Zi Wan, who was guarding outside, heard the sound of Nuan Nuan pushing open the window, she immediately pushed the door open and went in: "Princess, you woke up so early?"

Zi Wan knew it was warm last night, but she was too busy to sleep until late.

"Well, it's snowing so hard!" Nuan Nuan probed out and looked around.

"Princess, don't look, be careful of catching a cold!" Seeing Nuan Nuan wearing only a jacket, Zi Wan pushed open the window, and she immediately took a sable fur cloak and put it on for Nuan Nuan.

Wen Nuan gathered the cloak on his body, and left the window: "Fortunately, the room is warm. When did Brother Seventeen leave?"

"The Seventeenth Lord left before dawn. He told us not to wake you up. Wangfei, An Guogong sent someone to say that Mr. Liu has arrived."

So early?

Liu Xiaoen has already successfully transported a batch of medicinal materials to the military camp. Yesterday he sent a post asking to see him, and Wen Nuan made an appointment to meet him at Anguo Gong's mansion this morning.

It just so happened that she had something to tell him and Wen Jiagui to do.

Nuan Nuan nodded, just in time to see the note pressed on the round table, she picked it up and took a look, it said: Go to the military camp, return before lunch.

Wen Nuan took the note, walked to the desk, picked up a pen and wrote on the note: Wake up, go back to your mother's house for dinner.

Then she said to Zi Wan: "Pass the meal! I'll go and freshen up."

After a while, I have to go back to An Guogong's mansion to see Liu Xiaoen and the second uncle, and I have to see the second uncle and the third uncle off.


You don't need someone to wait for you to warm and freshen up, so Zi Wan went to pass on the meal.

After Nuan Nuan finished his breakfast, he took a birdcage and climbed over the wall to go back to Anguo Gong's mansion.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi naturally followed over the wall.

Seeing the neat movements of the three of them, Zi Wan twitched the corners of her mouth.

No, I really need to find a steward to open a door here as soon as possible.

Otherwise, they would all return to An Guogong's mansion as soon as they climbed over the wall, and only he would have to go back in a carriage, which would be too troublesome!

Although the two mansions are only separated by a wall, because the two mansions are huge, it is really convenient to take a horse-drawn carriage to and from the main entrance.

Nuan Nuan returned to Anguo Gong's mansion, went directly to the front yard to find a servant and asked, "Is Mr. Liu here?"

"Go back to Wangfei, here we are, in the study in the front yard, talking to the master, the second master, and the second young master!"

Nuannuan nodded: "How long has Mr. Liu been here?"

"Well, around two quarters of an hour, the master entered the mansion with him when he came back from the next morning."

Wen Nuan went straight to the study in the front yard after hearing the words.

in the study

Nuan Nuan walked in and said with a smile, "Father, Second Uncle, Second Brother."

When Liu Xiaoen saw Nuan Nuan walk in, he immediately stood up and bowed respectfully: "Cao Min has seen Princess Jin."

Nuan Nuan smiled: "Young Master Liu, you don't need to be polite. Sit down!"

Wen Hou stood up with a smile, and saluted Nuan Nuan: "Your Majesty has seen Princess Jin!

Nuannuan glared at Wenhou: "Second brother can also joke! I said I don't need to care about these empty etiquette."

Wen Hou smiled, it's not because there are outsiders around, he has to be polite, so as not to be criticized by others!

Wen Jiarui said at this moment: "Young Master Liu has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Liu Xiaoen heard the words and hurriedly said: "The Caomin arrived early."

He did arrive two quarters of an hour earlier than the appointed time.

Nuannuan sat down and smiled: "Master Liu has been waiting for a long time. This time the medicinal materials can be successfully delivered to the barracks, Mr. Liu is here!"

Liu Xiaoen cupped his hands and said: "Concubine Jin, you are being polite. The grassroots are also the citizens of Nalan Kingdom. When the country is in trouble, everyone is responsible. This is what it should be."

Wen Nuan didn't continue to be polite, and said straight to the point: "Now that the Four Kingdoms are besieging Nalan Kingdom, Mr. Liu must have heard about it, right?"

Liu Xiaoen nodded solemnly: "I heard that. If there is anything the imperial court needs the grassroots to do, the grassroots will definitely do their best!"

Troubled times make heroes!

Although Liu Xiaoen can't be a hero on the battlefield, this is definitely an opportunity for him, an opportunity for the Liu family to change their appearance.

Wen Nuan nodded: "If there is a war, there will inevitably be casualties. Medicinal materials have always been the shortcoming of our Nalan Kingdom. This time, I want Mr. Liu and my second uncle to go to the Southern Border Kingdom to purchase medicinal materials."

Liu Xiaoen cupped his hands and replied: "Princess Jin, I have already sent people to Nanjiang to try to purchase medicinal materials, but it is not difficult to go to Nanjiang, but the difficulty is that Nanjiang does not allow other medicines except for the local medicine merchants who have the medicine stamp. Merchants are looking to buy medicinal materials."

Nuannuan took out a golden medicine seal and said, "Young Master Liu, what is this?"

Liu Xiaoen took it, glanced at it, and looked at Princess Hui'an with disbelief: "The medicine seal of the Southern Border Kingdom? Really?"

Concubine Jin can even get the medicine seal of the Southern Border Kingdom!

Nuan Nuan shook her head: "It's fake! But it can be confused with the real one. If you put the real one together with it, you will never be able to tell which one is real and which one is fake."

Liu Xiaoen was very surprised, the medicine seal in Nanjiang was not made of pure gold, but some other things were added inside, which made the color of the medicine seal not pure gold.

It is also because of this that it has never been forged. There will always be a color difference between those fake medicine marks and the real ones.

This piece looks very similar to him, but he can't guarantee that it won't be put together, but Liu Xiaoen thinks Princess Jin can't joke about such a big matter!

He smiled and said: "With this medicine seal, it will be easy!"

"Although there are medicinal seals, the Southern Border Kingdom strictly controls medicinal materials, so you should be careful when purchasing."

Wen Nuan then explained in detail about the purchase of medicinal materials, how to purchase without causing suspicion.

Wen Nuan was talking alone, while Wen Jiagui and Liu Xiaoen were listening carefully and nodding frequently.

The two even took out a pen and ink to write it down.

When it was over, Nuannuan took out two jade tokens, one of which was given to her by Nalan Jinnian, which could train the spies on the southern border country, and the other one was given to her by Grandma Nan, which would shine in some places at critical moments. Put out that sign and someone will help them.

For example, when fleeing for your life.

Nuan Nuan gave the two jade plaques to Wen Jiagui.

And explained the usefulness to the two of them.

Liu Xiaoen was secretly startled, he did not expect Wen Nuan to be so well prepared, with such things, it is not difficult to purchase medicinal materials in Southern Border Country!

He now understands that Princess Hui'an is giving him credit for this!

Otherwise, since everything is so well prepared and the escape route has been thought out, it is impossible for King Jin not to arrange someone to purchase medicinal materials!

Liu Xiaoen felt that he had met a noble person.

He must follow this nobleman closely in the future.

Go through fire and water, do whatever you want!

"Young Master Liu, Second Uncle, I will leave it to you and Young Master Liu to secretly purchase medicinal materials in southern Xinjiang this time. Remember to be careful in everything."

The two hurriedly said: "Sister Nuan/Concubine Jin, don't worry, we will do our best to purchase as much wound medicine as possible!"

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