Nuan Nuan smiled: "The queen mother is fine, it's easy to see a doctor, and it doesn't take much effort."

The queen mother stared angrily: "What do you mean by seeing a doctor and healing? Fortunately, I am here! Huh, you don't know how to take care of yourself at all! Seventeen, you are a pig. You can't take care of her well! You still make her work so hard!"

As she spoke, she reached out and slapped Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian didn't hide either, he just said: "Well, it's my fault, it's just right that mother is late, teach us well! We all listen to you!"

Nalan Jinnian said something that he had never been so obedient since he was a child!


Is it to educate yourself?

Is he so obedient?

This man!

Nuannuan gave Nalan Jinnian a look.

Nalan Jinnian pretended not to see it.

The queen mother also gave Nalan Jinnian an angry look: "Okay, it's windy here, don't talk here! Nuan Nuan, don't stand for too long, go back and rest quickly. You don't have to worry about Yue'er's injury, just watch It's scary, but it's not life-threatening. You can rest assured only after you take care of your own mother."

People save themselves, they are their own saviors, and it is good for her to repay her life-saving grace.

The queen mother didn't think that her daughter-in-law should also repay her savior together.

There is no inevitability or necessity in this.

Of course, in normal times, it is also possible to ask Nuan Nuan to show Yue'er.

But when he came back, Shi Qi told himself that Nuan Nuan didn't close his eyes for several days and nights in order to detoxify the soldiers.

As soon as I relaxed, I fell asleep directly!

How can this be achieved!

She has twins!

And up to now, there are still some soldiers whose poison has not been completely removed.

Still have to rely on warmth to solve.

She is a person with two bodies, how can she have so much energy to save so many people.

The Queen Mother was naturally reluctant to let Wen Nuan go to save people.

But those soldiers were poisoned to defend their homes and the country, and they couldn't just watch them die from the poison, so they had to be willing if they were reluctant.

The injuries of her savior were indeed important, but her injuries were not life-threatening.

I will definitely find the best doctor to cure her.

The queen mother really couldn't bear to be warm and had to bother for herself.

Warmth warmed her heart, the queen mother never ignored her, and even put her first. She was moved in her heart: "I made the queen mother worry. Don't worry, I will do what I can, and the queen mother doesn't have to worry!"

She touched her abdomen: "I will protect her well so that the queen mother can embrace Jinsun as soon as possible!"

Well, she didn't promise to be obedient!

The queen mother laughed when she heard the words: "Silly girl! I already have it, so I can't hurry up! It won't be born until the full month."

They are fast enough!

Just got married and got pregnant!

It doesn't get any faster!

Of course, it was possible to get married so quickly because of my good preparation, so I was able to choose a warm and most fertile day among so many days to get married!

Otherwise rely on the wooden lump of Seventeen?

Oops, she was so gray-haired in her arms that she couldn't wait to hold her grandson!

The queen mother glared at Nalan Jinnian: "Wu Mu, don't send your wife back to rest yet! You have to hug her, the ground is slippery!"

Don't you know that people with double bodies can't stand for too long?

The pig!

Fortunately, I came here!

It really pissed her off!

How did you give birth to such an incomprehensible pig?

It must be like the first emperor!

Nuan Nuan hurriedly said: "No, I'll just go by myself!"

She never wants to live the days before!

Nalan Jinnian hugged Wen Nuan directly: "You must listen to what your mother says!"


The two sent the queen mother to rest in the big tent that had been arranged earlier, and then left.

Nalan Jinnian held Nuan Nuan in his arms, and strode towards the big tent next to him.

Wen Nuan couldn't help asking: "What happened to the queen mother?"

"There was an avalanche, she rushed over to block the falling stones for the Queen Mother." Nalan Jinnian explained briefly.

The corner of Wen Nuan's mouth twitched, the explanation was indeed simple.

Forget it, she should ask other people!

Nalan Jinnian carried Nuan Nuan to the big tent next to him, Nuan Nuan hurriedly said, "Go and see how the soldiers' poison is controlled!"

Nalan Jinnian frowned.

Wen Nuan hurriedly said: "You also know that if the poison is not completely cured, it will be serious again! You don't want my previous efforts to be wasted, and then I will be busy for a few days and nights, right?"

Nalan Jinnian: "."

In the end, Wen Nuan went to show the poisoned soldiers, but this time it was much better, because thousands of detoxification pills were given to the most serious soldiers, and all of them were completely cured.

The remaining soldiers had very little residual poison in their bodies, so they only needed to use needles to release poisonous blood, and then use purple qi and decoction to clean up the residual poison.

It took a whole day to be so warm, and it was done when it was dark, and Wen Nuan found that her purple air was thicker, so it was so fast, otherwise it would take another day and night.

But tomorrow we will continue to detoxify some soldiers.

In two days, the ice poison on all soldiers should be cured.

Nalan Jinnian went back to the big tent with warmth in her arms, and she was so tired that she fell asleep directly in his arms.

In the next two days, Nuan Nuan and Nalan Jinnian went to the Queen Mother's tent to pay their respects, and then avoided the Queen Mother to detoxify the soldiers.

It's not that the queen mother doesn't know, but sometimes, people are very helpless!

Whatever your status is, you have to do something and take on some responsibilities!

After all, as a human being, we must be kind and responsible!

So she can only open one eye and close one eye.

third day

All the remaining poison on the poisoned soldiers had been cleaned up, Nuan finally didn't have to detoxify them anymore, so after waking up that day, Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian went to the Queen Mother's big tent to accompany the Queen Mother after breakfast, Nalan Jinnian leaves for military training.

The ancients were superstitious. There was no war in the first month, and they were worried that the murderous intent would be too heavy. This is firmly believed in the four countries.

Although there was no need to fight, there were still preparations to be made, so Nalan Jinnian was not idle.

What's more, he also intends to unify the southern border country as soon as possible.

Nuannuan stayed to talk with the Queen Mother.

The queen mother is even more happy to see this!

She looked at Nuan Nuan's rounder face, and happily asked Nanny Rong to take out the clothes she had prepared for Nuan Nuan in the capital: "Come, Nuan Nuan, try to see if it fits. I asked the people from Shangyi Bureau to make this." .”

Nuannuan changed into clothes very cooperatively, walked up to the queen mother, turned around, and said happily: "Mother, take a look, it just fits well. I just think the current clothes are a little tight. These clothes of the mother are really Timely rain! Thank you, Queen Mother."

I've been eating a lot lately, more than a big man's food intake, Wen Nuan has indeed gained weight, probably ten catties!

However, her figure is taller than ordinary women, and she was thin before, but now she is just right.

The Queen Mother looked at it and thought it was just right, she said to Nanny Rong: "It's just right now, but next month, you should show your pregnancy, and you need to prepare some looser clothes. Nanny Rong measured the princess' body, Then start preparing clothes for next month."

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