Nalan Jinnian hugged the warmth without moving.

Wen Nuan stretched out an index finger and tapped his forehead: "I still want to save people!"

"I know, I just want you to rest for a while." Nalan Jinnian hugged Nuannu tightly, then let go resignedly.

Nuan smiled: "I know, just sleeping for one night is already good!"

"I'll get you clothes! You lie down first!" Nalan Jinnian said and got out of bed first.

"Okay!" Nuan Nuan replied with a smile.

He is willing to pamper himself so much, how can there be no reason for warmth? !

Obediently curled up in the bed, waiting for him to take care of himself.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi had already prepared their clothes, and they were just waiting for them to get up.

When there was movement in the room, Chen Huan knocked on the door and handed over the warm clothes.

When Nalan Jinnian went to wash up last night, Chen Huan came in and took out the clothes that the two of them were going to wear today, so that they could wear them after warming up the next morning.

After the two dressed and freshened, they went to the greenhouse to see the wounded soldiers.

Many seriously wounded soldiers developed fevers, an unavoidable medical condition.

Fortunately, there are medicines that can treat this. Early in the morning, the common people have helped to boil the anti-inflammatory and fever-reducing decoction, and they are feeding the feverish soldiers.

Everyone saluted when they saw Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian appear.

Wen Nuan smiled slightly at everyone: "Everyone, don't be too polite!"

Wen Ran waved to Nuan Nuan not far away: "Third Sister! Come over here and have a look! This person has a bad burn!"

"Come here!" Nuannuan looked at Nalan Jinnian: "Go and do your work! I'll be here!"

Wen Nuan left these words and quickly ran over.

Nalan Jinnian looked at her desperate look, shook his head helplessly, then turned around and went to the camp to discuss matters with the generals.

The time was set yesterday, and we will discuss matters this morning.

There are still many things to be busy, after all, there are still two cities that have not been taken back!

Now Beiming Kingdom's reinforcements have not yet arrived, they want to take advantage of the victory and pursue, seize the opportunity, and quickly take back those two cities!

Let these people living in temporary shelters return to their homes as soon as possible.

Then it was their turn to attack the city of Beiming Kingdom!


In the coach's big tent

The seventh prince, Prince An's son, and more than a dozen military generals and lieutenants gathered together while waiting for Nalan Jinnian to appear, while excitedly talking about the great achievements of this battle!

Cao Zihao said with joy and dancing: "Yongping County, we only have 30,000 soldiers! 30,000 against the enemy's 300,000 troops! King Jin said that our goal is to destroy the enemy's 100,000 troops and prepare for the defense of Yongding City ! As long as the 100,000 enemy troops are wiped out, the chances of keeping Yongding City will be better! I thought the goal of Princess Jin was a bit big! Do you think it is too big?"

Everyone nodded: "This goal is not big, but very big!"

"That's right! If it hadn't been realized, if someone told me, I would say that she was whimsical, wishful thinking, and talking on paper, it's impossible!"

"That's how Princess Jin dared to set a goal like this! An army of 30,000 is against an enemy army of 300,000. Generally, the goal set by a general can be considered a big goal if it can destroy 30,000. After all, 300,000 is against 30,000. Ten people kill You are alone, isn’t this a blink of an eye?! Princess Hui’an’s battle can be recorded in the annals of history, and its name will last forever, shocking the five kingdoms!”

Cao Zihao became even more excited when he heard everyone say this: "Really! Three hundred thousand troops against our thirty thousand troops! One hundred enemy troops against one of our soldiers! Isn't this the rhythm of being trampled to death all the time? But , Princess Hui’an took us to do it! One hundred thousand enemy troops were wiped out in the first battle! That’s a cool thing! It’s so cool!”

To be able to kill the enemy with Princess Jin is simply a blessing for three lives!

He must have burned a lot of high incense in his previous life!

Yuan Minzhe also added excitedly at this time: "Since then, the morale of our army has been soaring! Every soldier said that he felt that he could defeat a hundred with one enemy! I can't wait for the enemy army to come and attack Yongding City immediately, and then we will kill them All are gone!"

He is deeply honored to be able to go to the battlefield with Princess Jin!

The Seventh Prince was envious and curious when he heard this: "How did my Seventeenth Emperor lead you to write this glorious page, which will last forever?"

such a pity! pity!

Why didn't he arrive a few days earlier and take part in that battle too!

So, there must be his name in the annals of history!

As soon as the Seventh Prince said this, those generals who had just followed the Seventh Prince looked at Cao Zihao enviously!

Why didn't they participate in the battle to defend Yongping County and Yongding City!

Otherwise, if he returns to the court with great victory in the future, a third-rank general will definitely not be able to escape!

Seeing everyone's envious eyes, Cao Zihao couldn't help but feel even more proud: "Princess Jin first surprised me with firecrackers."

Cao Zihao spit and described the scene vividly.

Yuan Minzhe also echoed a few words from time to time, and the two of them were dancing and dancing, full of anger!

Finally, Cao Zihao said: "I think we will have another God of War in Nalan Kingdom in the future! It's not just King Jin who is the God of War!"

Yuan Minzhe nodded and echoed, "King Jin didn't have the record that Princess Jin has now! I suspect that King Jin marched and fought, but he was not as good as Princess Jin! You don't know how powerful Princess Jin is! She"

Nalan Jinnian opened the curtain at this moment and was about to walk in.

Hearing someone mention the little girl, he paused.

When everyone saw Nalan Jinnian, they all winked at Yuan Minzhe.

Yuan Minzhe thought that everyone didn't believe it, so he hurriedly said: "You don't believe it? Princess Jin's martial arts is really high. She holds a spear in one hand and a silver whip in the other. She is brave! One enemy is not an exaggeration! We The reason why the casualties are so good this time, and to be able to defend until the army arrives, is all due to Princess Huian saving people while killing the enemy! So I guess King Jin is not as powerful as Princess Jin!"

Anyway, he has never seen how King Jin killed the enemy!

Everyone gave him a self-seeking look, and then stood up one after another: "The last general will see His Royal Highness King Jin!"

There is that man who would like to hear that his wife is stronger than himself!

The seventh prince and Prince An's son smiled charmingly at Yuan Minzhe, and then stood up: "I've seen Uncle Seventeen!"

Yuan Minzhe sat with his back to the door, and when he heard this, he fell to the ground in fright, and then quickly got up: "The last general will see His Royal Highness King Jin!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded with no expression on his face, walked in, and sat in the center.

"Excuse me, sit down!"

Everyone sat down.

There was only one Yuan Minzhe left, standing there anxiously.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at him indifferently: "Sit."

"His Royal Highness Xie Jin." Yuan Minzhe sat down tremblingly.

Nalan Jinnian looked at Yuan Minzhe: "Continue!"

He also wanted to hear how amazing the little girl was!

Go back and ask for a reward from Brother Huang!

Yuan Minzhe was so frightened that he knelt down from the stool!

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