The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 1353 How can I be hit by a collision?

The next day, Nuan Nuan and the Queen Mother came to see Yang Yue'er's injury.

As soon as Wen Nuan walked in, she saw Yang Yue'er reaching for the tea bowl on the stool.

It's just that her hands are not long enough, and her whole body is about to fall to the ground because of the unstable center of gravity.

The Queen Mother was startled, and shouted: "Be careful!"

Wen Nuan had already stepped forward and caught her.

In desperation, Yang Yue'er tightly grabbed the clothes on Nuan Nuan's chest with both hands, together with the two locks of hair hanging down on Nuan Nuan's chest.

Wen Nuan felt his scalp being pulled and hurt.

She carefully put Yang Yue'er back on the bed: "Miss Yang, are you alright?"

Yang Yue'er didn't know whether she was scared or hurt, her face turned pale, she came back to her senses, let go of her hand, and said in fear after a while: "It's all right. Princess Hui'an, are you all right?"

She looked at Wen Nuan's slightly swollen belly with a worried face.

The Queen Mother hurried over: "Are you all right? Are you two all right?"

The Queen Mother held Nuan Nuan's hand with one hand, and gently placed the other hand on Nuan Nuan's abdomen. Her face was full of worry, but she still did not forget to say to Chen Huan behind her: "Chen Huan, show Yue'er whether the wound is cracked or not." Open. Chen Xi, hurry up and get the military doctor over!"

Chen Xi turned around and ran outside.

Nuan Nuan hurriedly said: "It's okay, Queen Mother, I'm fine, there's no need to call a military doctor!"

The Queen Mother frowned: "But, you ran so fast just now!"

She was so scared that she forgot her heartbeat!

Nuan Nuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "How big is this tent? I just took two quick steps. I'm fine!"

Yang Yue'er said with a worried and guilty face: "I didn't know if I hit the princess' abdomen just now, let the military doctor take a look!"

The Queen Mother nodded, that's what she was worried about!

Chen Huan also took a worried look at Wen Nuan.

Just now she and Chen Xi opened the curtain alone to let Wen Nuan and the Queen Mother in.

Had they known, they would have gone ahead.

Wen Nuan hurriedly said: "No, you just grabbed my clothes just now, it's okay, really. Chen Huan, look at Miss Yang's wound!"

Nuannuan saw that Yang Yueer's forehead was covered in cold sweat, it must be in pain.

Chen Huan nodded, and stepped forward to check Yang Yue'er's wound.

Seeing Nuannuan, the queen mother reassured her again and again, her face was as usual and she was relieved.

Anyway, Chen Xi has already gone to call the military doctor, and I will let the military doctor see it when the time comes.

Chen Huan checked Yang Yue'er's wound: "There is no rupture."

Nuan Nuan also took a look at the wound, and the wound was indeed not open.

The queen mother took a look and was relieved, but she couldn't help but said: "Yue'er, did you want to drink water just now? Next time you are thirsty, will you let others know? Don't take it yourself, it's too dangerous. Where's Zishan?"

Yang Yue'er hurriedly said: "I see. I just finished breakfast and I'm a little thirsty. I won't dare next time. Miss Zishan has gone to make medicine, and she should be back soon."

The queen mother didn't say anything when she heard the words, and felt that a maid beside her should come over to serve her.

Chen Huan quickly prescribed the medicine.

Wen Nuan sat down, put her hand on Yang Yue'er's pulse: "I'll take the pulse for Miss Yang."

After Nuan Nuan gave Yang Yue'er the pulse, she said with a smile, "Yes, the wound is slowly healing, and it's much better today."

The queen mother said happily after hearing the words: "That's good! Remember to drink the medicine on time!"

At this time Zishan came in with a bowl of medicine.

Seeing the Queen Mother and Nuannuan, he hurriedly saluted.

Yang Yue'er smiled softly: "It's the concubine's excellent medical skills, and Zishan's good care, otherwise I wouldn't be able to recover so quickly."

