Amber was invited into the flower hall by Chen Xi.

Nuannuan was sitting in the flower hall waiting for him, and when she saw him come in, she stood up and saluted Amber politely, but she lost her previous acquaintance: "Huian, I have met King Lanling."

Amber's face was haggard, his eyes were dull, and his face was covered with stubble. He hurriedly saluted Nuannuan, and then said, "I'm really sorry for not being able to attend the wedding of King Jin and Princess Jin!"

Nuan Nuan made a gesture of invitation to an armchair: "King Lanling, please sit down!"

After speaking, she sat down straight away.

Chen Huan served tea to the two of them.

He said warmly and politely: "King Lanling, please drink tea!"

She picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

The warm attitude is distant and polite, no longer the eagerness of sending off relatives in the past.

Amber sat down and showed a wry smile. It was his own fault for not protecting Yue'er.

It's normal for Princess Jin not to look good on herself!

It's just that warm attitude made him not know how to speak for a moment.

Nuan Nuan let him dry for a while, then put down the tea bowl and said, "I don't know why King Lanling came to see this princess?"

Amber stood up and gave Nuannuan a junior salute: "I'm here to ask Aunt Seventeen to save Yue'er."

Nuannuan glanced at him, and said coldly: "The eighth princess doesn't need you to ask, we will save it naturally! It seems that King Lanling is nothing more than that, he can't even protect his own wife and children! Now you can't even protect him, You can't even save her! Since I'm going to save her, do you know the whereabouts of the eighth princess?"

Amber closed her eyes, and said with a painful face: "I don't know, I have sent many people, but they haven't found Yue'er yet."

If he knew Yue'er's whereabouts, he would save her himself, instead of asking for help.

Amber knew that Nalan Jinnian had a very powerful eagle.

And a wolf and a dog beside Wen Nuan are also very powerful, with very sensitive noses.

It's been a month, and I don't know how much Yue'er has suffered. Princess Hui'an is right, I am really useless!

Nuannuan saw his pained face, it didn't seem like a fake.

She satirizes him, but he doesn't justify or get angry.

The eighth princess had a miscarriage and insisted on going back to Nalan Kingdom. She didn't know why, so she asked, "Don't you explain why the eighth princess had a miscarriage and why she insisted on returning to Nalan Kingdom regardless of her own health?" How did you promise at the beginning? What happened today is your promise? In this way, even if the eighth princess is rescued, we will take the eighth princess back to Nalan Kingdom, and will not be with you again, nor with Lanling The country has nothing to do with it!"

Amber scratched her hair in pain when she heard the words: "It's my fault! I didn't protect her well! I shouldn't have rescued her! I killed our child."

The eighth princess was arrested by the people of Beiming Kingdom for nearly a month, and Amber couldn't sleep or eat during this month, regretting her mistakes.

He never imagined that when he went out to save people, his child would be gone, and his wife would be arrested!

"Save who?" Nuan Nuan was already angry in her heart, and her tone became a little impatient.

I really want to kick someone!

Nuan raised her legs, and pressed her right foot with her left foot, which was just about to move.

Now this person is still the son-in-law of the Eighth Princess!

Can't kick!

After figuring out the situation, kicking again is the same.

Amber said: "I was writing to you with Yue'er that day, and suddenly a guard came to report that Amber and Dorya were out on a trip, and they met a falcon in the desert and robbed and killed a Nalan Kingdom caravan. They are few in number, so they ask for support. Falcon belongs to a bandit in our area, very ferocious and powerful. After hearing this, I immediately led people to rescue them."

Amber recalled painfully: "The wind and sand was very strong that day. When I arrived, Amber was seriously injured, but Dorya was missing. Later, I took people to find her and found that Dorya was almost abused. She Frightened greatly, anyone who gets close to her will crazily resist.

When I saw this, I called her name loudly. She looked at me, and then suddenly rushed over, hugged me tightly, and never let go. I could only hug her and leave. Halfway through, her face was flushed, and she hugged me tightly, hard... cough cough."

Amber was also embarrassed when she said this, her bearded face blushed, but she continued: "She even started to take off my clothes, I quickly pushed her away, but she threw me down.

That's when I found out that she had been hit by an aphrodisiac and was trying to get her under control.

Yue'er came here suddenly at this time! I saw it, and then turned around on the horse and left without saying a word! At that time, the wind and sand were already so strong that people could hardly stand still, Yue'er's horse."

When Amber said this, he covered his eyes, his voice was hoarse, and he was too sad to speak for a moment.

Nuan unconsciously clenched the armrest of the chair.

Amber suppressed his emotions before he continued: "The horse ran wildly in the quicksand, stumbled and fell, and threw Yue'er down, and the horse behind was in a panic and stepped on her."

Amber was speechless again, covering her face, her whole body was shaking!

The horse stepped on her belly, and the wind and sand buried her again.

He rescued her, and the blood had already stained her dress and the yellow sand red.

Amber finished the story with difficulty.

Every time he thought of this scene, he wished he could kill himself.

Why was the horse not stepping on me?

Warm tears welled up in her eyes, and she quickly turned her head away.

How painful is that?

The eighth princess has always been afraid of pain!

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Needless to say, the child was gone, and the eighth princess was very sad, so naturally she would not listen to his explanation, so regardless of her own health, she insisted on returning to Nalan Kingdom.

Then he was arrested by the people of Beiming Kingdom!

Wen Nuan sniffed, and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Have you found out why the eighth princess suddenly went to the desert? And whether the horse was poisoned or not. That cousin of yours is clearly plotting against you. She is Hugging you on purpose, right?"

Too frightened, you can't get close to everyone?

Since she was so frightened that no one could approach her, why did she rush towards Amber?


Amber nodded: "I found out, someone told Yue'er that she would go there only if I died in the desert. I have already executed that person! As for Dorya, I have already been imprisoned in the dungeon .”

He will not forgive a man who plots against his wife.

"You haven't explained this clearly to Princess Eight?"

Amber hurriedly explained: "Yue'er didn't listen to my explanation, and she wanted to go back to Nalan Kingdom. I didn't allow it, and said that she would go back with her after she recovered. She didn't want to see me, so she threw things away when she saw me. I'm going, as soon as I touch her, she feels sick and vomits. She keeps saying that she wants to go back to Nalan Kingdom! I dare not approach her, lest she hurt herself, so I have to ask someone to take care of her. The guard in the study next door to me I didn't expect that two days later, she said she wanted to see me!"

At that time, he was ecstatic, thinking that Yue'er would finally listen to his explanation and let him take care of her. did not expect

Amber closed her eyes, smiled wryly and continued: "She sent everyone away, saying that seeing so many people was annoying, and hearing them walking around the house, she couldn't sleep! She told them to go back to their rooms Sleep, don’t disturb her! She only wants me to accompany her! So I sent everyone away and stayed by her side. Unexpectedly, she poisoned us all. Everyone fell asleep all night, and she ran away secretly overnight !

When I woke up the next morning, I immediately went after it, but I never caught up. After entering the border of Beiming, she found that her guard was seriously injured and rushed back. When she saw me, she asked for help! Said that she was captured by people from Beiming Kingdom! "

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