princess An, and then her eyes fell on the post in her hand.

Are the days all set?

Nalan Jinnian's heart suddenly felt bad!

No, I have to go to the Guofo Temple tonight.

The answer will be known the day after tomorrow. The host should not think that he can't wait for a day, so he will go there secretly, right?

No, that bad old man is so strong in martial arts that he can even detect his traces, why don't you bring some drugs and stun him first?

Seeing him, Princess An said happily: "The seventeenth emperor and the emperor have finished discussing the matter? You are coming to An Guo's mansion for dinner!"

Anguo Gong's food is really delicious. After the two become in-laws, the prince can come to eat every day.

The prince can't come, so she can come as a concubine.

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "What is in the hands of the imperial sister-in-law?"

Princess An glanced at what was in her hand, shook it in front of Nalan Jinnian, and said happily: "Today, I asked Qin Tianjian to set a good day for the prince and Jingmei. Half a month later!"

Nalan Jinnian looked at the red eyes, and said sourly, "The Queen's Wife is really fast!"

Princess An nodded: "There's no way, who makes the prince not too young. Your emperor brother has been waiting for a long time to hold his grandson. Oh, the seventeenth emperor, I won't tell you, I'll go in with my in-laws. Let’s discuss it, it will be a small order tomorrow!”

After speaking, Princess An hurried in.

Under a small order?

very good!

These three books and six rituals have directly completed the four rituals!

Nalan Yichen actually dared to surpass his uncle?

See you at the camp!

Nalan Jinnian followed Princess An into Prince An's mansion in a depressed mood.

Seeing that Nalan Jinnian's face was a little ugly, Wen Nuan asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

It stands to reason that even if the four countries are besieged, it will not make him so depressed and look dissatisfied!

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