Wen Nuan and her sisters sent the people from the second and third rooms to the Shili Pavilion.

Wen Jiagui and Wen Jiaxiang said to the brothers and sisters: "Don't give it away, it's freezing cold, go back quickly!"

Nuan Nuan smiled and nodded: "We'll send it here, Second Uncle, Second Aunt, Third Uncle, Third Aunt, take care all the way!"

Wen Hou and the others also said goodbye.

Wen Qian held Tan's hand with red eyes: "Father, mother, take care all the way!"

The marriage has already been decided, and Wen Qian could go back to Ningyuan County together, but Mrs. Wu kept her and told her to stay in the capital to learn more. Now that the war is urgent, Mrs. Wu is preparing some winter clothes for the people affected by the disaster. It's time to need help.

Tan let her stay.

After all, Ningyuan County is not as good as the capital city. Wen Qian will marry into a family in the capital city in the future. Now that she is in the capital city, she can see more by Wu's side.

Mrs. Tan hugged Wen Qian: "Good boy, you must listen to your fourth aunt!"

Wen Qian nodded.

She looked at Wen Ling: "Sister Ling, you have to take good care of your parents."

Wen Ling kept her head down and didn't speak. When she heard Wen Qian's words, she raised her head and gave her a blank look: "My parents are not the only daughter. What are you doing here?"

She stayed in the capital to enjoy the wealth and glory, so why should she take care of her parents?

Wen Qian: "."

Wen Jiagui was furious and was about to get angry!

Tan hurriedly patted his hand comfortingly, and said, "Okay, we will take care of ourselves, sister Qian, don't worry! It's getting late! We're leaving! We're leaving!"

Wen Jiaxiang also hurriedly said: "Yes, let's go, let's go, or we won't be able to make it to the station."

Only then did Wen Jiagui hold back the anger in his heart, he smiled and said to Wen Nuan and the others: "We are going back to Ningyuan County, we will meet later!"

Nuan Nuan and others nodded: "Take care all the way!"

Then the carriage drove away.

The brothers and sisters stood on the side of the road and watched all the way.

Wen Nuan patted Wen Qian on the shoulder: "Don't be sad, when the third cousin wants to go back to see the second aunt and the others, it's okay for someone to take you back."

Wen Qian shook her head: "It's okay, I just think Sister Ling is too ignorant! I don't know when she will be more sensible."

How could she say such hurtful things?

How sad my parents would be when they heard that!

Wen Ran also said after hearing the words: "That's right! Cousin Wen Ling is so stingy when she speaks! She wasn't like this before!"

Wen Qian felt even more uncomfortable when she heard this.

Even at such a young age, sister Ran knew that it was wrong for her sister to do this.

I'm afraid it will be difficult for Wen Ling to get over it, unless it hurts her heart, it's possible after a big somersault, and it's not easy to comment on Wen Ling too much, Wen Ling is Wen Qian's biological sister, she said It's okay, if I say she's not good, Wen Qian will only feel more uncomfortable when she hears it, so Wen Nuan comforted me: "People will always grow, and one day she will understand."

Wen Qian nodded: "I hope so! It's windy here, let's go back!"

"it is good!"

Nuan Nuan and his group are preparing to board the carriage and go back to the city.

Wen Nuan suddenly saw a few carriages in the distance, which looked familiar, and the drivers looked a bit like Wen Chun's servants.

She said: "It seems that the eldest brother is back!"

Wen Hou heard the words and looked over, with surprise on his face: "Yes, it's Cangzhu next to Big Brother!"

Wen Ran said excitedly: "Brother is finally back!"

Wen Qian also smiled: "We'll wait here."

After a while, the carriage got closer and closer, and Cang Zhu, who was driving the carriage, also found that they were warming up to them.

He told Wen Chun in the carriage.

Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun raised the curtain and looked out.

Wen Chun said with a smile: "I think it's to see the second uncle and the others off!"

Liang Ziyun nodded: "Yes, Cang Zhu, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Cang Zhu answered, then flicked the whip, and shouted: "Drive!"

Wen Chun stopped immediately after hearing the words: "Don't! The young lady is pregnant! Slow down!"

Hearing this, Cang Zhu reined in the horse again, slowing down!

The speed of the carriage and the slowness caused Liang Ziyun's whole body to rush forward, almost knocking his head.

"Be careful!" Wen Chun quickly pulled her into his arms to protect her, with a worried look on his face: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay." Liang Ziyun leaned against Wen Chun's arms and smiled.

Cang Zhu quickly stabilized the horse.

Wen Chun couldn't help scolding in a low voice: "Be careful!"

"Yes, young master!" Cang Zhu was also very helpless, was he careless?

It was the two of them who disagreed!

The carriage soon arrived in front of Wen Nuan and the others.

"Brother! Sister-in-law!" Several people shouted happily to the people in the carriage.

Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun responded with a smile, and he was about to help Liang Ziyun get off the carriage.

Wen Nuan stopped him and said: "Don't get out of the carriage, let's talk when we go back home! We are here to see off the second and third uncles, and we saw your carriage from a distance, so we waited for a while."

The others nodded one after another, expressing that they don't want to get out of the carriage, and they will talk when they return home.

Wen Chun didn't get out of the carriage again after hearing the words: "Then let's go back home first!"

Nuannuan was sitting in the carriage of Prince Jin's Mansion, Chen Huan showed his token, and the group of them went straight into the city.

On a snowy day, there were fewer people entering and leaving the city gate. The Minister of the Ministry of Industry was accepting the city inspection and saw their carriage entering the city.

Just in time to see Wen Chun and Liang Ziyun from the raised curtain.

Isn't that Duke An's eldest son?

He returned to Beijing?

During the siege of Nalan Kingdom by the Four Kingdoms, he, the parent official of the frontier county, abandoned the people in the city and fled directly back to the capital? !


What a big dog!

At this time, the soldiers guarding the city had just finished checking, and the carriage of Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry could pass.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry immediately said to his coachman: "Hurry up, go to Zuoduqian Yushijia! Hurry up!"

The last time I heard my wife and daughter talking about a niece in the Duke of Anguo's mansion with a heart higher than the sky, an ordinary Bai Ding dared to look down on Zuo Duqian Yushi's son, would she still want to marry the prince?

I heard Mrs. Zuo Duqian Yushi was very dissatisfied with this!

It is just right to take this opportunity to break the wings of King Jin and Duke Anguo's mansion.

The Minister of the Ministry of Industry soon came to Zuo Duqian Yushi's mansion.

The censors are all officials with little money, and the consumption level in the capital is relatively high, and the houses are also very expensive. Zuoduqian censor's mansion is only accessible once, and the whole family, old and young, are crowded together, living in a very oppressive place.

When Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry was invited in, he slowly disliked him from the bottom of his heart, but it didn't show on the surface.

This mansion is not even comparable to the steward's house in his own mansion!

No wonder that niece of An Guogong looks down on his son!

At any rate, he lives in An Guo Gong's mansion, so he can be regarded as someone who has seen the world.

Yu Shi Zuo Duqian smiled and invited Minister of Industry to enter the room: "Shangshu Huang, please sit down!"

Minister of the Ministry of Industry took a look at the armchair, it was made of ordinary wenge wood, and it had been used for many years!

Luckily no dust!

He endured the disgust in his heart, and sat down condescendingly.

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