"Have you heard of Nalan Kingdom's letter to all peoples?"

"Hush! Are you looking for death? The court forbids everyone to discuss it, don't talk about it! I don't want to be caught in the dungeon!" The man glanced around.

The other person also took a worried look, and didn't dare to bring it up again. He changed the subject and talked about the new tax issue: "This year's tax has been raised again, and except for purely female households, every household must have a male." Serve in the military! I only hope that the imperial court will quickly capture Nalan Kingdom!"

"No, I thought that even if the tax is increased, it will start next year. After all, this year's tax has been paid! I didn't expect to have to pay it!"

"There is no way around this. How many more soldiers have been recruited by the imperial court now! Don't the soldiers have to eat? Anyway, every household has children to serve in the military. The extra taxes should be used as food for the children in the family!"

"I can only think this way, I just hope that the war will end as soon as possible, otherwise the days will be sad in the future."

"It's nothing. If the imperial court obtains the breeding method of rice and wheat with a yield of one thousand catties per mu, then paying such a little extra tax is nothing at all!"

Wen Nuan listened to the conversation between the two, and said in a very low voice: "It seems that the Beiming Kingdom does not allow the people to spread the Wanmin Book."

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "Well, it's pretty smart."

He originally thought that the King of Beiming had read such a letter to Wanmin, so he sneered, forget it, and wouldn't care.

I didn't expect Beiming Monarch to care about it!

However, the Beiming Kingdom does not allow the people to spread it, so why don't they spread it?

The more the King of Beiming refuses to allow it, the more he wants people to spread the word!

Wen Nuan thought of something and his eyes brightened: "I didn't expect Beiming Kingdom to increase the tax of the people so soon. This is a good thing for us!"

The grain seeds she brought can be sold for a high price!

"Yeah." Nalan Jinnian also thought that the Beiming Congress would only increase taxes in the next year, after all, it was already the end of the year.

"The King of Beiming is very ambitious. From this point of view, it is estimated that he will launch a large-scale invasion of Nalan Kingdom in the coming year! Now that a large number of soldiers are recruited, there will be more soldiers, and the expenditure of the court will be huge. If taxes are not increased in advance, it will not be able to support the big government." scale warfare."

However, it is indeed a good thing for them that Beiming Monarch raised taxes so quickly.

The team moved forward at a leisurely pace, and not long after, it was their turn to undergo inspection and enter the city.

Xia Xuan took out the household stickers.

The soldiers guarding the city took a look: "Lüjia Rice Shop?"

Lujia rice shop is just a small rice shop in the city, no one cares about it.

He glanced at the carriages behind again, and sure enough there were only a few of them!

There is not much to collect food!

"It's all food?"

Xia Xuan put his posture very low, and said in a very low voice: "Yes, sir! There are still some groceries bought from everywhere, and you can check them out."

The soldiers guarding the city checked the goods of several carriages behind them again, and found that most of them were grain, so they let them go.

Now it is more strict to transport grain out of the city, worrying about selling grain to the enemy country, there is still no restriction on transporting grain into the city.

Wen Nuan and the others entered the city smoothly.

Then it stopped in the backyard of a shop in the civilian area of ​​Anfeng City.

This backyard is a small yard with two entrances.

This rice shop is located in the civilian area of ​​Anfeng City.

The cities of Beiming Kingdom are similar to those of Nalan Kingdom, and each city's residential areas are divided into powerful areas, wealthy areas, commoner areas, and poor areas.

It is even worse in Beiming Country, these areas are clearly separated, and the gap between rich and poor is very wide.

The mansions where the powerful and the rich live occupy a very large area.

The houses of the people in the slums are low, and they are all adobe houses. Generally, there are several generations of a family, and a total of more than a dozen brothers and sisters are crowded in a small courtyard.

The ones in the civilian areas are better, between the rich and the common people. They are all people who open small shops in the city and do some small business.

Most of the yards are one-entry or two-entry yards.

Of course, the people who can live in the upper and lower courtyards here are all small rich families who have no worries about food and drink, and they are more than enough than the bottom.

Xia Xuan stepped forward and knocked rhythmically on the peeled wooden door.

When the people inside heard the rhythmic knock on the door, they hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"Lu Shu, it's me. The two young masters have returned from harvesting food, so open the door quickly!"

The door creaked open.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old man came out, stood beside the first carriage and said respectfully: "Young master, young madam."

Lu Shu glanced at the eighth princess and Amber again, and already knew their identities. According to the agreement, he respectfully saluted: "Young master, miss!"

Nalan Jinnian was helping Nuan Nuan out of the carriage, and nodded to Lu Shu: "Pull the food in!"

He confessed, and then walked into the yard with Wen Nuan.

The eighth princess and Amber followed behind and walked in.

Lu Shu hurriedly called the two young men and the carriage driver to help pull in the grain from several carriages.

Wen Nuan walked into the yard and looked around.

The small yard is not big, but it is cleaned very well.

A persimmon tree and a ginkgo tree are planted on both sides of the yard for shade in summer.

This season is bare. The branches are covered with snow.

There was also a plum blossom planted in the corner, which Ling Han bloomed alone.

There is also a stone table and a few stone benches under the ginkgo tree, polished with granite, everything is plain and low-key.

The eighth princess also took a look, and said with a smile: "This yard is simple and clean. It's very good!"

She has never lived in such a small yard.

Wen Nuan smiled: "Yeah."

Such a low-key and introverted yard is very suitable for what they are doing now.

The four came to the main hall and sat down.

The furniture in the hall is also made of pine wood, but it is better in carving and workmanship.

A very young woman with a woman's hair bun served them tea, which was the Liu'an melon slices that Nalan Jin was used to drinking in his years.

This woman is Lu Shu's daughter-in-law, Liang Shi, and they have been married for more than a year.

The Liang family was also from the Dark Guard Camp, and has martial arts skills.

Mrs. Liang said respectfully: "Young Master, Young Madam, Uncle, Miss, please have some tea."

Nalan Jinnian said to her: "Just serve the young lady a bowl of boiled water."

Mrs. Liang was slightly surprised in her heart, but she didn't dare to look at Wen Nuan. She lowered her head and said respectfully, "Yes."

Then she re-served Wen Nuan with a glass of boiled water.

At this time, Lu Shu took a counting room in the shop, two workers, and Mrs. Liang, and they knelt down together: "My subordinates refer to the master, the princess, the eighth princess, and the son-in-law!"

"Free gift."

Several people stood up.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at several people, and then said: "Lu Shu stay, everyone else go down!"

"Yes!" The other three agreed and left.

The Eighth Princess and Amber also stood up when they knew that Nalan Jinnian had something to tell Lu Shu.

The Eighth Princess said to Nalan Jinnian: "Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, I'm a little tired, let's take a rest first."

Lu Shu hurriedly asked his wife to take the two of them down.

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