The seventh prince was halfway away, and suddenly clutched his stomach: "No, I drank too much wine, I need to urinate! Where is the toilet?"

The servant of the Seventh Prince supported him and said: "Seventh Prince, there is a small courtyard over there in the garden. It is unused and unoccupied. There is one inside. Let me help you there!"

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Everyone laughed.

Wen Ling hid on the edge of the rockery, watched the direction the Seventh Prince was leaving, and followed.

flower hall

The Queen Mother, Prince An, and Princess An were talking there.

All the guests, Princess An, have been sent away by servants.

Nalan Jinnian sent the emperor back to the palace, and this afternoon there was military news from the border, after they had dinner, they called some officials into the palace to discuss matters.

Nuan Nuan walked in under the leadership of a court lady, and respectfully saluted the three of them: "Huian, I have met the Queen Mother, Prince An, and Princess An!"

The Queen Mother spoke in the middle of Wennuan's speech, and said angrily: "Okay, you are a family, why are you so polite!"

Princess An also smiled and said, "Nuannuan is too much courtesy! This is complementary to the seventeenth brother!"

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "Nuan Nuan, you usually have to talk more about Shi Qi, he keeps a straight face all day long, and if he doesn't know, he thinks others owe him several million taels!"

As she spoke, she beckoned to Nuannuan: "Come, sit beside me."

Wen Nuan smiled, walked over and sat down: "I don't think Brother Seventeen keeps a straight face all day long!"

When Princess An heard the words, she said angrily: "That's for you! You are so gentle that you seem to be a different person! To us, just talk nonsense on your face, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense, hurry up, get out, get out! "

At the end of Princess An's speech, she waved her hands vigorously, with an impatient look on her face.

Prince An laughed and said, "That's what the Seventeenth Emperor looks like! This is what he looks like"

Speaking of this, Prince An moved, leaning his whole body on the chair lazily: "Brother Huang, what stupid thing did you do again?"

Princess An and the Queen Mother laughed loudly: "Haha. Yes, yes, that's it!"

Princess An covered her stomach and laughed: "He is like this on the surface, he must be talking in his heart, talk nonsense quickly, and get out of here!"

Several people laughed when they heard this, and Wen Nuan couldn't help laughing either.

After laughing, Princess An finally got down to business: "Seventeen is a person with a cold face and a warm heart. If you ask him for something, he has never failed to handle it! Princess Hui'an is too! Our prince's health is really thanks to Hui'an Princess! If Princess Hui'an hadn't found out that my prince was actually poisoned, I don't know when the disease will be cured! The emperor said that you are a lucky star! The lucky star of Nalan Kingdom! You are also the lucky star of our Nalan family! That's true!"

Some time ago, either Wen Nuan was not in the capital, or she was too busy preparing for the marriage of the eldest son, she had long wanted to thank Nuan in person.

It just so happens that the guests are all gone now, and we are done with work.

Wen Nuan smiled slightly: "What kind of lucky star am I? It's just a coincidence! The prince's illness is due to the accumulation of small amounts of intake over time, and I finally discovered some toxins left in the body. The beauty of this spiritual poison lies in its poisoning. There is nothing when the disease occurs, the toxin has been exhausted in the body, and there is no toxin left in the body, so the imperial doctor of the imperial hospital has not noticed it, but if it takes a while, the imperial physician can also find it .”

Princess An waved her hand: "It is indeed Princess Huian who saved our prince's life! After waiting for a while, the prince's body didn't know what it was like to be tossed! If the prince hadn't eaten too much vegetable, his body would be getting worse and worse. Well, I guess I don’t know what to do now!”

Prince An nodded: "Princess Hui'an, you are my savior! I will never thank you for your kindness, I will definitely remember it in my heart! We, Prince An's family, will remember it in our hearts for generations!"

Seeing this, Nuan Nuan said mischievously on purpose: "Why are the prince and concubine so polite? Does this mean that they don't treat me as a future sibling? You were talking about a family just now!"

Everyone laughed when they heard the words.

Princess An smiled and said: "That's right, family! Family, no need to thank you! In a few days, Princess Hui'an should call me Huangsao!"

The queen mother smiled and said: "Nuan Nuan can speak well with a single mouth, you two can't talk to her!"

Princess An smiled and said, "That is, that is!"

Prince An: "Haha. Shi Qi is lucky to marry a woman like you as a princess!"

Prince An has lived most of his life, and this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful and intelligent woman as Princess Hui An.

Huiji will be injured. I heard that he was in poor health when he was a child. Fortunately, he met a good opportunity and was able to grow up.

Qin Tianjian had calculated that after she was eleven years old, she would have a bright future, and her fortune would last forever!

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "He did the only thing that satisfied me in front of Aijia! It's a pity that Nuannuan put a flower on the hard ice!"

Wen Nuan shook his head with a smile, and decided to change the subject: "Has the person who poisoned you been found?"

Princess An snorted coldly when she heard the words: "I found it!"

It's just that he didn't ask anything, and the man committed suicide by taking poison!

Wen Nuan: "Where did you poison it?"

Prince An's eating would not be so negligent, he could only tamper with utensils and close-fitting clothing, that's how Nuan Nuan reminded Princess An at the beginning.

"You guessed it right, I had people search everything but couldn't find it, and finally found that it was poisonous in the tub for bathing feet!"

"The maid smeared the wooden basin with a layer of poison and then dried it in the sun. The prince has the habit of soaking his feet before going to bed at night. After a long time, he will be poisoned."

Warmth: "Sure enough, it's hidden."

This reminded Nuan Nuan that when she first entered the palace to meet the Empress Dowager, the poison was directly placed on the fired porcelain, which was also extremely concealed.

But it was finally found out that it was related to the second princess.

The queen mother looked angry: "Such a vicious thing, will it be the nail of the people in the southern border! The people in the southern border country are used to poisoning!"

Prince An shook his head: "I can't find the person behind it! That maid committed suicide by taking poison!"

"Who is the servant girl's family?" Wen Nuan asked.

"The maid's parents are"

Wen Nuan and the others were discussing who poisoned them, when a maid came to report: "Princess Hui'an, the Seventh Prince invites you to come over!"

Princess An said: "Go and invite the Seventh Prince over here!"

The servant girl hesitated for a moment: "But."

Wen Nuan was slightly surprised when he heard the words: "Did the Seventh Prince say something?"

"It's about Miss Wen Ling!" the maid stammered.

Wen Nuan subconsciously frowned, didn't Wen Ling leave with everyone?

What happened again?

She stood up and bowed to the queen mother and others: "Queen mother, prince, princess, let me go and see!"

The queen mother smiled and nodded: "Go!"

After all, it was his own mansion, Princess An stood up and said, "I'll go with you!"

The two hurried to a small courtyard in the garden.

Wen Ling sat on the ground and cried loudly.

The seventh prince sat on the side and reprimanded his servant: "Tell me about you, why did you break into the house without knocking?! How does this prince teach you?"

When cutting vegetables two days ago, I gave my index finger a knife with a kitchen knife. It is inconvenient to type these two days, so I can only update a chapter.

I thought I could update two chapters by typing on my mobile phone, but I didn’t expect it to be too slow

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