The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1317 Where did the landlord come from?

Amber replied subconsciously: "Is it expensive? 8,000 catties of grain is not eight thousand taels of silver! Eight thousand catties of grain is just over two hundred taels of silver. It's not like we can't get it out."

Everyone: "."

Seems to make sense!

At this time, the Black Panther shouted on the stage: "Is there anyone who is taller than 8,000 catties?"

Amber held up the sign again.

The eighth princess pulled his hand down again anxiously: "Eight thousand catties, more than two hundred taels, it's only 10 catties of grain seeds, it's not worth it!"

Many people nodded silently after hearing this.

It's really not worth buying 10 catties of wheat seeds for more than two hundred!

Even if the yield per mu is 1,000 jin, only 10,000 jin of grain can be grown by then, which is not a lot of money!

not worth!

At this time, the black panther on the stage shouted again: "It's the first time for 8,000 catties!"

Amber in the audience shook his head: "So you have long hair and no knowledge! This is a wheat seed that can produce thousands of catties per mu! You said that if I buy this wheat seed back, even if I don't grow it, I will use it to make noodles"

Amber suddenly found that everyone around him was looking at him, he turned his head and looked around, without explaining, he directly held up the sign and shouted: "9000 catties!"

The eighth princess made a thoughtful look.

Amber stopped talking halfway through, and many people couldn't help wondering why Amber suddenly stopped talking?

What is he trying to say?

As if worried that they would know,

He said just now that this is a healthy wheat seed with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu!

Yes, this is a healthy wheat seed!

A health-preserving wheat seed that cannot be found even in Nalan Kingdom itself.

The health-preserving pasta of Nalan Kingdom is grown from this health-preserving wheat.

Some people can't help but wonder how much money it takes to eat a bowl of healthy beef noodles in Nalan Kingdom?

10 taels!

Even if you have to line up for a day, you may not be able to eat!

Because of the limited edition!

Even if the people here have never been to Nalan Kingdom, they have heard about how expensive the Nalan Kingdom’s health-preserving food is, it’s simply sky-high food!

But people can really cure diseases, strengthen the body, and prolong life!

So how many people flock to it!

think so

Is it expensive to exchange 8,000 catties of grain for a catty of healthy wheat seeds?

How much wheat can be grown from a pound of healthy wheat seeds? A thousand catties!

How many bowls of noodles can a thousand catties of wheat make?

Then press another ten taels of silver for a bowl.

sky-high price!

It is simply impossible to calculate!

So 8,000 catties of grain is expensive?

No, it's not expensive at all!

Taking a step back, even if you can't grow a thousand catties of healthy wheat, you can buy back the ten catties of wheat seeds, grind them, and make noodles, which are still worth a lot of money!

Most importantly, it can cure diseases!

Who can not get sick?

Why didn't they think of it just now?

So once again set off a bidding boom!

"9100 catties"

"10000 catties"

Seeing everyone's enthusiastic bids, the eighth princess looked at Wen Nuan, and those eyes were clearly small eyes seeking praise.

She performed supernormally according to what Nuan Nuan taught her!

See how well it works!

Nuan Nuan quietly gave the Eighth Princess a thumbs up.

Hearing everyone's bids one after another, Lu Shu regretted it to death.

Damn it!

If I knew it earlier, I would save some more and put them up for auction in the auction house!

Look at the asking price of ten catties of grain, and tens of thousands of catties of grain have been handed over!

Of course, apart from regret, he was also very excited.

I don't know how much food these ninety catties of grain can raise?

The army will arrive soon, but the master said that this time, the army did not intend to bring too much food and grass.

It all depends on the food and grass raised by these grains.

The bidding went on.

"Fifteen thousand catties of grain!" The man in the silver mask was obviously impatient, and called out a high price again.

Everyone's voice sank again.


Where did the landlord come from?

More than 10,000 catties of grain is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Then everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at Amber.

Amber's face turned black!

The eighth princess glanced around, and then her eyes seemed to fall on Wen Nuan inadvertently.

Seeing warmth, he gave an OK gesture.

Amber holds out the sign: "One"

The eighth princess tightly covered his mouth!

Everyone: "."

The black panther on the stage said happily: "Young Master No. 6 has a asking price of 15,000 jin. Is there any other distinguished guest higher than him?"

Amber whose mouth was tightly covered: "."

After waiting for a while, the black panther said again: "It's the first time for fifteen thousand catties!"

Amber whose mouth was tightly covered: "."

"Fifteen thousand catties for the second time!"

Amber whose mouth was tightly covered: "."

Only then did the silver masked man turn his head to look in Amber's direction, and then looked away with a look of contempt in his eyes.

Amber whose mouth was tightly covered: "."

Nuan Nuan watched Amber and the eighth princess' performance, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart, it's a waste of talent not to be an actor!

Nuannuan has planned this auction. In the early stage, the eighth princess and Amber raised the price, and after that, she and Nalan Jinnian raised the price.

"The third time for 15,000 catties! Deal!" Black Panther hit the hammer heavily.

"Congratulations to Mr. No. 6 for obtaining the first healthy spring wheat with a yield of ten catties per mu!"

Only then did the eighth princess let go of her hand.

Amber blushed "so angry" and his neck was stuck (of course no one saw him wearing a mask), he said angrily: "What are you doing?!"

The eighth princess hurriedly coaxed: "Oh, don't be angry! This is too expensive! Let's wait for the next one, and not everyone can afford so much food like that young master, right? The next one must be more expensive. It's cheap!"

Everyone nodded in their hearts, but that's not the reason!

There are still 80 catties of grain seeds that have not been photographed!

In the end, all those big landlords were photographed, even if they were not photographed, there is not much food left!

The asking price is naturally not as strong as it is now!

They have a chance.

Not urgent!

There is no rush.

After all, even if they want to shoot now, they can't get more than 10,000 catties of grain!

Amber looked better after hearing this: "Don't stop me next time! It's not like I can't get out such a little food!"

After Amber finished speaking, he gave the silver masked man a provocative look.

The silver masked man's eyes were full of sarcasm.

He is going to order all the ninety catties of grain seeds!

Lu Shu was very excited, fifteen thousand catties of grain!

After the 90 catties of grain were auctioned off, wouldn't we have collected 100,000 catties of grain?

All the food needed to conquer Anfeng County is enough.

No, you have to pay 30% to the auction house!

It hurts to think about it!

He sees if he can convert it into silver.

Lu Shu regretted that he hadn't discussed this matter with the auction house earlier.

The black panther on the stage happily took out the second bag of grain seeds: "The second bag of healthy spring wheat seeds with ten catties per mu yielding 1000 catties will start to be auctioned! The rules are the same as the last bag, let's start!"

So one after another, the upsurge of asking prices set off again!

"2100 catties!"

"2500 catties!"

"3000 catties!"

Amber: "Ten thousand catties!"

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