The commander who took the lead glanced around, frowned and said, "Didn't Vice General Bai say he came to this room?"

They searched the room next to them, but they didn't find any flies, let alone money!

Thinking that this room looks like a study at first glance, and there should be many valuable things, so I came here.

"It seems to be! But why didn't I see anyone?"

The soldier who was speaking tightened his grip on the weapon, and listened to the movement in the room with his ears up.

"Maybe the search is over and you left?" Ling Yi saw that the house was in a mess, but there was no blood.

"Is there nothing in this house?"

The commander shook his head: "Search again, this is the study, there should be nothing there!"

"Yes!" I was about to search around.

At this time, there was a cry from outside: "There are enemy troops here! Killed! Come to support! Killed!"

Then there was a faint sound of fighting.

After hearing the words, several people ran to the door and looked outside.

One of them asked: "Could it be that Princess Hui'an has been discovered?"

The commander's face changed: "Go! Go and see!"

Grabbing the official rank of Princess Hui'an will lead to three ranks in a row!

Then he directly became a general.

Several people ran out quickly.

Although Wen Nuan didn't know who was exposed, it was probably a commoner who was hiding here. For the safety of her companions or the people of Nalan Kingdom, she waved her hand, and a few poisonous needles flew out, and she jumped down at the same time. , smiling to the few who ran out: "Are you looking for me?"

Several people turned their heads in an instant, and before they could react, a few others were plunged into their bodies by the silver needles, and fell to the ground in an instant, leaving only one commander standing still.

Nuannuan needed him to yell to attract people over, so he didn't put him down.

The commander saw Nuan Nuan appearing behind them, and all the companions around him fell to the ground, his face changed in fright, and he immediately shouted: "Princess Hui'an is here! Come here!"

After saying that, he held the spear at a high speed, and stabbed straight at Wen Nuan.

The Beiming soldiers who were running in a certain direction in a swarm gave up chasing that person in an instant, and turned around to the direction where Nuannuan was!

After all, killing 10,000 soldiers of Nalan Kingdom is not as important as capturing a Princess Hui'an of Nalan Kingdom!

Wen Nuan moved her body neatly to one side, dodging the spear stabbed by the enemy commander. At the same time, she spun around, and when the opponent's figure rushed forward due to inertia, she kicked with her long legs!

The commander-in-chief of Beiming Kingdom flew out, knocked his head on the steps, and passed out.

At this time, dozens of Beiming soldiers ran towards Nuan holding their spears.

"Hurry up! Princess Hui'an of Nalan Kingdom is here!"

"Hurry up! Princess Hui'an of Nalan Kingdom is here!"

Seeing Nuan Nuan, those soldiers ran and shouted for joy as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Some soldiers from various rooms in the courtyard heard the sound and ran out.

Hu Gefan and Di Junming, who were guarding the street outside, waiting for the soldiers under their hands to find traces of warmth, quickly led their people to the house after hearing this.

In this battle, if Princess Hui'an can be captured, it will be a great contribution!

Nuannuan smiled slightly as he looked at the enemy soldiers running towards him like a swarm of bees.

If you can kill one more enemy army, it is one, and if you can kill dozens of them, you will earn money.

Now it is still a bit far away from the goal of destroying the 100,000 Beiming army!

Wen Nuan unfastened the silver whip from his waist, and with a flash of his figure, he took the initiative to meet him.

Within the reach of the silver whip, she swung her long whip and directly engulfed the frontmost enemy soldier, and then Nuan Nuan pulled hard, and that man flew horizontally, knocking down a group of enemies who rushed over. Army, then flew out, bumped into a stone pillar, spit out a mouthful of blood, and closed his eyes.

The warm silver whip continued to be swung out, and the sharp long whip was swung towards the Beiming enemy army one whip after another.

The sound of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh" made by the silver whip piercing through the air resounded in the air!

The soldier who was beaten by the silver whip screamed in pain, and then fell to the ground and couldn't get up!

Wen Nuan's silver whip was quenched with poison, and the throat was sealed with blood, but the amount of poison was limited, and it could only hold about 20 people.

The soldiers fell to the ground when they saw the people being beaten by the silver whip, and all backed away in fright.

"Be careful, her whip is poisonous!" someone shouted.

But is it useful to retreat?

The speed at which Nuan Nuan swung his whip forward could not be compared to a group of them retreating in panic.

All of a sudden, more than 20 people are amazing!

Wen Nuan then used a long silver whip to wrap around people, and flung them away.

People running from all over saw this and didn't dare to go forward for a while.

That silver whip is too powerful, as long as you touch it, you will die!

The silver whip was too long, they didn't even have a chance to get close.

Until Hou Gefan and Di Junming hurriedly arrived.

Hou Gefan shouted: "Catch her! Whoever captures Princess Hui'an or kills her will be rewarded!"

Di Junming also said: "The poison on her whip is gone, catch her!"

"Archers! Archers ready!"

Hou Gefan then held his spear and rushed straight towards Nuannuan: "Princess Hui'an, please die!"

Di Junming can also draw his sword, and with a flash of his body, he stabs towards Nuannuan.

Seeing this, the other soldiers rushed towards Nuannuan again.

Several Beiming soldiers even climbed onto the roof, took a big net, and threw it down towards Nuannuan!

Wen Nuan looked at the man who was charging towards him with a spear, and then glanced at the big net that fell from the sky.

She hooked her small mouth and smiled slightly.

With a flash of his figure, he jumped directly into the air, and at the same time, with a flick of the long whip, it wrapped around a branch, and with a pull, his whole body flew out of the range of the giant net.

When Wen Nuan was shaking in the air, he stretched out his hand, grabbed the giant net, and pulled it hard, and the person on the roof fell down!

At the same time, the huge net fell, directly covering a large number of Beiming soldiers.

Nuan Nuan landed on the roof as lightly as a swallow, and before she landed, the last three crossbow arrows in her sleeve were released.

Nuan Nuan smiled at Hou Gefan and Di Junming who rose up in the air: "General Hou, Prince Beiming, come and chase me!"

After speaking, she ran directly from the roof.

There is no way, there is such a big commotion, there are many Beiming soldiers on the street!

She has to find a place where there are no people to jump down, otherwise she will die if she jumps down!

Hou Gefan and Di Junming were about to jump up to the roof, but were stopped by sharp arrows that pierced through the air, and they dodged in a flash before falling to the ground.

Hou Gefan looked at Nuan Nuan's figure moving quickly on the roof, and he shouted loudly, "Shoot the arrow!"

Now every street is filled with soldiers from their Beiming Kingdom?

It's hard for Princess Hui'an to fly even with wings!

One by one, the archers picked up their longbows and aimed at the warmth.

Sharp arrows shot out one by one.

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