After Di Junxian coughed, he looked at Nalan Jinnian angrily: "Nalan Jinnian, how dare you hurt me!"

The one who answered him was Nalan Jinnian's feet, and swiped his long sword several times neatly.

Afterwards, Di Junxian yelled pitifully, "Ah Nalan Jinnian, go die!"

His Tesuji!

His hamstrings!


Feng Nianchen swallowed a pill, then clapped his hands and applauded: "Okay! Seventeen is doing well!"

The tendons in the arms and hamstrings that were picked off by Nalan Jinnian will never be brought back in this life!

Even if he goes out in person, it won't work!

Di Junxian is a useless person in this life!

"Nalan Jinnian, if you dare to hurt me like this, you are not afraid that our Beiming army will march south and destroy Nalan Kingdom!"

Nalan Jinnian twitched the corners of his mouth and let out a contemptuous smile, which was fleeting.

Afterwards, he lowered his head with no expression on his face, he raised the sword in his hand, coldly touched his crotch, and there was a coldness in the bottom of his eyes that made the soul tremble.

Di Junxian's face changed drastically: "Nalan Jinnian, how dare you!"

don't want!

don't want!

Nalan Jinnian raised his hand, pushed down hard, let go, and stabbed down with a sword!

"Ah!" The shrill cry resounded through the sky!

Feng Nianchen just poured a pill into his mouth, seeing this scene, he just sprayed the pill in his mouth!

Nalan Jinnian directly took the sword sheath and touched his dumb and acupoints.

Make him unable to scream or move!

The world is finally quiet!

Nalan Jinnian then withdrew his foot.

He took out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood on the sword, walked to Nuannuan, and handed the sword to Nuannuan: "Go!"

It's the little girl's turn to vent!

Wen Nuan glanced at Di Junxian lightly, then shook his head: "No need."

In this way, Di Junxian is equivalent to a useless person.


Besides, there is still room for him in the future.

"Did Jia Jingtu catch it?" Wen Nuan asked what came to mind.

"En." Nalan Jinnian nodded.

Nuan Nuan was relieved when she heard the words, she looked at Di Junxian and smiled: "Very good! As long as you catch it! We can't miss any of them!"

It is intolerable that Jia Jingyu and Di Junxian drove out the innocent people of Nalan Kingdom. No matter what, they have to make amends to the people of Nalan Kingdom!

Nuannuan intends to hand over these people to the people to deal with!

Nalan Jinnian withdrew his sword: "Well, not less!"

Feng Nianchen saw Wen Nuan's smile and gave Di Junxian a sympathetic look.

Di Junxian was still yelling crazily, but couldn't make a sound.

He looked at Nalan Jinnian and Wen Nuan angrily, opened his mouth wide and let out a silent cry!

No one could hear what he was yelling crazily!

No one wants to hear him yell!

Feng Nianchen shook his head: It deserves it!

This time, he really became a useless person through and through!

It seems that Di Junxian hasn't married a concubine yet, doesn't he have a son?

Don't you know if there are bastards?

Hope not!

Feng Nianchen didn't feel sorry for him at all!

How dare you catch the little master!

This time he really touched Nalan Jinnian's reverse scale.

The emperor who captured Nalan Kingdom was not so miserable!

The big deal is that the tendons in the arms and legs are broken, and the lifeblood can definitely be saved!

Captured Princess Hui'an?

Tsk tsk..., life is hopeless!

Besides, it's so wicked to throw the plague!

I don't know what the little master plans to do?

Feng Nianchen couldn't help but look forward to it!

At this time, Xia Xuan came over, cupped his fists and said, "Master, everyone is on board!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded, and he glanced at Di Junxian who was paralyzed on the ground: "Take it away!"


Nalan Jinnian stretched out his hand to hug warmth.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly stood up: "I'm fine now! I'll go by myself."

At this moment, Feng Nianchen stretched out his hand to Nalan Jinnian: "Seventeen, I'm seriously injured, my internal organs are bleeding! You can carry me aboard!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't give Feng Nianchen a look, he hugged Wen Nuan without saying a word, and coaxed in a low voice: "Be good! Be good! Otherwise I will go crazy!"

He would feel uneasy if he didn't hold her in his arms!


"Okay!" Nuan put her arms around his neck and rested her head in his arms.

Nalan Jinnian hugged her warmth and strode away!

Feng Nianchen hurriedly caught up with his chest: "Hey, wait for me! I'm really hurt!"

Responding to him was the figure of Nalan Jinnian who never looked back.

These two people really have the opposite sex and no humanity!

He is really hurt!

Seriously hurt!

Nuan Nuan poked her head out, and said to Feng Nianchen: "Brother Feng, wait a minute, I'll ask Chen Huan and Chen Xi to help you!"

Chen Huan and Chen Xi?

Why does he want two women to help him?

"No, no need!"

Feng Nianchen looked back at Xia Xuan: "Xia Xuan, carry me out!"

Xia Xuan grabbed Di Junxian's clothes with one hand, and twisted him up like a sack. Hearing this, he looked at Feng Nianchen and nodded expressionlessly: "Okay!"

As he said, he carried Di Junxian to Feng Nianchen's side, grabbed the clothes on his back, and lifted him up.

"Hey, hey, that's not the case, you carry me out! Carry me out!"

With a flick of Xia Xuan, he directly threw Feng Nianchen onto his shoulder, carrying him forward!

Feng Nianchen was about to die of anger, was he twisting a wild boar?

"Hey, hey, let me down! Let me down! I'll go by myself!"

Xia Xuan ignored him and strode forward!

Mr. Feng is too difficult to serve, the noise is so loud that people's ears can't stand it!

Nuan Nuan saw Xia Xuan carrying Feng Nianchen on one side, and grabbing Di Junxian's clothes with the other hand, half wringing and half dragging, walking forward, like a bumper harvest on the mountain, couldn't help laughing.

Nalan Jinnian looked down at the girl who was laughing and collapsed in his arms, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

After a dark day, the face finally cleared up!

My heart, which had been tense all day, finally relaxed.

The little girl has a big heart, no matter what the situation is, she can be happy!

Nalan Jinnian boarded the boat with warmth in his arms.

Fengdi raised her head, looked fiercely, and laughed heartily in Nalan Jinnian's arms, full of warmth!

If eyes can kill, warmth is already overwhelmed!

How can this bastard still laugh!

Why is this bitch all right?

Wen Nuan seemed to be aware of it, and looked back with a smile, then turned his head and saw the phoenix flute on Nuan Nuan's deck, wearing only an inner jacket, messy hair, and tied up.

Wen Nuan smiled at Feng Di: "Congratulations, Miss Feng, for getting her wish! And thank you for helping me out of danger!"

Fengdi really wanted to pooh warm and drool all over her face! This bitch still has the face to say it!

It's a pity that she was acupunctured, unable to speak, unable to move, and could only stare at Wen Nuan with her eyes!

Nalan Jinnian gave Fengdi a cold look, then walked directly to the cabin with her arms in his arms.

Fengdi was originally staring at Wen Nuan, but suddenly she noticed something, looked in a certain direction, and saw Di Junxian being carried onto the boat like this, and then casually threw it on the ground like a dead animal !

Her tears flowed down at once!

It was all caused by that bitch of Princess Hui'an!

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