The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1246 I'm afraid there is fraud!

Yuan Minzhe, who was standing on the city wall watching the battle and directing the defense of the city, saw Nuan Nuan's order, and immediately shouted: "Open the city gate!"

The city gate instantly opened!

The soldiers retreated bravely, orderly, and quickly retreated into the city.

Hou Gefan saw the city gates wide open, and shouted loudly: "Rush! Rush into the city and kill him without leaving any behind!"

The 300,000 army of Beiming Kingdom was still in chaos, and those soldiers who hadn't startled their horses, and the infantry behind them, moved forward quickly.

Warmth, Cao Zihao had retreated ten meters away from the city gate with 2,000 elite soldiers, watching the Beiming army shouting and rushing up with all their strength.

The warm flag waved.

They took out the Thunderbolt calmly and in unison, lined up in groups of a hundred people, and threw them out!



There was a loud bang, and one person and one horse were blown away.

In an instant, the Beiming army that rushed up fell down!

After the hundreds of people in the first row threw out the thunderbolts, they quickly took the thunderbolts handed over by the companions in the second row and continued to throw them out!



A series of loud bangs exploded.

The earth trembled for it!

One by one, the figures took off.

The smell of blood spread rapidly in the air.

The horse was frightened by the rumble, and ran like a headless chicken again.

Countless soldiers were thrown flying, and countless soldiers were led by horses to run around, and even ran away from the battlefield.

Another uncontrollable chaos.

After finally controlling it a little bit, the soldiers of Beiming Kingdom fell down two batches in a row, and for a while everyone hesitated to move forward.

"Get off the horse! Don't ride the horse!" Hou Gefan quickly ordered, "Come on! We want to see how many thunderbolts they have! Go! Avenge our brother! Anyone who violates the law will be shot! Kill! Kill this general!"

Hou Gefan was caught in the dense army, pointing his spear directly at the gate of Nalan Kingdom, his voice was stern, his face was covered with blood.

Di Junming had also retreated to the side, protected by the guards around him, and looked at the 20,000 soldiers of Nalan Kingdom, playing around with their 300,000 troops, trembling with anger: "Kill! Kill alone! Kill a Nalan Kingdom Soldiers of the Lan Kingdom, reward one tael of silver!"

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom had no choice but to move forward.

Groups of troops rushed forward, and thunderbolts exploded one by one.

The Shura Hell is no different.

After throwing away the thunderbolts in the hands of the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom, they quickly turned around and returned to the city gate while blood and dust were flying everywhere!

The heavy city gate was closed.

The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom swarmed up.

A long ladder is built on the high city wall.

A gigantic giant log was supported by hundreds of soldiers, and it hit the city gate forcefully.

The heavy city gate trembled.

Yuan Minzhe and the soldiers on the city wall were already ready!

They watched as more and more people gathered under the gates and walls of the city. They didn't need to give orders, and they just dropped the boulders, those who threw kerosene, and those who threw thunderbolts.

One side is attacking very strongly, and the other side is defending the city with full firepower.

There were 10,000 soldiers guarding the city wall. After returning to the city, the remaining 20,000 soldiers quickly ran to various places in the city and disappeared among the buildings all at once.

The soldiers guarding the city wall ran out of everything they could. Pulling on the rope, they quickly jumped off the city wall and ran into the nearby buildings.

Soon, the city gate was breached, and the Beiming army rushed in clamorously, intending to start the killing ring, but none of the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom stopped them.

They only saw some soldiers of Nalan Kingdom hiding in a certain house quickly.

The densely packed army froze, not knowing what to do next.

Hou Gefan and Di Junming rushed in with the army at this time, and saw the clean street, not even a single fly, let alone a human figure!

A soldier immediately said: "General, the soldiers of Nalan Kingdom are hiding in the house! Shall we search the city?"

For the soldiers, the biggest benefit of fighting is to break through a city, and it's time to defend the city.

This is their chance to make a fortune.

The money and belongings collected are divided among everyone, and sometimes they can even take the opportunity to embezzle some.

Hou Gefan and Di Junming glanced at each other.

Di Junming felt uneasy: "I'm afraid there is a fraud! Don't act rashly!"

Hou Gefan nodded: "Princess Hui'an is probably trying to take this opportunity to disperse our forces."

An army of 30,000 against 300,000 of them, okay! Now I am afraid there are only about 200,000 left.

Only in this way can their forces be dispersed.

But there are only 30,000 of them, and there are nearly 300,000 of them.

Yongping County is not big, if 30,000 soldiers were scattered in each room, Nalan soldiers could only hide one or two soldiers in each room, while

Their 300,000 troops have ten people per room!

Ten people deal with them and one soldier, can't they still deal with it?

But for the sake of conservatism, Hou Gefan said: "Prince, how about we send fifty soldiers to search a house, room by room? The city has already been captured by our army of 300,000. We have plenty of time. If the dog thieves dare to stay and try to assassinate us, we will let them escape!"

Di Junming had also calculated in his mind just now that fifty soldiers searched a house together, which is the safest way. Even if she meets Princess Hui'an and fifty people deal with her, it will not be so easy for her to get away for a while, so that can prevent Their troops suffered too much unknowingly, and they had the greatest opportunity to capture Princess Hui'an. He nodded: "General Hou uses his troops like a god, and General Hou decided to do this!"

Di Junming didn't directly say yes, this has always been his style of doing things, and if he doesn't give a positive answer, when something goes wrong, he will have an excuse to push everything away in front of his father. If he wins, his credit will be indispensable!

Hou Gefan got the answer, and immediately issued an order: "Brothers, listen to the order. Each centurion will divide your team into two groups of fifty people in each group, and each group of fifty people will be responsible for a room. Search for this general! The soldiers of Nalan Kingdom who got up should find them, shoot them to death, and avenge the brothers who opened the way for us just now!"

"Yes!" The soldiers of Beiming Kingdom immediately responded loudly!

Di Junming went on to say: "Whoever finds the trace of Princess Hui'an, report it immediately! If you catch Princess Hui'an's team, all the character ranks will be directly promoted to the third level, and there will be rewards!"

The soldiers were all excited when they heard this!

If the rank is increased by three levels, they can become commanders from small pawns!

Immediately afterwards, Hou Gefan gave an order: "Search!"

Numerous Beiming soldiers quickly divided into teams of fifty and rushed into each house in the city.

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