Wen Hou and Liang Bao'er, Liu Kai and Wen Qian, Lei Ting and Wan Yun's weddings were held on the last day of the first lunar month.

The three newlyweds all held their wedding together in Tao Ran Residence.

This return gift was held for them by Warmth, and all the expenses in Taoran Residence and the Inn were covered by Warmth.

It's a wedding gift for them.

In the three days before and after the wedding, Tao Ran Residence, including the inn outside the city, was not open to the public for three days, and all three days were used to entertain the relatives and friends of the three couples.

Officials above the fourth rank in the entire capital, as well as generals above the lieutenant general in the barracks, and their relatives and friends all attended the wedding.

The banquet and the worship hall were held in Tao Ran Residence, and the bride's dowry was still sent back to their respective mansions.

In the lobby of Tao Ranju, the three newlyweds have just finished their worship and are reciting their vows.

Wen Nuan and Nalan Jinnian served as witnesses.

People from all over the capital are watching the ceremony for the three new couples.

This kind of wedding is familiar to everyone but unfamiliar.

Familiar is the part of worship.

Unfamiliar is the part of reciting the oath, exchanging the rings, and witnessing the marriage.

There is also this group wedding. It turns out that the wedding can also be held together, which is quite meaningful.

And the auditorium of this chapel is also very dreamy!

To hold a wedding in such a beautiful place is to satisfy all women's highest fantasy about weddings!

"I envy them so much, and this wedding is so special! It's unforgettable!"

"No, I will come to Tao Ranju to hold a wedding in the future when I get married. I like this way to get married! I want to have an identical wedding."

"I also thought, but how could it be exactly the same, but the emperor and the queen are the witnesses!"


Wen Ling listened to these words and looked at Wen Qian, who was wearing a red wedding dress and a red hijab, with all kinds of feelings in her heart.

She could have had a wedding like this too.

But she got married last year, and her mother found her son Liu Jiahua from a grocery store in Ningyuan County.

That man was honest, good-natured, and good-looking, even two points better than the person Wen Qian married.

But what's the use of looking good?

Liu Kai is a general and has 200,000 sailors under his command. Wen Qian was ordered to marry by the emperor, and on the day of the wedding, she became the first-class wife!

Liu Kai's father is also the 50% soldier and horse division, the elder of the two dynasties, responsible for the protection of the entire capital, and is highly valued by the emperor.

The courting ceremony that the Liu family gave to Wen Qian was many times more than what the Liu family gave her!

Wen Qian's dowry, her parents, the dowry she prepared for herself and her is the same.

But other people's makeup for Wen Qian is different from their own!

Wen Qian got married at the Anguo Gong's Mansion in the capital, and all the wives and young ladies in the capital came to dress her up.

She was married in Ningyuan County.

Although the third uncle's family and even the warm sister also sent boxes of gold and silver jewelry to add makeup.

But compared to Wen Qian, it's really much less!

Wen Qian's dowry added up to one hundred and eight.

I only have to lift fifty-six!

Less than half!

How can I keep her mind balanced?

At this time, the three newlyweds had already finished worshipping heaven and earth.

The brides were sent to the flower hall that Tao Ranju had prepared for them to rest.

The three newlyweds stay together, and they will be happier and more lively if they have relatives and friends together.

Wen Ling is trying to find warmth.

Wen Chun walked up to Wen Ling and Liu Jiahua at this time and said to them, "Sister Ling, I'll take my brother-in-law over there for a drink."

Liu Jiahua heard the words and said to Wen Ling, "Linger, go talk to eldest sister, you rarely meet. I'll wait for you in the garden in a while."

Wen Ling rolled her eyes at him: "I want you to take care of it!"

Wen Chun frowned, "Why did Sister Ling talk to her brother-in-law like this?"

Liu Jiahua hurriedly smiled and said, "It's my fault, it has nothing to do with Linger."

Marrying herself is wronging her.

He knew she could actually marry better.

Wen Ling said softly to Wen Chun, "Brother Chun, where is the Empress?"

After he finished speaking, he deliberately glanced at Liu Jiahua.

Heart full of disdain.

It's really useless, even if the person here is a guard, the limit is higher than his status.

