The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1163 This is not what he likes!

Concubine Li Gui saw that everyone was immediately comforted by warmth, her heart was even more congested, and she still smiled and said: "The queen mother is right, so don't delay, everyone, set an example on the imperial list, maybe more people will miss it." As for the soldiers on the frontier, capable people from all over the place make some cotton coats for the soldiers on the frontier! Hehe, Princess Hui’an is still considerate. We can rest assured that the cotton coats are handed over to you!"

This Princess Hui'an is really smart and knows how to win people's hearts.

It's just that so many cotton clothes are handed over to you, you have to ensure that they are delivered safely to the hands of soldiers!

Nuan Nuan smiled: "The imperial concubine has won the prize."

At this time, there was a shout from outside: "The emperor is here!"

The faces of the concubines in the room were all happy, and some of them even hurriedly straightened the pearl hairpins on their heads, worried that they would be messed up.

The emperor has not stepped into the harem for nearly three months.

Everyone stood up.

The emperor walked in with his head held high.

All the people in the room saluted together: "The concubine/my wife has met the emperor, the emperor is safe!"

Seeing the smile on the Empress Dowager's face, and seeing the Kangning Palace so lively, the Emperor was also a little happy.

Ever since the Eighth Princess married Lanling, the Queen Mother has been quiet here too.

It's okay recently, because the queen mother led the maids to make cotton clothes for the soldiers in the frontier, so it wasn't so boring.

And the concubines in the palace have been very good lately.

When they saw the Queen Mother donating cotton coats to the soldiers on the border, they all followed suit!

Although the emperor did not come to the harem, he was relieved to hear about it.

"Everyone is free!"

The emperor gave the queen mother a salute, and then said:

"Mother, what were you discussing just now, I'm very happy!"

Concubine Li immediately replied: "Your majesty, the concubines are discussing about sending cotton coats to the soldiers on the border. We have prepared a lot of cotton coats for the soldiers, and we are going to ask Princess Hui'an to help deliver them to the soldiers on the border!" The second prince said , the frontier is bitterly cold, and one more cotton coat will give more warmth. It is almost winter, and the soldiers guarding the border and defending the country cannot have a chance to catch the cold! So the concubines, under the leadership of the Queen Mother, Made 600,000 cotton-padded clothes and trousers!"

The emperor was in a very good mood when he heard the words: "Haha. The second child is right! This matter is well done! Not bad!"

The emperor praised, and then looked at Wen Nuan: "Mr. An wrote a letter saying that the 200,000 sets of cotton coats and trousers prepared by Mrs. An's wife have all been prepared? Then send them as soon as possible together with the cotton coats and trousers made by the harem concubines and ladies. Let’s go to the soldiers at the border! Princess Hui’an and Mrs. An Guogong’s wife will make statistics on this matter, and then distribute it to see which border is more appropriate.”

The coldness of each border is different. The emperor is worried that so many people make cotton coats of different thicknesses, lest the thick cotton coats be sent to the southern border and the thin ones to the northern border, which would really be a waste of resources.

Princess Hui'an has always been careful and knew the difference, so the emperor entrusted her to do it.

Concubine Li Gui: "."

That's all?

Did the second child speak well?


Concubine Li Gui was dumbfounded!

The second prince didn't do anything outrageous!

It was the fault of the second prince and concubine back then. After so long, isn't the punishment enough?

Wen Nuan glanced at Concubine Li Gui without a trace, and then blessed the emperor: "Yes!"

The emperor came to the queen mother: "Mother, the auspicious time is coming, the ceremony has begun, let's go to the altar!"

The Queen Mother nodded, and then thought of something: "Has Seventeen returned?"

"Not yet, but Seventeen is always on time, so it should be soon."

The Queen Mother nodded.

Then the emperor and queen mother went to the altar surrounded by everyone.


Guofo Temple

At the foot of the mountain under the cliff, the master host has sent people to search all the boxes, but still haven't found the mahogany box.

The host master looked up, and there was a line of blue sky above his head. On both sides of the deep valley were lush trees, occasionally mixed with a yellow glow.

"I'm afraid, the peach wood box fell on the tree halfway up. If I want to find it, there will be too little time. Forget it, it happens to be the ceremony of worshiping the heavens. I will pray again at the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens. It will be a year of offering. "

Beg again, worship for a year?

Nalan Jinnian looked at him expressionlessly, as if he was telling a big joke.

The host of the Guofo Temple felt a little gloating in his heart. He stroked his beard and suppressed his smile: "Otherwise, the cliff is so high, how can I find it?"

Nalan Jinnian ignored him and looked around.

He must find it before the end of the ceremony.

God damn it, beg again, and worship for another year!

If he can't find it, he will marry the little girl tomorrow! ! !

"Support master to enter the palace! The king will arrive soon!"

Nalan Jinnian tightened the rope around his waist, then pulled the rope and continued to climb up neatly.

Just now he was pulling the rope all the way to find it, but he couldn't find it.

You can only expand the scope and find it again!

The abbot of Guofo Temple thought for a while, then walked out of the valley and entered the palace.

His old bones can't stand the rush!

Nalan Jinnian grabbed the rope and jumped up neatly, his eyes searching around among the dense branches and leaves.

Jun's face and hands were scratched by branches and rocks, and he didn't care.


Outside the capital, somewhere in a courtyard

Di Junxian sat outside the window looking at the sky, thoughtful.

The wound on his body has not fully healed, and his face looks a little pale.

A man in black came in and saluted respectfully: "Master."

Di Junxian looked at him: "How is it, did you get it back?"

"Back to the master, the abbot of the Buddhist Temple in Nalan Kingdom is very skilled in martial arts. His subordinates failed to get it back, but they have already thrown it off the cliff! It will never be found for a while!"

Di Junxian frowned: "If you can't bring it back, why don't you destroy it?"

If this is found, it will not prevent Nalan Jinnian from marrying Princess Hui'an.

Di Junxian knew that the auspicious day of the zodiac that the Qin Tianjian predicted to the heavens at the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the heavens in Nalan Kingdom last year was auspicious from heaven at that time!

And that day Shan was enshrined in the most incense-filled Guofo Temple for so long, and received enough blessings from the world. It is said that it will be a good omen for a hundred years and forever!

This is not what he likes to see!

He wanted to destroy it after hearing it!

"The subordinate is incompetent, the mahogany box is a bit strange, the skill of the subordinate cannot be destroyed!"

When Di Junxian heard the words, he was so angry that he swung the tea bowl off the table: "It's useless!"

The man in black lowered his head in fright, and hurriedly said: "However, my subordinate has been guarding at a distance for a long time. When I came back, King Jin and the others hadn't found it. Now that the auspicious time has come, I think it's too late."

Di Junxian's breath paused, and he looked at him: "King Jin?"

The man in black hurriedly said: "That's right, my subordinates were worried that they would find the mahogany box and spoil the master's good deed, so they kept guard at a distance, and then saw King Jin appear, and he searched together with the people from the Guofo Temple."

A smile appeared on the corner of Di Junxian's mouth: "How many people does King Jin bring with him?"

"Only him."

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