The queen mother heard the words and said: "Zi Shan is indeed careful, she deserves to be rewarded! Zi Shan, go back and get two taels of silver from Rong Nanny!"

Zishan hurriedly said, "Thank you Queen Mother!"

Nuannuan said again at this time: "There will be another war soon. We will leave here tomorrow and go to another place to camp. It will be hard for Miss Yang. You will lie on the carriage and try not to move around. Now the wound is gone. It starts to heal, and if it breaks, it will be troublesome. Tomorrow, I will try my best to let the driver drive the carriage slower and more stable."

Yang Yue'er nodded guiltily and said: "I know, I will be careful. I dare not move 1 my body injury will cause trouble for everyone. In fact, you can leave me alone and don't delay the army's itinerary."

The queen mother glared at her: "What nonsense are you talking about! How can I leave you here alone. Don't worry, your carriage will not be the only one who will be slow tomorrow. Nuan Nuan is happy, and her carriage will also be slow. We are not in a hurry , the army will go first."

Wen Nuan touched his stomach, and said helplessly: "Yes, I have to walk slowly too! Tomorrow you will know how uncomfortable it is that the carriage is slower than the bullock cart!"

Everyone laughed.

The queen mother was worried about Nuan Nuan, guessing that the military doctor would be here soon, so she smiled and said: "Okay, Yue'er, drink your medicine well, Nuan Nuan, we are going back."

Nuan nodded.

Yang Yue'er: "Queen Dowager, Wangfei, go slowly!"

Zishan gave a blessing: "Respectful to the queen mother, respectful to the princess!"

Wait for the two to go out.

Yang Yue'er glanced at the two hairs that fell on the bed sheet.

She looked up at the still shaking door curtain again, her eyes were dim.

Zishan sat on the bedside with the medicine bowl in her hand: "Miss Yang has taken the medicine."

Yang Zishan came back to his senses, smiled softly, and obediently drank the medicine.


Wen Nuan and the two walked out of the big tent, and saw Chen Xi running over with the military doctor from a distance.

The old military doctor was running out of breath!


Why did Chen Xi make such a big fight?

All the soldiers around are watching!

Those who didn't know thought someone was critically ill!

Nalan Jinnian knew that it would be miserable if he had to stay in bed again!

The queen mother supported Wen Nuan and said, "Go back quickly and let the military doctor take a look."

Wen Nuan was very helpless: "Queen, I'm fine."

"Look at it and rest assured!"

When the two returned to the warm tent, the military doctor was half-delayed by Chen Xi, half-running to invite them.

The queen mother ignored the old military doctor's panting, and hurriedly said: "Military doctor Niu, show the princess quickly, she was bumped just now."

Nalan Jinnian saw Chen Xi dragging the military doctor away from a distance, worried about something wrong with Nuan Nuan, so he ran back, just in time to hear this.

He frowned, came to Nuannuan, and looked at her carefully.


How could it have been bumped?

Is the queen mother trying to scare people to death by saying this?

"I'm fine. It's not a collision!" Wen Nuan looked up at Nalan Jinnian and said hastily.

"Doctor Niu, take a look."

Panting, the military doctor gave Nuannuan a pulse, and then said: "Go back to the Queen Mother, back to King Jin, the fetal image of the princess is very stable, and she is in good health, please don't worry, Queen Mother, King Jin."

The queen mother finally felt relieved after hearing this.

She glanced at Nalan Jinnian's ugly face, and felt that she should run away. The Queen Mother smiled and said, "As long as you have nothing to do! Then I'll go back, Nuan Nuan, take a good rest!"

The Queen Mother left behind these words and hurried away.

She seems to have gotten into trouble!

But it's better to lie down warmer!

Nalan Jinnian sat down beside Nuannuan, looked at her slightly messy hair, and frowned even more tightly!

He stretched out his hand to help her smooth the two locks of hair hanging down her chest, and said coldly, "What's going on? Why did you collide?"

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