The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1335 The Dialogue of the Three Brothers


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Although the father and son did not have an overnight feud, that son was the one who wanted his life!

The emperor couldn't bear to kill him, but if he didn't feel chilled, it was impossible!

The emperor quickly changed the subject: "Today's New Year's Eve, I don't know how the seventeenth brother is doing?"

Speaking of Nalan Jinnian, both of them became interested.

There is no way, from childhood to adulthood, the seventeenth brother is too smart and cute!

Moreover, Nalan Jinnian was as old as their son, and the three of them regarded him as their most proud and filial son.

Look, with the presence of seventeen imperial brothers, they can be so comfortable as the emperor, the emperor, and the prince, the prince.

Otherwise, now that the four countries are under siege, they can stay in the palace to watch the year with peace of mind, and they might go to that frontier to lick their blood~!

Prince An: "I received a letter from Yichen this morning, saying that although the battle of Nanjiang Kingdom was won, most of our soldiers were poisoned. Hurry up on the road!"

The concubine also sent a lot of New Year's goods to the Seventeenth Emperor and Princess Hui'an, and of course her own son, I'm afraid it's all cheaper than my brat!

King Ning frowned: "Then he won't be able to receive the wine, food and beauties I sent to the Seventeenth Emperor?"

He was sent to the border of Beiming country!

The emperor raised his eyebrows: "You gave him a beauty?"

I'm not afraid that the seventeenth brother will come back to settle accounts with him!

King Ning: "What about sending the beauty? Isn't Princess Hui'an happy? It's good that this man didn't eat meat, but the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother has already eaten meat! How can he bear it! I'm afraid he will be suffocated! Just wait!" The Seventeenth Emperor will definitely be grateful to me!"

The emperor glared at him: "Nonsense! Aren't you embarrassing Princess Hui'an? If you are so angry that Hui'an County takes the initiative to get pregnant, see if the Seventeenth Emperor will screw your head off!"

Besides, in the military discipline of Nalan Kingdom, the lieutenant soldiers forbid female sex.

He actually sent a woman there, isn't this a violation of military discipline?

King Ning was taken aback: "No way? It's just a woman who warms the bed. It's just a housemaid, and it's just dismissed after it's over. It's nothing, right?!"

At the end, his tone was a little uncertain!

The emperor smiled, as if you were asking for blessings: "Hehe. You will know later!"

Prince An gave him a look like you don't know your brother too well: "Wait for him to come back to revenge you! Fortunately, I gave you a book! Eighteen moves, guaranteed to meet all needs!"

King Ning: "Aren't you afraid? Didn't the Seventeenth Emperor brother go to the Southern Border Kingdom?"

He has no luck to bear the revenge from the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother!

Prince An: "Hehe. You shouldn't be afraid!"

King Ning: "."

He turned his head to look at the emperor, "Brother emperor, after the Chinese New Year, send Yuzhao to the frontier for training!"

Anyway, he was married at the end of the year.

Let your own son bear the revenge of the Seventeenth Emperor's younger brother first!

Both the emperor and Prince An looked at him with contempt!

This man is about to become a grandfather, and he is still so worthless!

Hiding behind them before, now hiding behind his son.

King Ning smiled, without any sense of shame!

The emperor didn't look at him again, he turned his head to look at Prince An and asked curiously: "What book did you give the Seventeenth Emperor?"

Eighteen kinds of martial arts?

It sounds good, he has not entered the harem for a while, and he has no interest, the emperor suspects that there is something wrong with him.

Otherwise, why can't I arouse any interest?

It wasn't like this before!

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, the seal is closed, and he has some time to go to the harem to find some vitality!

Otherwise, everyone will think that he is too old to be humane, and he will be in trouble!

Now is the troubled season!

King Ning also became interested: "Yes, what book did you send? Have I read it?! We are all brothers, you can't favor one another, just give it to the seventeenth brother!"

The emperor nodded silently in his heart.

Puning County, Southern Xinjiang

He has been on the road day and night for several days in a row, has experienced countless assassinations, large and small, and has changed several carriages.

The two finally arrived in Puning County without any danger.

"Master, we're here! The Seventh Prince is waiting in front of you." Xia Xuan's voice sounded.

The carriage also stopped slowly.

When the carriage stopped, Nalan Jinnian hugged the carriage warmly.

As soon as Wen Nuan stood firm, Nalan Jinnian sneezed.

Nuannuan looked at him: "Are you catching a cold?"

Nalan Jinnian shook his head: "No. Probably the emperor brother or the queen mother misses us!"

Nuan Nuan laughed: "You also believe this?"

Nalan Jinnian also smiled: "I don't believe it."

At this moment, the Seventh Prince came over, bowed happily to the two of them, and said, "Uncle Seventeenth Emperor, Aunt Seventeenth Emperor, you are here!"

When Nalan Jinnian looked at the Seventh Prince, he put away the smile on his face, and asked with a straight face, "How about the poisoned soldiers?"

The Seventh Prince boasted: "It's very bad! It's snowing again these days, and their condition is getting worse! The military doctor said that if the poison cannot be detoxified, the serious soldiers may not be able to survive for three days! "

"Take me to see!" Nuan Nuan hurriedly said.


The Seventh Prince brought warmth and Nalan Jinnian to a large temporary greenhouse.

As soon as a few people walked in, a burst of heat rushed over!

Compared with the biting cold outside, it can be said to be as warm as spring here.

But for someone caught on meth, that's not enough.

Moreover, there are ventilation holes in the greenhouse, and the cold air still comes in.

The Seventh Prince said: "I have ordered many charcoal stoves to be placed, but there are too many charcoal stoves and ventilation is required, so the effect is not great."

Nuannuan nodded, without further ado, rolled up his sleeves, and started working!

Nalan Jinnian took a look at Nuan Nuan, and then said to the Seventh Prince, "Go get someone to cook some minced meat porridge, and bring a piece of porridge here by the way."

The Seventh Prince nodded hurriedly: "Aunt Seventeen hasn't eaten yet? Has Uncle Seventeen eaten? I'll get someone to prepare it right away!"

"It's not that she didn't eat, it's that she's very hungry now."

Only then did the Seventh Prince think of being warm and happy, and he hurriedly asked the soldiers around him to find the cooking soldiers to arrange.

Nuan Nuan heard the conversation between the two, and she said without raising her head: "Have the medicinal materials been delivered? Have someone fry the medicine and bring it here! After the injection and the poison, drink the medicine, the effect will be even better! "

"Okay! I've already arranged for someone to fry some medicine, and I'll bring it here now." The Seventh Prince responded and went to arrange it.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were poisoned. Fortunately, the severity was different. Nuan Nuan detoxified the most serious soldiers first.

Next, Nuan Nuan was so busy!

Signal the pulse, apply acupuncture, release poison, detoxify with purple qi, and feed medicine.

Chen Huan and Chen Xi were by her side to assist.

One person receives poisonous blood and feeds medicine at the same time, and one person passes silver needles.

Once busy, it will be a few days and nights.

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