The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1271 Why bother to do it yourself?

The pupils of the ruler of Southern Border shrank!

Must get?

"What if you can't get it?"

Chu Ling: "If there is no way to get it, then you have to kill it, otherwise the national fortune of the southern border will come to an end within fifteen years."

Fifteen years is the longest time she has spoken, and it may be earlier!

The heart of the ruler of Southern Border missed a beat!

Had to kill again?

Didn't you say that your fortune is in full swing before, so you should avoid its edge?

After going through so much, Nanjiang Kingdom has lost too much manpower and material resources in order to capture Princess Hui'an, and even the Saintess clan lost many people to go in. He also temporarily gave up dealing with Princess Hui'an!

Why are you saying you want to kill him now?

"What did the saint see last night?"

Chu Ling told the result of her calculation.

The Lord of Southern Border was shocked: "God Blessed Man? You mean that Princess Jin of Nalan Kingdom will give birth to God Blessed Man?"

Nalan Jinnian was originally a person with seven stars on his feet, able to control the world's soldiers!

Princess Hui'an is another auspicious man from heaven, a man of blessings to the world!

Now here comes another God-blessed man who rules the world!

Born to be a star, born to be a lucky star, born to be the lord of the world!

Why did this damn good thing go to the same house!

Can we have another house?

At this moment, he couldn't help being afraid again!

No matter how strong a person can manage the world's soldiers! It is not easy to unify the world in ten or twenty years!

But what if there is another master of the world as a successor? !

Then isn't this world really destined to belong to their Nalan Kingdom?

Could it be that the national destiny of the Southern Border Kingdom has really come to an end, and the world has really come to a time when the world is united?

Do not!

He doesn't accept it!

The Lord of Nanjiang said solemnly: "Master Hui'an has high martial arts skills, and she is protected by spiritual pets. It is not easy to kill her! Can the saint have a way?"

Since the saintesses of their southern border country can predict the destiny, it is natural that God gave them a qualification to fight for!

Among the five countries, there is no one with such powerful abilities as them!

Chu Ling lowered his eyes, and said softly: "Ling'er can only do divination, prophecy, and methods, and doesn't understand other things. But Ling'er knows that since the person blessed by God has not yet been born, it is not a foregone conclusion! As long as he is never born , so there will be no God-blessed people in this world! But in the world, there is God’s will in the dark, and those who violate it will be backlashed, Ling’er suggested that the king should not do this in person.”

The lord of Southern Border stroked his beard, that's right, a person who has not yet been born, what are you afraid of?

Not to mention that it is not a foregone conclusion before it is born, and it cannot be a foregone conclusion before it grows up!

This time is too long, too many variables!

Besides, there are too many people in this world who don't want Princess Hui'an and King Jin to live!

There are also many of them in Nalan Kingdom.

Why should they do it themselves in the southern border country? !

As long as this news is revealed to the other three kingdoms, especially the Beiming Kingdom, they may want to kill the Man of Destiny even more!


capital city

The emperor is reviewing the memorial in the imperial study.

There are memorials as high as a hill piled up on the dragon case!

It had been a long time since there were so many memorials piled up on his dragon case!

Next to it are several baskets of memorials from various places!

It's the end of the year, and it's time for officials from all over the country to report on their duties.

The emperor is very busy!

In the past, he always asked people to send the memorials to King Jin's mansion, but now the Seventeenth Emperor's brother is not at home, and his sons are not at home, so there is no one to help him review the memorials.

He has been so busy that he hasn't been to the harem for a month!

I only hope that the war will end as soon as possible, and the Seventeenth Emperor will come back as soon as possible!

At this moment, Eunuch Lin walked in with a letter: "Your Majesty, there is a letter from the imperial mausoleum."

The emperor was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, what letter is there from the imperial mausoleum?

Suddenly he thought again that the eldest prince has been guarding the imperial mausoleum for almost three years!

"Submit it!"


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