As early as possible, as early as possible!

One day in the morning, he will lose a few white hairs!

Pity him for being so old, he still has the heart of a country!

Hubu Shangshu drank three glasses of wine in one go.

It was as if as long as he drank the three cups of wine to the last drop, the soldiers would go to war tomorrow and return triumphantly the day after tomorrow!

The wine on the soldiers' table is limited, only three cups, and now they can only replace the wine with tea, paying homage to Mr. Hubu Shangshu.

Next, Nuan, Nalan Jinnian, Minister of the Ministry of War and others toasted the soldiers who were on the expedition one after another, and the soldiers responded with tea instead of wine.

In order to leave more time for everyone to prepare for tomorrow's expedition, the emperor did not stay long. After toasting with the soldiers, he set off for the palace after dinner.

After the emperor and his party returned to the palace, some soldiers immediately went to collect the money, and then hurried home.

Because this expedition does not know how many years it will take to come back, and it is not known whether there will be a life to return, since the emperor has granted permission, the soldiers whose families are in the capital or the suburbs of the capital are allowed to go home and reunite with their families. The soldiers who were able to go home, of course, took the time to go home and hand over all the money they had saved to their families.

However, most of the soldiers are not from the vicinity of the capital, and it is impossible to go back, so they can only ask the logistics office of the army to send someone to send the money home.

The logistics office of the army will notify and arrange for local officials to deliver the money to the soldiers' homes.

For this sum of money, which official or person would dare to behead him in public to show it to the public!

When returning to the city, the emperor sat on the imperial chariot and said to everyone: "Post up the imperial list, and at the same time, the common people, the soldiers will go to the northern border tomorrow, let the common people send the soldiers off! Let the soldiers know, and the common people are thinking about it." Here they are, I hope they can return triumphantly as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" The Minister of War immediately responded.

Wen Nuan smiled slightly, the emperor has also learned it now.


Because Prince An's son is going to go to war tomorrow, the family will naturally be reunited, and it happens that Wu Jingmei's parents are still in the capital, so Princess An posts a post, inviting Wen Nuan and his family to have a farewell reunion dinner at Prince An's mansion.

Wen Ling was originally happy when she heard the words, but the Second and Third Bedrooms all found excuses to refuse to follow and stayed in Anguo Gong's Mansion for dinner.

The people in the second room were to prevent Wen Ling from going to cause trouble, and the third room was to stay with the second room.

Although Wen Jiarui felt that they were too polite, he persuaded them a few times, but seeing that they were determined not to go, he gave up.

Wen Jiagui knew in his heart that when others give you face, you have to consider for others. Only in this way can the relationship be more intimate.

Wen Jiagui said to Tan Shi: "Let's go back home tomorrow!"

Mrs. Ma Si of Wucheng Bing heard that Wen Jiagui and his wife planned to return to Ningyuan County, so they invited a matchmaker to propose marriage this afternoon. Liu Kai and Wen Qian had already exchanged invitations, and they just waited for Liu Kai to return triumphantly. wedding.

Wen Qian will be seventeen years old by the end of the year, but there are also girls in the capital who get married at the age of eighteen or nineteen. Although it is late, there are reasons for this and they will not be laughed at.


the next day

One hundred thousand troops gathered outside the city gate.

Prince An's son took Wu Jingmei's hand, his eyes were full of reluctance: "Take good care of yourself and wait for me to come back."

Wu Jingmei endured the sourness in her eyes, and nodded with a smile: "I will, you must come back safely!"

Prince An's son couldn't help but hug Wu Jingmei into his arms: "I will."

Princess An's eyes were already red, and she told the two guards beside Prince An's son to protect him.

Prince An's son let go of Wu Jingmei and knelt down in front of Princess An and Prince An: "Father, mother, the child is leaving, you must take care of your health, and wait for the child to return in triumph!"

Princess An nodded with red eyes: "Get up quickly, don't worry about us, you just need to take care of yourself and come back safely!"

Prince An: "Go now! You are a general now, what are mothers and mothers doing here? Go to the battlefield and kill a few Beiming dogs, don't disgrace me!"

Prince An's son nodded, took another look at Wu Jingmei, got on his horse, and walked in front of the army.

The seventh prince has already walked in front of the army, there is no way, his father is the emperor, standing on the city!

His mother had already left, and no one sent him off!

Fortunately, Aunt Seventeen sent him a package just now, otherwise he would have cried to death!

The Seventh Prince glanced at the army behind him.

Many people came to see them off today, and everyone held a package or a few kraft paper bags in their hands, which contained dry food made by themselves. Everyone gave the dry food in their hands to the soldiers to express their hearts.

Every soldier was given some dry food, and their hearts were heavy.

I am more determined in my heart. This time I go out, I must drive away the thieves in Beiming Kingdom, protect my homeland, and protect these folks.

The seventh prince and Prince An's son glanced at the sun, and seeing that the time had come, they took another look at the direction where Nalan Jinnian and Nuannuan were standing.

Nalan Jinnian nodded slightly to the two of them.

The two immediately said loudly: "Let's go!"

Then as soon as the horse's belly was clamped, the horse started to move.

The soldiers began to trot one after another.

The people on both sides shouted loudly: "Congratulations to the soldiers! We must return triumphantly as soon as possible!"

"Congratulations to the soldiers, you must return safely!"

For this expedition, the emperor also brought all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty to see him off on the city.

Seeing the 100,000 troops marching away, the Minister of the Ministry of Industry was surprised: "Your Majesty, isn't our army going out too high-profile? It would be bad if the enemy's whereabouts are caught! Besides, only 100,000 troops are sent to the north. Isn’t the support from Ming country too little? Doesn’t Beiming country have 300,000 troops?”

The emperor, looking at the rolling red dust stepped out by the soldiers, said indifferently: "I just want to go out in a high-profile way, tell the Beiming Kingdom, and tell the other three countries that our Nalan Kingdom has high fighting spirit and confidence, and we are sure to win!"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry was even more surprised, where did the emperor get his confidence?

Are there other arrangements?

The third prince sent a letter back saying that he wanted to come back, and asked him to find a way in front of the emperor to summon him back to Beijing.

He originally thought that the third prince should come back to the capital and wait by the emperor's side.

Now the second prince has lifted his restraint.

King Jin and Princess Hui'an are already married, and the third prince presumably has given up on Princess Hui'an.

Besides, he had a premonition that soon King Jin and Princess Hui'an would go to war.

With King Jin gone in Beijing, it happened to be the time for the third prince to develop his power.

But I don't know what the emperor's plans are. If the third prince stays with him for another month or two and earns some military merits, it will be really beneficial to the future struggle for the throne!

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry laughed and said: "The emperor must have some tricks?"

The emperor didn't speak, but turned to Eunuch Lin and said, "Go back to the palace!"

Eunuch Lin immediately said: "The emperor sends you back to the palace!"

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