The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1255 This is the emperor's order! (Jiagen, thanks to the leader Butterfly Pea Flower)

Amber sighed, he also knew that Nuannuan was venting for Yue'er.

So instead of being angry, he was a little happy for Yue'er.

Princess Huian's doing this at least proves that she treats Yue'er sincerely and loves her dearly.

He is also happy to have one more person who loves Yue'er in this world.

Amber bowed and bowed: "Since this is the case, the king will secretly cooperate with the seventeenth emperor's aunt to rescue the eighth princess."

A closer relationship is still necessary!

He also counted on Nuan Nuan to help him talk.

So Amber still insists on calling Nuan Nuan Aunt Seventeen.

Amber turned and walked out.

Princess Huian is right, she saved her, he saved him!

He must personally rescue Yue'er, plead guilty to her, and ask for her forgiveness!

Seeing that Amber left, Wen Nuan went back to the house and changed into a suit of armor, then went to watch the army training, and talked with Cao Zihao and other generals about the next battle.

She wants to see how Amber can save the eighth princess!

In fact, after doing so many things, her ultimate goal is to lure the Beiming enemy army to use the eighth princess as bait to lure them to save people.


Yongping City

The soldiers of the Beiming Kingdom searched the entire city, but found no food.

I still found some in some villages outside the city, but most of the people in the villages outside the city are poor, how much food can they store?

A total of only a few hundred catties of grain was found, which was not enough for an army of 200,000 to stuff their teeth!

Fortunately, everyone brought some dry food with them, just in case, the cooking soldiers used the food to cook gruel for everyone to eat, at least it could last for two or three days.

Dijun Minggui is the prince, so the food is naturally tight to him, so what he eats is still white rice and braised rabbit meat.

The rabbit was found by a few soldiers who went up the mountain and searched for it for a long time.

Hou Gefan was with him, eating the same food.

"Without food, the army can't last long! What's the news from Butterfly Valley? When will the army of Nalan Kingdom arrive?" Di Junxian asked, putting down his chopsticks.

Hou Gefan: "Report from the scouts, the army of Nalan Kingdom will arrive in two days, and the Butterfly Valley is ready! The Sixth Prince will definitely be rescued tonight!"

Di Junming slapped the table: "Okay! We will start preparing to attack the city tomorrow! We must capture Yongding City before the Nalan Kingdom army arrives!"

Hou Gefan hesitated for a moment before saying: "Prince, Yongding City is a prefectural city, and it may be difficult to capture it for a while. Moreover, Yongding City needs to pass through Puning Mountain, so the enemy can easily set up an ambush. How about attacking Wuyang County first?"

Di Junming gave him a blank look when he heard the words, and his tone was full of disdain: "Attack Wuyang County? Wuyang County is just a small county with a population of less than 100,000 people! Even if it is captured, how many supplies can there be? Enough How many days does it take for our 200,000 troops to eat? If we don’t have food and grass delivered, do you know that our troops can starve themselves to death without going into battle to kill the enemy!”

Hou Gefan continued to persuade: "Princess Hui'an led people to retreat to Yongding City. The general felt that she must have a plan. She guessed that we would attack Yongding City. We did not follow her wish. We captured Wuyang County. Come by surprise! A small county in Wuyang County, within an hour, we will definitely be able to conquer it!"

Di Junming was furious when he heard that he could conquer within an hour!

"Last time, General Hou also said that Yongping County could be captured in an hour. What happened?"

The city was captured within an hour!

But they were played by those pariahs of Nalan Kingdom for a day and a night, and finally sacrificed a hundred thousand troops!

What a shame!

As long as Di Junming thinks that this matter will soon spread, he will soon become a joke of the Four Kingdoms, he must do something big to save face!

Hou Gefan lowered his head when he heard the words: "This is the first time that the general has confronted Princess Hui'an, so he didn't understand her military habits. Yongding City, there may be some conspiracy and tricks, we attack Wuyang County, of course it will be easy!"

Di Junming sneered: "General Hou is confident! But has General Hou thought about how easy it is to evacuate the people in such a small county as Wuyang County? If Wuyang County is just like Yongping County, it is just an empty city! for what?

You also said just now that the enemy's army is coming soon! Even if we capture Wuyang County tomorrow, the enemy army will arrive next! Can we capture Yongping City in one day? I am afraid that it is possible to take it in ten days and a half months!

If there was no food in Wuyang County at that time, what would our soldiers eat? Waiting to starve to death? "

Hou Gefan also wanted to persuade: "No, the next batch of grain from the imperial court will be delivered in ten days. As for Wuyang County, the general has already sent someone to look at it."

"Okay!" Di Junming interrupted him: "Attack Yongding City! We must capture Yongding City before the Nalan Kingdom army arrives! After capturing Yongding City, we will attack Wuyang County! A small county in Wuyang County , Isn’t General Hou able to capture it in an hour? That’s it! General Hou, let’s get ready! Call other generals to discuss how to capture Yongding City! The day after tomorrow, after the victory in Butterfly Valley, we will attack Go down to Yongding City! This is the emperor's order! Father asked me to supervise the army, is General Hou going to disobey the emperor's order?"

Hou Gefan felt aggrieved, but he could only say: "The last general dare not!"


Butterfly Valley

Nalan Jinnian and Xia Xuan led five hundred elite soldiers to ambush in the dark.

Surrounded by thick snow, a vast expanse of whiteness.

If you look carefully, you can find that under some snow, occasionally a pair of eyes will be exposed.

Three kilometers ahead, there were thousands of people ambush in the snow one night later than them.

Outside the entrance of Butterfly Valley, there was a team of 5,000 people escorting a few people sitting in prison cars, walking on the snow-covered road with difficulty.

Some soldiers complained: "The weather in northern Xinjiang is really not suitable for human survival! It's too cold!"

"It's because it's so cold this year! It hasn't snowed in the capital at this time of year, but when we set off, it was already snowing in the capital. What's more, it's northern Xinjiang, so it's naturally colder."

"It's all the fault of these black-hearted beasts, they are simply not as good as beasts, otherwise we wouldn't have to come to this ghost place in the winter! It's almost freezing to death!"

The soldiers began to scold Di Junxian and the others.

Di Junxian and the others were hungry and cold at the moment, and they were in a state of unconsciousness, and they couldn't hear the soldiers scolding them at all.

They were only wearing a thin prison uniform and wrapped in an old quilt. This old quilt was found for them by the soldiers because they were worried that they would freeze to death.

Seeing that they were approaching Butterfly Valley, the general who led the army warned loudly at this time: "We are going to pass through Butterfly Valley soon! Let's speed up to pass, everyone should be more energetic and be careful!"

After writing a book for so long, today I finally have a leader!

This is my first ally.

It means a lot to me!

Thank you Butterfly Pea!

Take a bow and thank you!

Now I have a lord, head, hall master, and many rudder masters, deacons, apprentices

Haha, it's getting more and more perfect, thank you everyone!

Also, I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival in advance!

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