The maturity cycle of this kind of rice is more than half a month shorter than that of ordinary rice. Especially in the south, it can mature nearly a month earlier. In this way, in the most southern regions, it is absolutely possible to achieve three crops a year!

Even if it is not possible to grow vegetables three times a year in the north, is it okay to have vegetables for one season in the vacated fields?

Everyone exploded!

There was another frantic upsurge in bidding.

Wen Nuan sat there calmly, letting the eighth princess compete with the silver-masked man for the price, until the eighth princess left the stage, and no one would argue with him after the silver-masked man shouted a high price, so she didn't rush Increase the price by one catty and continue to fight with him.

At this time, the price has reached 30,000 catties!

"Thirty thousand catties and one catty!"

The man in the silver mask exuded a sinister aura all over his body.

I can't wait to kill the warm urge.

Unexpectedly, when he called out 30,000 catties, Wen Nuan continued to increase the price!

From this point of view, she is more interested in the health-preserving rice that yields a thousand catties per mu than the health-preserving wheat.

Too! The health-preserving rice with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu must be an early-maturing variety! Isn't this tailor-made for the southern border country?

Nanjiang Country is located in the far south, where the climate is warm. In some places, there is no snow in winter, and the winter is as warm as spring. There is absolutely no problem in planting rice for three seasons.

And compared to spring wheat, people in the southern border country prefer to eat rice.

With Wen Nuan's look of certainty, the man in the silver mask is even more sure of his guess about her identity!

The man in the silver mask didn't want to waste too much time, so he directly offered a high price: "Thirty-five thousand catties!"

These seeds must not fall into the hands of the people of the Southern Border Kingdom!

"Thirty-five thousand catties and one catty!" Nuan Nuan shouted again.

Silver mask man: "."

All around fell silent, listening to the two people bidding.

Both Lu Shu and the eighth princess felt nervous.

Lu Shu said silently in his heart, continue to increase the price!

keep going!

The Eighth Princess held Amber's hand tightly with the hand hidden under the sleeve, and the nails were sunk into the flesh of Amber's palm.

Amber smiled wryly in his heart, but looked at Wen Nuan and the silver masked man with great interest in his eyes.

Wen Nuan glanced at the man in the silver mask, smiled, and then looked at the black panther on the stage, waiting for him to make a final decision, as if he had already won!

The silver mask was so angry that his blood surged up, and his brain became hot: "Forty thousand catties!"

Three words blurted out!

Then I felt a little heartbroken!

Forty thousand catties of grain!

He turned to look at Wen Nuan.

Nuan's expression froze, and she frowned and looked at him.

That look was clearly angry.

The man in the silver mask suddenly felt relieved.

Want to fight against yourself in the territory of Beiming Kingdom?

Far from it!

Eighth Princess and Lu Shu were so excited that they almost jumped up!

Forty thousand catties!

Forty thousand catties!

This is an unimaginable number!

Lu Shu firmly grasped the armrest of the chair to prevent himself from jumping up excitedly. He really wanted to go out and run for a few laps!

Black Panther said happily: "Forty thousand catties for the first time!"

"Forty thousand catties for the second time!"

"Forty thousand catties for the third time!"

"make a deal!"

Now that the first bag of ten catties of healthy rice with a yield of one thousand catties per mu has already been sold at a high price of 40,000 catties!

Will the warmth make the back even lower?

Obviously, no!

Nuan Nuan sat upright, looking like she must be photographed next time.

The silver-masked man turned his head to look, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

She had already snatched ten catties of wheat seeds from her just now, and this was a birthday present for the royal father!

How could he let her take a grain of grain this time!

Then the lively bid scene reappeared.

Then the bidding scene where you scrambled for me appeared again!

Then the second bag of the last ten catties of health-preserving rice with a yield of one thousand catties per mu was sold by the silver masked man at a high price of 41,000 taels!

Everyone looked at the silver-masked man and guessed in low voices: "This is the son of a big landlord, and he has too much food in his storage?"

"Could it be someone from Landlord Liu's family in the capital?"

"Maybe it belongs to the royal family and nobles!"

Hearing everyone's speculation, the man in the silver mask curled his lips.

The son of a great landowner?

It's a good title.

All the land in the world belongs to his family!

Isn't he the son of a big landlord?

Who can be as rich as yourself at this time?

Then the third bag of healthy rice seeds with a yield of 1,000 jin per mu was bought by a silver masked man at a high price of 50,000 taels!

The warm face sank to the extreme.

She shook it away vigorously, and took Nalan Jinnian's hand that she didn't want her to hold up.

She just sat there, even if she couldn't see her expression clearly, everyone could see how angry and unwilling she looked.

The man with the silver mask said calmly: "Black Panther, don't you continue? I'm still waiting for the remaining 30 catties of grain seeds!"

Everyone: "."

What does the number six mean?

Does he still want the last three catties left?

He has already taken so many catties, hundreds of thousands of catties of grain!

Is there any food left in his house?

Could it be that his family's granary is the treasury?

Everyone couldn't help but slander in their hearts.

Black Panther happily said: "Go on! Go on!"

He took out another grain seed in a cotton bag and put it on the table. This is a healthy winter wheat with a yield of one thousand catties per mu!

Anyone who is used to eating pasta knows that after winter wheat has been baptized by frost and Aoxue, the wheat that grows out is much tastier than spring wheat!

"The rules are the same as the previous ones, so I won't say more, let's start now!"

Then the lively snapping scene was staged again.

This time was even more intense than the previous six times!

Without him, the last three generations of grain growers!

It's gone after the shoot!

This time, it was not only the eighth princess and the silver masked man who robbed it, but several people also robbed it together. The eighth princess and Amber also left when they reached 20,000 catties of grain.

It gives people the feeling that they can only get 20,000 catties of grain.

Nuan Nuan still didn't make a sound at first, and everyone subconsciously glanced at her and the silver-masked man every time after bidding, wanting to see when they would start bidding.

But everyone probably guessed that the base price of Nuannuan was 40,000 catties of grain.

The man in the silver mask doesn't know, he's too rich!

The man in the silver mask also imitated his warm appearance this time, sitting there calmly, admiring everyone's bidding, and he planned to make his final appearance at the end!

"Thirty-eight thousand catties!" At this moment, a man with a fat head and big ears and a mask of a pig's head shouted.

All other voices were silenced.

Seeing that it was almost done, the man in the silver mask took a look at Wen Nuan, and seeing that she didn't respond, he calmly held up a sign: "Forty thousand catties!"

After speaking, he used the corner of his eye to pay attention to the warm movement.

Although winter wheat can be grown in the southern border country, there are not many places where it can be grown, only the county south of the Qinning Mountains adjacent to Beiming country and Nalan country can be grown.

Is she still robbing herself?

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