For the first time, Wen Nuan Shengping felt the feeling of throwing a stone at his own foot!

She was indeed the one who told him to carry him out to watch!

But she didn't tell him to hug him and watch!

He deliberately misunderstood himself.

At this time, Song Guizhou, the magistrate, came over and bowed respectfully to the two of them: "Your Majesty, I have seen King Jin and Princess Jin!"

"Exemption!" Nalan Jinnian said flatly.

Someone came to salute him, and it was too impolite to hide like this. Nuan Nuan lifted his hat, revealed a small face, and said with an embarrassed smile: "Master Song is polite. My foot is injured, so I will fall to the ground if I don't let go. Hehe .”

Song Guizhou was amazed by the extremely beautiful little face exposed in Nalan Jinnian's arms, and forgot to react for a while!

Song Guizhou had seen Nuannuan in armor before, majestic on the battlefield, decisive in killing and heroic in appearance!

Otherwise, she hadn't even taken off her armor, she was covered in blood, she was in a mess, her face was covered with sweat and blood, and she worked nonstop, saving the soldiers for four days and four nights!

At that time, he felt that Princess Jin was very beautiful, very cold, very strong, very tough, and her aura made people dare not look directly at her.

At this moment, Nuan Nuan hid in Nalan Jinnian's arms, lifted the pink fluffy hat, revealing a delicate and beautiful face, and smiled shyly.

He seemed to see a fairy who had fallen into the mortal world, hid mischievously, and was discovered by accident!

It's so beautiful that it's not like ordinary people!

Let him look dumbfounded!

Nalan Jinnian's face turned black immediately, and he really wanted to kick him off the city wall.

He coughed heavily: "Cough!!!!"

If he hadn't hugged the little girl with both hands, he wished he could continue to cover the warmth with the cape hat!

What is this damn old man looking at!

Song Guizhou was shocked by the coughing sound, his old face blushed, and he hurriedly said: "Princess Jin is injured in her foot, and she also came to welcome the army back. She cares about the safety of the soldiers, and I really admire you."

She is so old, but she is still so beautiful by a little girl!

He is also embarrassed!

The most important thing is that King Jin will not think that he is old and disrespectful, right?

But, he was pure, really, just surprised all of a sudden!

"It should be!" Wen Nuan frowned and replied.

It was because someone hugged her so tightly that she could hardly breathe.

"Don't open the city gate yet!" Nalan Jinnian glared at Song Guizhou with sharp eyes, and said through his teeth.

At this time, the army had almost returned.

Song Guizhou no longer dared to look at Nuan Nuan's face, and he felt that King Jin had the urge to kick him down the city!

He hastily backed away a few steps, away from the two of them, and then said loudly: "Open the city gate, and welcome the triumphant army!"

The beating of drums sounded at this moment.

The heavy city gate was slowly opened!

The soldiers on both sides of the road moved their legs together in unison, raised their heads and chests, and raised their spears with one hand, saluting the triumphant army.

The people on both sides shouted loudly: "Welcome to the triumphant return of the army!"

"Welcome to the triumphant return of the army!"

Nalan Jinnian put Nuan Nuan on an armchair, gathered the cloak on her body, and helped her put the hat on, and said: "Be good! You are being run around!"

In a moment he will avenge her.

He responded with warm eyes!

When is she misbehaving and when is she running around?

Nalan Jinnian said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Pay attention to prenatal education! Don't teach my daughter badly! Are you not afraid that my daughter will be born with cross-eyed eyes?"

Although his little princess, rolling her eyes is so cute!

The daughter looks like her, rolling her eyes should be cute too, but the daughter will get married in the future!

It's so cute, I don't know which man is cheap in the future!

Just thinking about it makes me feel sick!

It's better for my daughter to be fierce!

The fiercer the better!


What the hell is cross-eyed?

Wen Nuan retorted subconsciously: "Your daughter is cross-eyed!"

The words fall, warm: "."

This seems wrong, Nuan Nuan hastily added: "Your son is cross-eyed!"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

Nalan Jinnian said again: "."

"Well, my son is cross-eyed! It's as if the son I gave birth to was not yours!" Nalan Jinnian pinched her nose helplessly, stood up with a smile, and walked to the edge of the city wall.

Wen Nuan couldn't help but wanted to roll her eyes again, but when she thought of the daughter in her belly, she was worried that she would really give birth to a daughter who loved to roll her eyes, so she forcibly held back!

He made a face at Nalan Jinnian!

Then I felt that this behavior was not good for my daughter to learn.

Warm put the hand under the cloak unconsciously on the abdomen, and said silently in his heart: "Baby, you can't learn this!"

The Seventh Prince and Prince An's son led the Eighth Army to stop three hundred meters away from the city gate.

The army does not need to enter the city, just station outside the city, and the wounded soldiers will be sent to the city for medical treatment.

Cao Zihao walked forward about ten meters, knelt down on one knee, clasped his hands and said in a loud voice: "Fortunately, our army did not disgrace its fate. We have successfully recaptured Yongping County and Beifeng County! We wiped out the remaining 60,000 enemy troops, and drove out the Beiming dogs. In the territory of Nalan Kingdom!"

The seventh prince and Prince An's son did not dismount.

The 80,000 army knelt down and said, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life, and returned in triumph! Recapture the city, and the people will return to their homes today!"

The common people cheered for a while, and then shouted: "Nalan Kingdom will surely win!"

Just as the soldiers knelt down, a few figures flew out from the corner of the city gate one after the other. They left the city gate at once, and then quickly ran towards the forest.

One of them was extremely fast!

In the blink of an eye, he ran a hundred meters away!

Before Nalan Jinnian had time to raise his hand to signal the army to get up, he jumped and flew out of the city wall!

At this time, Xia Xuan led a group of soldiers and blocked the path of several figures.

After Elder Hu successfully left the city gate, he wanted to run to the forest outside the city. As long as he entered the forest, he could escape successfully!

Seeing that Xia Xuan led someone to stop him, he snorted coldly, threw a poisonous smoke bomb, and then hit Xia Xuan with his palm, swiping his sword and beheading several soldiers who rushed up with guns!

Then leave quickly!

But being stopped by Xia Xuan's people, he finally slowed down!

Like a shadow, Nalan Jinnian flew up behind him silently, and slapped him directly!

The common people have not yet come to their senses, they are still shouting loudly "Welcome to the triumphant return of the army, Nalan Kingdom will surely win", these voices affected Elder Hu's judgment, he did not expect Nalan Jinnian to be so fast!

When he sensed Nalan Jinnian's palm, he couldn't dodge it in time, he could only dodge the vital point, and Nalan Jinnian hit him on the shoulder with a single palm. Nalan Jinnian!

"Brat, you're courting death! Back then, your master couldn't beat me! You thought you could beat me!"

"Then give it a try!"

Nalan Jinnian seemed to have guessed his moves a long time ago, and moved almost at the same time!

With a flash of his figure, he dodged the sword, and then shot out the sleeve arrow and palm at the same time!

Elder Hu's pupils shrank, and he chose to avoid Nalan Jinnian's palm without hesitation.

The crossbow arrow sank into his chest, passed through his body, and flew out!

"Smelly boy, there are two hits"

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