"Princess, what should I do?" The soldiers looked at Wen Nuan.

The person inside should be called Sister Nuan, she should be Princess Hui'an, right?

"I'll go in and have a look! You stay here!"

The soldiers immediately said: "How can that be done! Princess Hui'an, you stay here. Let's go in and save people!"

"Yes, Princess Hui'an, you stay here, we just go in."

The soldiers who came out today are all elite soldiers, and they are special forces among the elite soldiers. They have all been taught by Nuan in the barracks. They admire Nuan Nuan more than they admire Nalan Jinnian.

Besides, Nuan Nuan also has the rank of a general besides the identity of the princess. How can the commander be in danger, and they are the soldiers staying in a safe place?

Nuannuan took a look inside and said firmly, "No, I'll go in first. This is a military order!"

Nuannuan looked at Chen Huan and Chen Xi: "Chen Huan, you hide in the tree and act accordingly! Chen Xi, come in with me."

Wen Nuan knew that if she went in alone, the soldiers would obey orders, but Chen Huan and Chen Xi would not agree, so they could only let one of them follow in.

Wen Nuan looked at the other eight soldiers again: "Stay outside, and whoever escapes will be caught if he can. If he can't be caught, he will be killed immediately! Listen to Chen Huan's order and rush in again!"

Nuannuan looked at Chen Huan, and pointed to a tree in the distance.

Chen Huan nodded, quickly ran over, jumped up the tree, and hid himself.

The distance from these two trees to the house was just within her shooting range. If anyone came out of the house, she would have a chance to shoot him.

Nuan Nuan was very thoughtful, but Chen Huan knew that Nuan Nuan was worried that there were explosives inside, and they would die in vain if they couldn't dodge in time!

But it was their responsibility to protect Wen Nuan, so Chen Huan made up her mind that when Wen Nuan and Chen Xi entered the house, she would bring people to follow.

Nuannuan looked at Chen Huan on the tree.

Chen Huan shook his head at Nuan Nuan from the tree.

Meaning, she didn't see anyone in the yard.

Nuannuan nodded to Chen Xi, and then the two jumped up the wall and into the yard together.

In the room, Zhang Yu saw two figures leaping up the wall, he quickly pulled Wen Ling, entered the secret passage, and closed the entrance of the secret passage.

He directly threw Wen Ling at the entrance of the secret passage, and walked into the secret room by himself.

"Master, Princess Hui'an has brought a maid in!"

Di Junxian laughed when he heard the words, very good!

Finally got her here!

Di Junxian stood up and walked to the secret passage.

Seeing Di Junxian approaching, Wen Ling shrank back, trembling all over: "Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Di Junxian smiled at Wen Ling: "Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I won't kill you! I just invite you to come here and lead Princess Hui'an to save you!"

Wen Ling's eyes widened, and her eyes were full of fear: "What do you want to do to Sister Nuan?"

Di Junxian smiled when he heard the words: "Don't worry, I will not do anything to hurt Princess Hui'an. I will even love her more than your Royal Highness King Jin of Nalan Kingdom! I will not kill Princess Hui'an, I will Just wanted her! But you!"

Having said this, Di Junxian glanced at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu immediately put the sword on Wen Ling's neck.

"Ah! Don't, don't kill me!"

Di Junxian smiled: "That's right! Louder, louder! Let Princess Hui'an know that you are here, and come to save you!"

Zhang Yu pressed down on the sharp sword.

Wen Ling was so frightened that she slammed the entrance of the secret passage: "Sister Nuan, help me! Sister Nuan, help me! Sister Nuan, I'm here, help me quickly! Woohoo. Sister Nuan."

Wen Nuan and Chen Xi jumped from the wall into the yard.

A deep pit was blasted into the ground of the yard.

The two turned a blind eye, held their swords, followed the source of the sound, and walked into the house.

Chen Xi walked in front, protecting Nuannuan behind him.

When the two walked into the house, Chen Huan made a gesture to the soldiers outside.

The eight soldiers outside quickly climbed up the wall, lay down on the wall, and watched the situation inside.

Wen Nuan and Chen Xi walked into the room.

Chen Huan made a gesture.

Eight soldiers quickly climbed over the wall and jumped into the yard looking for a place to hide outside the house.

Chen Huan also followed a few people from the tree.

He heard Wen Ling's voice coming from under the floor.

Nuannuan and Chen Xi glanced at each other.

Wen Nuan took out a bottle from his arms, pulled out the cork, pressed the bottle mouth with his thumb, pointed to a wooden stool with the other finger, and nodded to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi nodded, then lifted up a rice vat-shaped wooden stool beside him with very light movements, and quickly smashed it on a certain floor with force!

The floor immediately collapsed, and the bottle in Wen Nuan's hand flew into it the moment the floor collapsed.

The moment the wooden bench fell, the people in the secret passage dodged in a flash!

Because Wen Ling was lying on the secret passage, she was hit by a wooden stool one after another, and she was knocked out directly!

Chen Xi jumped directly into the secret passage with his sword in hand.

Nuan Nuan followed closely behind, just about to jump in.

There was a sudden movement on the floor behind her, she was startled, her figure flickered, and she was about to jump away, but one foot was grabbed by another hand, something stabbed her ankle, and her whole body was thrown violently Pull, fell straight down.

The warm reaction was extremely quick, and the other foot kicked directly on the hand that was holding his ankle.

Wen Nuan's body froze, unable to move, and with a thought, she quickly mobilized the purple qi in her body to detoxify.

At the same time, Chen Huan outside also flew out a dart, which directly inserted into the back of that hand.

There was severe pain in Di Junxian's hand, and it felt like his finger bones were kicked to pieces by the warmth!

And the entire palm was pierced by a dart!

He quickly let go of his hand, and the other hand didn't slow down at all, and tapped twice on the warm sleeping acupoint that fell straight down.

"Withdraw!" Nuannuan yelled just before closing his eyes.

The numbness in Wen Nuan's body has not subsided, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to. He only had time to yell and fell asleep.

She knew that if Di Junxian caught her, he would flee quickly and blow up here!

If those Chen Huan and Chen Xi didn't take the soldiers away immediately, they might die in vain!

Di Junxian scooped up his long arm, and twisted Nuan Nuan in his arms with one hand!

"Withdraw!" He spat out the same words as Wen Nuan.

Then, carrying the warmth, he quickly ran deep into the secret passage.

Zhang Yu also wanted to retreat, but he swung his sword and fought against Chen Xi for a few moves, and then he collapsed powerlessly!

Before Zhang Yu fainted, he wanted to reach for the candlestick.

With a wave of Chen Xi's sword, the sword energy directly extinguished all the candles in the secret room.

The surroundings suddenly became dark, but it did not affect her sight, and she quickly chased in the direction where Di Junxian disappeared.

At this time, Chen Huan had already run in with the soldiers.

"You rescue Miss Wen, and tie up the others and take them out! Send a signal for help, hurry up!"

After speaking, Chen Huan quickly ran towards the direction where Chen Xi disappeared.

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