When Nuan Wen came to the city gate with a few generals, 30,000 city defenders had already neatly settled down and gathered under the city gate!

Looking at such a military appearance, you know that they are well-trained.

It shows that Cao Zihao manages the army well.

At this time, Yuan Minzhe, the general on duty tonight, shouted loudly on the city wall: "The enemy army still has three kilometers to reach the city gate!"

Warmth, Cao Zihao and other generals quickly climbed up the city wall.

Seen from a distance, the densely packed soldiers, like a black cloud, are moving forward rapidly,

The cavalry in the lead are all cavalry, and the infantry with siege tools behind them are all wearing black armor.


The momentum is like a rainbow!

Wen Nuan took a look at the enemy's flag, it was the black panther's flag, one of the strongest troops in Beiming Kingdom, cavalry elite soldiers!

The leading general is Hou Gefan, the general who can blow stones away.

Why do you say that the soldiers of the Beiming Kingdom are strong and the horses are strong? The Beiming Kingdom has 300,000 cavalry elite soldiers, and this time they dispatched 100,000 elite cavalry soldiers. Looking at the entire Central Plains, the Beiming Kingdom has such strength! Except for the elite cavalry, there are other elite soldiers that are not counted!

They have 300,000 soldiers in Nalan Kingdom, but they don't have 300,000 cavalry elite soldiers!

Cao Zihao said: "The general leading the Beiming Kingdom this time is Hou Gefan who I met in Dongling Kingdom in the past."

Nuannuan nodded, and said lightly: "Well, I'm just defeated!"

Cao Zihao thought of the scene of his mission to Dongling in the past, and smiled: "That's right."

I don't know why, with Princess Hui'an around, at this moment he looked at the thousands of troops approaching from far below, and he was extraordinarily calm.

It seems that they also have an army of 300,000, not a "big" army of 30,000!

Wen Nuan then asked: "Did the prince of Beiming Kingdom and other princes go out this time?"

"not found."

Nuan feels that it is impossible, this is a good opportunity for the princes to make meritorious deeds, if they have military merits, it will be of great benefit to ascend the throne in the future.

It is impossible for Di Junming to miss this opportunity.

It is estimated that they are hiding among the soldiers.

Nuan Nuan didn't think about it, seeing the enemy army getting closer, she said to Cao Zihao: "You and I will lead 20,000 elite soldiers to fight out, and the remaining 10,000 soldiers will defend the city!"

"Yes!" Cao Zihao jumped straight down, waved the command flag at the 30,000 soldiers, personally ordered 20,000 elite soldiers to come out, and then said loudly: "Brothers, listen to the order, the team you ordered just now will follow!" Princess Jin and this general go out to kill the enemy! The rest defend the city!"

Thirty thousand soldiers said in unison: "Yes!"

Cao Zihao glanced at Wen Nuan who was still standing on the city wall.

Nuan nodded.

Cao Zihao shouted, "Open the city gate!"

The heavy city gate was quickly opened.

Cao Zihao rode on horseback, raised his spear forward, and shouted, "Come on, brothers! Kill!"

As he said that, he ran out in the first place!

At this time, there was a red BMW beside him, and he also ran out with its hooves, leaving Cao Zihao behind.

"Kill!" Twenty thousand soldiers all rode horses, holding shields, carrying iron pots and weapons, and ran out!

Nuan Nuan jumped from the city wall at this time, and landed firmly on her mount. She held up the command flag and ran at the front, leaving the team a hundred meters away!

Hou Gefan, who was gradually approaching with an army of 300,000, saw that the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom dared to open the city gate to fight.

He sneered: "Does this mean that you know you can't beat us, so you just open the city gate to surrender?"

Di Junming behind him frowned and said: "The leader is Princess Hui'an, don't take it lightly!"

In Dongling Kingdom in the past, Princess Hui'an left a deep impression on him.

Di Junming was dressed in military uniform, not the armor that represented the identity of the crown prince.

Conquering the Nalan Kingdom is a great achievement in opening up remote areas! In the future, after he ascends the throne, with this contribution, he will be the eternal emperor who ruled the world in history!

That will be written into the annals of history and will last forever!

As the prince of Beiming Kingdom, he aspires to be the prince of an emperor who will unify the world, how could he not show up!

Besides, the father wanted to save Di Junxian at any cost. He knew that his father loved Di Junxian the most. If he offered to save him, his father would only feel that he had brotherhood!

This kills two birds with one stone, so why not do it!

After all, he already knew that Di Junxian's tendons and hamstrings were broken by Nalan Jinnian, and he has already been crippled!

If I came to rescue him by myself, if I rescued him back, he would be useless, and he would have nothing to contend with.

The reason why he didn't wear the prince's uniform today, but only wore the armor of an ordinary lieutenant general, was that he wanted to hide his identity from the Beiming soldiers, and take the lead in making military achievements as a general!

In the future, when his identity is revealed, he will definitely become a role model and become a good story!

Of course, in this way, it would not become the target of Nalan Jinnian and Princess Hui'an, and end up like that idiot Di Junxian.

Hou Gefan's heart tightened. In the past in Dongling Kingdom, it was because of Princess Hui'an, a joke he made in front of the envoys from all over the world!

Even his prestige in the army has been compromised!

Today he must get back to the field, a snow of shame!

Hou Gefan clamped the horse's belly, and the horse ran faster. He said loudly: "Those people in Nalan Kingdom who are greedy for life and afraid of death, open the city gate to welcome us; soldiers, let's go!"

Beiming's 300,000 troops are moving faster!

The speed of warmth was very fast. When she was about 500 meters away from the Beiming army, she inserted the flag on her back, then clamped her feet into the horse's belly, picked up the bow and arrow on her back, Nock the arrow, draw the bow, aim at Hou Gefan, and release the arrow!

draw the bow,

Let the arrows go!

draw the bow,

Let the arrows go!

When Hou Gefan saw Nuan Nuan shooting an arrow, he twitched the corner of his mouth contemptuously, raised his spear and waved it, and easily missed the arrow!

It's just that Hou Gefan didn't expect that he missed an arrow, and there was another one following its buttocks. He turned his body to avoid the arrow in front of him.

"Pfft!" The sound of sharp arrows piercing flesh sounded.

Too many arrows!

When Nuan Nuan was drawing the bow, he touched the mechanism of the sleeve crossbow with his fingers, and the crossbow released the arrows again. The two arrows are connected by the arrowheads to the tails of the arrows. Moreover, the arrows of the sleeve crossbow are relatively short. Looking at the past, there is no abnormality at all!

Nuan Nuan pulled the bow five times in a row, plus the crossbow arrows of the sleeve crossbow, a total of ten arrows were released, and the last five arrows were all connected end to end, making it impossible for him to hide. In the end, Hou Gefan was shot in the abdomen by a sharp arrow .

As soon as the two armies clashed, the main general was shot and wounded. The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom had great morale!

Cao Zihao shouted: "Brothers, go! Get rid of the Beiming dogs!"

"Come on!"

Hou Gefan directly broke the bow and arrow in his abdomen, raised his spear, and shouted: "Brothers, kill! Kill all these lowly bandits in Nalan Kingdom!"

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