How could her parents marry such a person.

Liu Jiahua smiled at Wen Ling. I don't care about her petty nature.

Wen Ling rolled her eyes, turned and left.

Wen Chun's brows were furrowed tightly, at least the husband and wife had to respect each other.

He didn't want to talk about Wen Ling in front of Liu Jiahua, so he said to Liu Jiahua apologetically: "Sister Ling's temperament doesn't know when she can change it, my brother-in-law should take more care. I will let my second aunt talk about her. "

Liu Jiahua hurriedly said: "No, no, Ling'er is still young, I'll take care of it for a while, and I think she's pretty good."

Wen Ling is a person who can't hide her thoughts on her face. Such a person is easy to understand.

Besides, Liu Jiahua is five years older than Wen Ling and has been running a grocery store for many years. He knew that she was unconvinced because she was married, and she was a little arrogant but not bad at heart.

Before her mother was so angry that she couldn't eat, she was still very uneasy, and she went to the kitchen to cook porridge and let the servants secretly send it.

At that time, I knew that she was kind in her heart.

These shortcomings of high heart qi will gradually change with age.

After all, when you are young, who is not arrogant.

He used to have.

Wen Chun looked at Liu Jiahua's expression and saw that he didn't seem to be cheating, but was sincere.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

No wonder the second uncle and the second aunt found this husband for Sister Ling.

This guy is honest and transparent.

I hope Sister Ling can figure it out and not let him down!


After Wen Ling left, she went to Wen Qian's place first, and found that the warmth was not there. She ignored Wen Qian's enthusiasm, said a few strange words and left.

After leaving, she looked around for warmth and looked around, only to find that she was under a gazebo in the back garden.

under the gazebo

She and Nalan Jinnian were sitting there, and there was another person sitting opposite her, with her back facing her eyes, because there were flowers and trees covering it, she couldn't see who that person was.

I just feel that the color of the clothes is a little familiar.

Wen Ling subconsciously eased her steps and approached quietly.

She came to find warmth because she wanted it to arrange an official position for Liu Jiahua in Beijing.

Even if it is only a small official of the fourth rank.

She didn't want to stay in Ningyuan County, she didn't want to marry the son of a grocery store, she felt that she couldn't lift her head.

Wen Ling walked behind the flowers and heard a warm voice.

"According to the second aunt, the fourth brother-in-law was originally a scholar, so why didn't he continue the test later?"

Wen Ling, my heart is raised, is Wen Nuan thinking of arranging errands for Liu Jiahua?

Liu Jiahua sat upright, with a respectful tone, and said honestly: "Back to the empress, the student's show is the last one who cheated. I only got it, otherwise I wouldn't have it. I really don't have the ability to be admitted to the juren."

The imperial examinations were too exhausting for him.

Moreover, juren doesn't pass the test just because they want to.

He felt unworthy.

There are many ways out of life besides the imperial examinations.

Nalan Jinnian: "The court is at the time of employing people. If you have the will to be an official, I can arrange it for you."

Wen Ling was so excited that she almost jumped up.

She knew that as long as Wennuan and the emperor spoke up, she would be a lady of honor!

A lady can do it.

Liu Jiahua didn't expect Nalan Jinnian to say this.

This is really a face!

Makes him a little flattered.

Are you looking at Wen Ling's face?

But he didn't want to rely on women.

Besides, he's not here.

Liu Jiahua hurriedly stood up, stood up and saluted: "Thanks to the emperor for his love, but the students have little talent, lack of knowledge, and lack of ambition. They are really not suitable for an official position. I hope the emperor can take it back!"

Wen Ling was dying of anger and was about to go out and agree.

At this time, a warm voice sounded: "Everyone has their own aspirations, and my brother-in-law is a person with a plan in his heart, which is admirable. No wonder my second uncle and second aunt are full of praise for you."

"It's my honor to be able to marry Ling'er." He couldn't understand how the Wen family would choose him.

"No, it's a blessing for my cousin to marry you. To be honest, Ben Gong doesn't really like her temperament."


Grab the tail of the Mid-Autumn Festival and wish the little cuties a happy Mid-Autumn Festival ^_^

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