The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 215 Dare to Ask the Diligent King

The Nuan family did not have a house in the capital, so they went directly to Prince Jin's mansion to live there.

Because it was already night when they entered the city, no one knew that the Nuan family lived in Jin Wangfu.

Jin Wangfu received news early in the morning.

Butler Yuan immediately asked people to prepare the best courtyard in the entire Jin Palace except the main courtyard.

The indifference of the master to him, the days when he let him keep a dog every day, he is afraid!

Nalan Jinnian brought the warm family into the palace, but Steward Yuan immediately brought hundreds of servants from the palace to salute: "The servant sees the master, the master is auspicious, see the county master of Hui'an, the old lady, the master Wen, the lady, Miss Wen..."

After everyone had paid their respects, Butler Yuan said, "Master, the Wutong Courtyard has been cleaned, and the family of the Hui'an County Master can move in."

Butler Yuan secretly paid attention to Nalan Jinnian's reaction.

Wutong Courtyard is the second main courtyard in the inner courtyard of King Jin's Mansion.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that the phoenix lives in the phoenix tree.

This courtyard has always been considered to be the courtyard where Princess Jin will live in the future.

Lin Feng sent a message back and asked all the servants to come out to meet him and prepare the best hospital.

While he was shocked, he also wanted to know what the master's attitude towards Hui'an County Master was, so he deliberately cleaned up the Wutong Courtyard.

Nalan Jinnian nodded, then said to the Wang family, Wen Jiarui and others: "Grandma Wang, Uncle Wen, Aunt Wu, it's getting late, I'll take you to stay at Wutong Courtyard, I've been running around for so many days, go early tonight rest."

More than 100 servants: ""

Does the lord personally send the guests to the Wutong Courtyard?

Deliver it yourself?

Butler Yuan was also shocked in his heart. He originally wanted to say that he took them to Wutongyuan.

Now it seems that he does not need to try!

In the future, it would be right to treat the county magistrate Hui'an as a hostess.

"I have the Seventeenth Master." This is the capital, so as to avoid getting into trouble, Wennuan reminded everyone to call Nalan Jinnian the Seventeenth Master.

Nalan Jinnian glanced at the warmth, and then said, "Uncle Wen, don't be polite, just call me seventeen. This is Prince Jin's mansion, so you don't need to care about those false courtesy."

More than a hundred servants of the palace: ""

When did the master speak so well?

Really long experience!

Nalan Jinnian personally sent the Nuan family to the Wutong Courtyard, and found a few safe maids to wait on them.

And let the people in the kitchen stew the bird's nest, which can be eaten after the whole family is groomed.

Being so thoughtful, the servants of the Royal Palace did not dare to neglect the Nuan family in the slightest.

Someone secretly asked Lin Feng why the Nuan family made the master treat him so differently, and Lin Feng replied, "Don't ask too much, you just need to know that if you treat the master a little bit, the master may forgive you, but you are right. There is a slight neglect from the Hui'an County Lord's family, you are dead!"

Therefore, the entire King Jin's servants are extremely respectful to the Nuan family, and no one dares to be rude and rude!

The next day, just before dawn, Nalan Jinnian told the servants not to disturb the warm family to sleep, and then entered the palace.

The Qianqiu Banquet is imminent, the prefects of the prefectures of Nalan Kingdom, the governors of Guangdong and Guangxi, the imperial merchants, and all the officials above the fourth rank of the imperial court will return to Beijing to report their duties and enter the dynasty to congratulate!

As a great country, Nalan country has four subordinate countries under it, all sent messengers to congratulate.

In the early morning of this day, the entire Jinluan Palace was filled with civil and military officials.

These officials are said to be the backbone of the Nalan Kingdom.

morning up

Everyone was enthusiastically discussing the upcoming Qianqiu Banquet and things around the world.

After everyone's discussion, when the emperor was about to retire, Nalan Jinnian walked in:

"Brother Huang, the younger brother has something to announce."

Ministers: "..."

Can't you come earlier if you have something to do? It's all down!

Recently, officials from all over the world have come to Beijing every day to report that the emperor is about to die. When Nalan Jinnian came back the day before the Qianqiu Banquet, he was so angry that he lost his temper!

But the emperor's anger was quickly replaced by surprise!

He looked at Nalan Jinnian's healthy hands and said in surprise, "Seventeen, your hands have grown again?"

General Guo Boss quickly looked over, his pupils shrank!

The corner of Nalan Jinnian's mouth twitched: "It was connected, not grown again."

The emperor was even more surprised when he heard it: "Can this broken hand be attached?"

Feng Xiao Shenyi's medical skills are really getting better and better!

Civil and military officials are also shocked!

General Guo Boss looked gloomy!

be cheated!

Two hundred thousand taels, and family heirlooms were deceived like this!

Nalan Jinnian ignored this meaningless question and said directly: "Brother Huang, Ningyuan County has successfully planted winter wheat, creating a miracle of three crops a year!"

The emperor was very happy when he heard it: "Yes, the eldest prince has already played on this matter. This is God bless my Nalan Kingdom! In the future, the people of the world will no longer have to worry about starvation!"

After hearing this, Nalan Jinnian said in surprise, "Oh? So the emperor already knows?"

"Such a big happy event, of course I know it! Not only I know it, but all the civil and military officials of the whole dynasty know it!"

At this time, all the civil and military officials also echoed: "The emperor is blessed with happiness, diligent in government and love for the people. It is a blessing for the people of the world to discover that Ningyuan County can grow winter wheat!"

"This is all due to King Qin. King Qin cares about the people. No one in Nalan will starve to death from now on!"

Nalan Jinnian was even more surprised when he heard everyone's words: "Oh, who is King Qin, why doesn't this King know that there is another King Qin in my court?"

The emperor smiled and said: "Ningyuan County is a credit for planting winter wheat. This kind of merit benefits the people of the world. I bestow him as the King of Qin."

The eldest prince smiled humbly: "This king has nothing to do, it's all the people's credit!"

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian sneered and looked at the eldest prince coldly: "You really don't have any credit! If you insist that you have credit, it is the credit for being the first to play and taking credit!"

First Prince: "..."

The emperor noticed something was wrong, and the dragon eyebrows gathered together: "What happened to Seventeen?"

Nalan Jinnian's icy eyes looked at the eldest prince indifferently, and stepped forward: "Dare to ask Qin Wang, did you grow winter wheat?"

Nalan Jinnian was in full swing.

The eldest prince took a step back unconsciously when he met his ice eyes: "..."

Nalan Jinnian took another step forward aggressively: "Dare to ask Qin Wang, do you own the land where winter wheat is grown?"

The First Prince took a step back: "..."

Nalan Jinnian took another step forward: "Dare to ask Qin Wang, did you buy the seeds of winter wheat?"

The First Prince took another step back: "..."

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, did you grow winter wheat?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, did you apply the fertilizer for winter wheat? When did you apply it?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, how does winter wheat survive the winter?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, how does winter wheat keep its moisture and return to green?"


"Dare to ask Qin Wang, do you have the strength to overcome all opinions and dare to be the first in the world to plant winter wheat at the risk of the world?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, which county in Nalan can promote winter wheat?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, have you ever tried to count the nine cold days and record the situation of winter wheat for a hundred days and nights without changing the wind, frost, rain and snow?"

"Dare to ask Qin Wang, if you ask three questions, everything is none of your business, you, what, what, what, what, credit?!"

Twenty in a row dare to ask, ask aggressively!

Ask the deafening!

Asking the eldest prince was speechless!

Twenty steps in a row, aggressive step by step!

Forcing the eldest prince to be ashamed!

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