"Second Uncle, are the medicinal materials sold to the army shoddy?"

"No, I don't dare to be careless about the medicinal materials supplied to the army. They are all high-quality medicinal materials that I have personally inspected."

And it has only been sold once, and it is still the thread led by Liu Yuanwai, because the warm Shouwu cured his son's bald head.

"Man, did you kill?"

"No, when I appeared, the old lady was already dead."

"Okay, second uncle, don't worry, I will save you! Now tell me what happened! Try to focus! Time may be short."

Wen Jiagui is not stupid, he naturally understands the key, he squatted on the ground and explained what happened succinctly.

Here's the thing: the medicinal materials have been collected, and they are placed in the Tan family's small courtyard in Changyuan County.

When they were about to go back, Wen Jiagui's servant went to rent a carriage to transport the acquired medicinal materials back.

Wen Jiagui checked the medicinal materials purchased this time in the front yard to see if there were any missed ones.

When the count was almost finished, Zhang Jinbao's servant ran over to him and told him that Zhang Jinbao was looking for him in a hurry.

He went back to the backyard and found an old woman knocking her head on the side of the well, bleeding a lot, and a young woman sitting on the ground disheveled and crying.

He was stunned, and his first thought was to save people!

He walked over to check the old woman's injuries, when Zhang Jinbao rushed in with a group of officers and soldiers!

Just saw his hands full of blood.

Zhang Jinbao testified that he had killed someone, and the young woman said that she came to this yard to borrow soy sauce, but he didn't expect him to get angry and want to use force on her.

She was reluctant and resisted desperately. At this time, her mother-in-law came in and saw her. She wanted to save her, but he pushed him away and fell down. Then he accidentally killed the old woman.

No one believed him no matter how he explained it!

Directly to the dungeon!

The next day, the jailer A Tou said that the medicinal materials he supplied for the military were actually shoddy! The wounds of many soldiers in the military camp were festering, and the crime should be punished.

"I swear that all the medicines supplied to the army are absolutely high-quality medicinal materials. I didn't kill the old woman, and I didn't do anything wrong to the young woman!"

Wen Jiagui just finished speaking, and Nuan still wanted to ask some questions, but he didn't ask.

At this time, the magistrate of Changyuan County came in, followed by a large group of soldiers: "come here, these people are so brave, they actually pretend to be the county owner, trespass on the prison, plan to rob the death penalty felon, give me all Catch it!"

A group of soldiers came over.

Wen Jiagui's face turned pale, it was over!

Put the four brothers in!

Both Wen Jiarui and Mrs Tan turned pale with fright.

Looking warmly and calmly at the soldier who stepped forward, he sneered: "The magistrate of Changyuan County is such a big dog, it's a waste of life, and he dares to slander the county chief!"

"I still want to make a quibble, how could the dignified county lord Hui'an not even have a guard around him! Arrest them all! Putting them in jail is so daring and pretending to be the county lord! Let's ask them tomorrow to be an example!"

This outfit doesn't look like the county chief!

"Give you a chance to find out the facts, or the black gauze hat on your head will not be guaranteed!"

The magistrate of Changyuan County sneered: "Then let's see if you, the fake county lord, die first, or I will lose my official position first! Give it to me!"

All the soldiers rushed up.

Wen Nuan said to Wen Jiarui, "Father, stand back a little, it's too narrow here."

Wen Jiarui understood immediately, and hurriedly signaled Mrs. Tan and the servant to step back, worried that Sister Nuan accidentally hurt them.

At this time a soldier reached out to grab the warmth.

With a warm hand, a backhand twist, and a kick with his short legs, the jailer screamed and flew out, just hitting the magistrate of Changyuan County!

The magistrate of Changyuan County fell down and sat on the ground. After being smashed for many years, the constipation was almost healed.

He said angrily, "They're all dead, catch her!"

In an instant, a group of people lost their carelessness and rushed up.

warm body flash

Several guards fell to the ground, and the number continued to increase.

Seeing this, the county magistrate's face turned pale with fright. He couldn't care about anything, and while there were more than a dozen prison guards blocking the warmth, he quickly got up and ran out while shouting: "Someone! Someone is robbing a prison! Somebody! !"

At this moment, a large group of jailers rushed in with large knives.

After the magistrate of Changyuan County ran out angrily, he immediately urged the jailer: "Close the prison door, quickly close the prison door!"

The heavy prison door slammed shut.

The magistrate of Changyuan County breathed a sigh of relief after watching the gate closed, and then stood outside the prison door and shouted to the soldiers inside, "Listen to the people inside, be sure to tell the woman who pretended to be the county magistrate of Hui'an. The devil is grabbing it! If she still protests, she will rectify the law on the spot! Kill it!"

When the soldiers inside listened, they were welcome, and they all picked up their weapons and rushed towards the warmth.

The sound of fierce fighting came from inside!

When the magistrate of Changyuan County heard the sound of fighting, he was frightened for a while, but fortunately he ran fast.

"Kill it! Kill it!" The magistrate of Changyuan County was lying on the small window, seeing the situation inside, and finding that Nuan was so capable of fighting, he jumped in a hurry outside: "Don't let her shoot! Kill her!"

Nalan Jinnian jumped off his horse and looked at the magistrate of Changyuan County, who was lying on the heavy prison door, jumping and shouting, with murderous intent in his eyes!

The corners of Lin Feng's mouth twitched, showing no sympathy at all!

"Master Yang is trying to kill anyone?"

The icy voice sounded in his ears, so frightened that the magistrate of Changyuan County almost fell to his knees.

He looked at the silver-clothed man beside him, and was frightened by his icy eyes: "Who are you? You can't break through in the prison!"

Nalan Jinnian didn't give him another look, he walked over and stared at the people inside.

With a warm and vigorous posture, he bent over to avoid a large knife that was cut by a jailer, and with the posture of being a husband and a man, he just kicked the group of soldiers who rushed up one by one.

Wen Jiarui had no chance to help out behind her.

Lin Feng took out a token.

When the magistrate of Changyuan County saw the token, he immediately knelt down: "See the prince!"

Lord? The guard next to him was so frightened that he quickly knelt down!

My darling, what day is it today, first a county head, and then a prince.

"Open the door!" The coldness on his body became stronger, and the killing intent in the ice eyes was as real!

The jailer with the key quickly got up and opened the door.

Nalan Jinnian lifted his foot and walked in.

At this time, Nuan just kicked the big knife in the hand of the last soldier, and kicked him away with one kick.

The soldier just landed at the feet of Nalan Jinnian.

The magistrate of Changyuan County came in immediately and said to Nalan Jinnian, "Sir, this female thief pretends to be the county head and wants to rob a death row prisoner! The crime is extremely heinous!"

Nalan Jinnian's eyes were fixed on Wen Nuan, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "She is the county magistrate of Hui'an!"



Thank you to all the book friends who voted and commented~~

Thank you for the rewarding book friend baby @The little rabbit on the dimple~~

thank you~~


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