The man got up from the ground and looked at Wen Nuan.

What was left of her sanity was gone because of that maid's words!

If there is anything, Miss Feng will take care of it!

A princess of an enemy country is meant to be humiliated!

He walked towards the warmth step by step.

Nuan Nuan looked at him and knew that he had lost his mind and was completely controlled by desire.

Warm and calm, he said: "Do you believe what the maid said? Believe that Fengdi will save you? If she will save you, why didn't you put me in your room without talking to you first?"

As if the man didn't hear Nuannuan's words, he walked towards Nuannuan step by step.

His gaze was like that of a hungry wolf suddenly finding a fat sheep!

"Do you believe that I shouted loudly, your master heard it and ran over, and you will die?"

The man was already three steps away from Nuannuan. Hearing that she hesitated for a moment, he shook his head with a smile: His Highness is probably busy now, why did he come here? !

Men are not stupid, since Miss Feng dared to switch Princess Hui'an, she would naturally use some means to keep the master on his bed!

Women, in order to marry the powerful, usually use these means!

He has seen a lot!

The man looked at Nuan Lunously, smiled lewdly and said: "You scream! You will be under me for a while, and you scream!"

As he spoke, he threw himself directly into the warmth of the bed.

"Di Junxian! You're finally here! Help me!" Nuan Nuan looked in the direction of the door and shouted in a panic.

The man staggered in fright, and fell directly on the edge of the bed. He quickly looked back.

Seeing the closed door, he breathed a sigh of relief!

He got up, stretched out his hand and slapped Wen Nuan two times: "Bitch! How dare you lie to me!"

The man's hands were strong, and Wen Nuan was directly beaten to the point of staring.

If it was daytime, you could clearly see two slap marks appearing on her tender and white face in an instant.

A face became red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The man directly reached out to pull the warm clothes, revealing the underwear inside.

With a panic in Nuan Nuan's heart, and with a thought, Zi Qi, who had just recovered a little, rushed directly to that acupuncture point.

Feel the warmth and relax the whole person!

The acupoints are unlocked!

Suddenly there was a loud "bang"!

The whole door flew in!

The man was startled, and knelt down: "Master, please forgive me!"

The warmth is also startled!

Di Junxian won't find out!

Her acupoints have been unlocked, but the cartilage has not yet been unlocked, but she can't deal with Di Junxian!

A silver-gray shadow flashed in, kicked the man, and sent him flying!

A white shadow flashed past, pounced on him, and bit his neck.

Nalan Jinnian came to Nuannuan's side and hugged her in his arms: "Sorry, I'm late!"

Although the room was dark, Nalan Jinnian could still see her warm and swollen face, feel her messy breath, limp body, hot body, and messy clothes!

He couldn't imagine what she would go through if he was one step later!

Nalan Jinnian hugged her tightly.

Hearing the familiar voice and smelling the clear fragrance of tea, Nuan Nuan breathed a sigh of relief: "It's not too late, it's just right. Give me the antidote pill! Hurry up!"

The warm face rubbed vigorously against Nalan Jinnian's chest, and the burning pain came from the swollen face, which made her wake up a little bit.

Nuannuan secretly rejoiced that she was slapped twice, the burning pain on her face made the restlessness in her body subside at least a little.

Otherwise, she really didn't guarantee that she would throw him down right here!

Moms, Happy Mother's Day~~


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