Lu Shu also knew that Boss Lin was a person who couldn't keep a secret, so soon someone heard the news and came!

Of course, not everyone dared to buy like Boss Lin. Boss Lin opened a noodle shop, and he was a big customer of the rice shop.

Most of the other people buy by a few catties, and some even buy by one or two catties.

In such two days, three hundred catties were sold!

Then Lu Shu said that the stock was out of stock, and the remaining two hundred catties were reserved for auction in the black market auction.

Nuannuan and Nalan Jinnian were not idle these two days, they came to a jade street in Anfeng City.

The ancients loved to play with jade, so almost every city has a street dedicated to selling jade, large or small.

Because Anfeng City is a city that the Silk Road must pass through, from here you can leave the desert, pass through the Lanling Kingdom, and then lead to another continent, so the jade market is quite large.

The purpose of warmth is very clear, that is, to buy some exquisitely carved jade but poor quality jade, as well as some rough jade.

So the same cheap goods that swept through every shop in the street were treated like a god of wealth.

After all, people who can afford jade like it like to buy good ones, and look down on bad ones.

But this kind of high-quality jade is hard to come by, so there are many inferior jades, and sometimes they can deceive people who don't know the goods.

But Nuannuan is obviously not ignorant of the goods, but she is generous, buying the inventory of every store that has been accumulated for an unknown number of years, and even if she sells it at a loss, she doesn't have to leave it there and no one buys it. The silver is there.

It's time to fight in the Nalan Kingdom. In this troubled world, everyone wants to throw away their goods and exchange for some money for self-defense.

So this day's warmth swept through Yushi Street, and it was quite rewarding!

I bought thousands of pieces of jade, a room full of large and small jade stones.

A total of fifty thousand taels of silver was spent!

Lu Shu was not surprised to see Nuan Nuan bought so many jades and came back. After all, his father was in charge of Nalan Jinnian's business, and he had heard that the princess liked to collect jades.

Moreover, the concubine has the ability to turn stones into gold, she only picks rough stones from the most inferior pile of rough stones, but among the rough jade stones she picks out, none of them are bad!

Even the top-quality items, including the rare gems in the world, are commonplace wherever she goes.

Lu Shu rubbed his hands, and looked at the stones in the room curiously: "Wangfei, these jades are all high-quality jades?"

He really wants to learn the skill of turning stone into gold!

"Well, high-quality jade." But it will take a few days, Nuan Nuan added silently in his heart.

Nuan Nuan pointed to the two rough stones and said to Chen Huan and Chen Xi: "Chen Huan, Chen Xi, please open these two pieces first, and let Lu Shu take them to the auction for registration."

Among the rough jade stones in this room, there are also two treasures that the boss overlooked. Nuan Nuan had purified them with purple air on the way back.

At this moment, it is guaranteed that there is no impurity at all. It is a very high-quality suet white jade and a relatively rare red jade.

"Yes!" The two agreed, then moved the two rough stones, and started peeling them directly in the yard.

Wennuan bought all the tools back. Chen Huan and Chen Xi did not miss this kind of thing when they were in An Guogong's mansion, so they would.

Lu Shu watched curiously, he really wanted to know if the concubine really had this ability, or if his father was exaggerating.

Wen Nuan was carried back to the house by Nalan Jinnian to rest.

While watching Chen Huan and Chen Xi cutting stones, Lu Shu talked to Chen Huan and Chen Xi.

Two hours later, two pieces of jade came out, Lu Shu looked around them for a long time, and then ran to Nalan Jinnian's house: "Princess!"

He must ask the princess to teach him the ability to turn stones into gold!

According to Chen Huan, the princess spent 50,000 taels to buy a house full of rough jade stones!

Fifty thousand taels!

The two pieces of peerless gemstones that have been unearthed now will cost more than 50,000 taels in the auction house!

The starting price is 50,000 taels!

How many 50,000 taels of stones are there in that room!

The money he earned while squatting in the Beiming Kingdom for the past few years is not enough for that room of stones!

Liang Shi also looked at the stones in that room foolishly, and then she lost sleep at night!

Worry about being stolen a stone.


The next day, Wen Nuan, Nalan Jinnian, the eighth princess, and Amber, led by Lu Shu, came to a black market auction house in Beiming Kingdom.

Originally, Nalan Jinnian didn't plan to come, after all, this kind of place is mixed with dragons and snakes, and accidents are easy to happen.

But I can't stand Wen Nuan and Princess Eight's curiosity!

So a few people came.

Since it is said to be a black market, it means that the contents of it cannot be put on the bright side, and cannot be known by the court.

Therefore, people who come here cover their faces and wear masks to prevent people from recognizing their identities.

The auction house is in a room in a racetrack outside the city, and everyone enters with a special number plate.

People without a number plate are not even eligible to enter.

Wen Nuan and the others were invited to the front row because they had a thousand catties of grain per mu to sell.

The entire auction house is not very big, there is a circular stage in the middle, and there are many people sitting around it.

There were probably nearly a hundred people.

Wen Nuan took a look at the people around him, and found a somewhat familiar figure from the back.

She was slightly surprised.

At this time, in the center of the small stage, a man in black with a leopard head mask said loudly:

"There is a very powerful item auctioned tonight! This item is simply mythical. With it, everyone will not have to worry about not having enough to eat in the future!"

Immediately someone from the audience said: "What a powerful thing, let me see it. Is it very profitable?"

"That's right! What kind of treasure is it? Black Panther, let's get started quickly, don't keep it a secret!"

The person named Black Panther on the stage didn't give a shit, he directly took out a cotton bag and put it on the table: "This is the bag! Seeds!"


Everyone froze for a moment, and then "cut" in unison.

"Black Panther, are you kidding? Seeds of grain? That idiot, is this kind of thing up for auction?"

"What the hell! This thing shoots at will! Next!"

"Yes, next one! Don't shoot!"

Black Panther raised his hand: "Everyone, be safe and don't be impatient! If you don't buy this kind of grain, you will definitely regret it! You may not be able to buy this thing even if you have money!"

Speaking of this, someone's heart moved, as if they had guessed something.

"Black Panther, could it be that the bag in your hand is the grain seed that Nalan Kingdom produces thousands of catties per mu?" someone shouted.

"That's right! This young master guessed right, it is the grain seed that Nalan Kingdom produces a thousand catties per mu, and it is a healthy grain that produces a thousand catties per mu!"

As soon as this is said, the pot is now exploded!

Healthy grains with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu?

Have you eaten health food that can cure diseases and strengthen your body?

"Really? Black Panther, hurry up and make an offer!"

"God, Black Panther, where did you get such a good thing! Hurry up and make an offer! I'm going to order it!"

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