Looking at each other, warmly saw that in his beautiful ice eyes, unlike the past, there was a kind of undeniable...

Warm subconsciously withdrew his hand: "Take it back!"

Nalan Jinnian let go of his hand at the right time: "mine, I can't take it back."

He put his hand under the desk, unconsciously tightened his fingers, and clenched his fist.


Nalan Jinnian changed the subject: "What do you want to tell me?"

The warm attention shifted immediately.

"Do you know how you were poisoned before?"

Hearing this, Nalan Jinnian froze and looked at her quickly: "Someone poisoned you?"

The matter of his poisoning is very strange, and the real behind-the-scenes culprit has never been found, only the object of suspicion.

Now in Kang Ning Palace, someone dares to poison her?

"No." Warm shook his head.

Nalan Jinnian frowned, waiting for her to speak.

"Today, the tea bowl that the maid of the Queen Mother gave me was poisonous, and your bowl is also poisonous. Strictly speaking, the glaze used to burn the tea bowl is poisonous. Generally speaking, the cup is not poisonous, but if it encounters high temperature, it will It may release a small amount of toxicity, a little bit is not enough to kill, but if you drink it all year round, the toxin will accumulate in the body over time."

In fact, the enamel color also releases poisonous gas when it is fired, but she has purple gas, which can purify the poison. Besides, she also does chemical treatment steps for detoxification, so it is very safe.

"Have you had the tea yet?"

"Take a sip."

Nalan Jinnian's pupils shrank, she stood up, and wanted to call an imperial physician.

Nuan quickly said: "I'm fine, I've cured the poison, let's take a sip, it's really no big deal."

Nalan Jinnian sat down again and narrowed his eyes.

The bowl that Wen Nuan used at the Queen Mother's place today was something he had never seen before, and it should have been a new tribute.

Colored porcelain is generally paid tribute by the Cai family.

Nalan Jinnian's thoughts went back and forth, and he put the brewed tea in front of the warmth: "How do you judge that those porcelains are poisonous?"

Nuan said the method: "I said, you may not understand it, it has to be judged by experience."

"follow me."

Then Nalan Jinnian went to the warehouse with warmth.

The warehouse of King Jin's Mansion is divided into two floors above ground and underground, which is amazingly large, and the things stored in it are even more amazing!

This is absolutely super super... rich!

Rao is warm and has a good family background in his previous life. He has a wide range of knowledge, and he also gives birth to a feeling that he is insignificant!

Nalan Jinnian saw her bright eyes, and the corners of her mouth rose:

"Choose what you like."

"I like it all!"


Nalan Jinnian raised his eyebrows: "You can only pick one. These are all I've kept as a betrothal gift!"

Warm rolled his eyes: "Stingy!"

Nalan Jinnian smiled, pinched her brows and felt tired, but said nothing else: "Porcelain is all here."

He pointed somewhere.


After half an hour, Nalan Jinnian and Wennuan went out together.

She had checked all the china tableware and only one set was poisonous.

That set of porcelain was a tribute many years ago. The emperor rewarded him, but he has never used it.

Nalan Jinnian said to Wen Nuan, "You can pretend you don't know about this from now on!"

The poison he was found to be related to the southern border.

Southern Xinjiang people know too many weird things.

Too dangerous.

Is the Cai family related to Nanjiang? He mused.

"it is good."

Seeing Nuan Nuan answer so readily, Nalan Jinnian was a little unhappy again.

Heartless little thing!

It's just that the corners of his raised mouth never went down.

After the two came out, Nuan was holding a box in his hands, happily.

To outsiders, it looked like King Jin had brought warmth to the palace's treasury to pick out gifts.

This move once again refreshed the cognition of the servants of the palace.

King Jin is also very fond of Princess Hui'an!

The study is an important place in King Jin's mansion, and usually people can't get close to 100 meters.

Violators will be killed!

The warehouse is another important place, which is heavily guarded by dark guards.

On the third day that Hui'an County Master came, he broke into two major places!

Then everyone thought to themselves: In the future, it is right to be more respectful to Hui'an County Master's family, and more respectful!

No, they had never seen their master smile for many years in the palace, except for a sneer.

Now that Hui'an County Master is here, the master seems to be in a good mood every day, and they don't have to worry about their work!


Yuci's mansion was repaired for a few days, and it was finally completed.

This time, the mansion is not next to King Jin's mansion, but behind King Jin's mansion.

It means to open up the back wall and build a door, and two families become one family!

The Nuan family officially moved into Shichangbo Mansion today.

The housekeeper brought all the servants of the palace to see them off!

Today, the master's face is a little gloomy, and he looks like I'm fine, don't bother me.

Everyone was apprehensive.

When the warm family came out of the palace with a salute,

The servants of the palace saluted uniformly: "Congratulations to send Princess Hui'an to move to the new mansion!"

Everyone looked at the warm eyes with tears in their eyes, reluctant to part.


She doesn't seem to have any contact with the servants of the palace!

Why does everyone look like "Peach Blossom Lake is a thousand feet deep"?

Wang: "The servants of the palace are so well behaved and enthusiastic! I am moved!"

Wu Shi deeply felt the same: "I feel that we just moved out like this, I'm so sorry for them!"


The warm family only brought their own salute and moved into the new mansion.

For other things, Nuan has already taken advantage of these few days to go shopping and buy them all.

Even the servants bought it. There are not only many people in Jingcheng Yaxing, but also many skills, but it is expensive, but I bought a lot of warmth at once.

Some remain in the capital, and some will be brought back to the village.

Nalan Jinnian took the warm family to visit the new mansion.

The capital is an inch of land, and this mansion is more than half the size of the God Craftsman's Mansion in Fucheng!

But Prince Jin's mansion is still very big, and four Shichangbo mansions are just one mansion of King Jin!

However, the warm house is surrounded by the uncle's house.

This street is populated by the elites of the capital, most of them are the residences of the Duke and Count.

Warm picked a yard closest to the front yard.

You don't have to walk too far to get to the front yard, which is convenient.

Nalan Jin glanced at the yard: "This yard is not good."

"What's wrong? It's pretty good!"

"There is a yard with a hot spring inside."

Hearing that, he resolutely gave up.

There is a hot spring, so convenient to take a bath!

Then I chose the hot spring courtyard.

It was only later that Nuan Nuan knew that the hot spring came from the Jin Wangfu.

This yard is the closest to King Jin's mansion!

It is very convenient for someone to climb over the wall in the future!

After the family moved in, they found a day and started to post a banquet to invite people who knew each other in Beijing to gather in Fuzhong. It was a warm residence!

On this day, Liang Ziyun invited Wennuan to eat at Taoran Residence in the capital.

The two went out after eating.

Liang Ziyun asked, "When are you going back to Ningyuan County?"

Warm: "I'm going back after the banquet tomorrow."

"Then my mother and I will go back with you when the time comes!"

The little Zhu family happened to be out today to get medicine. Wen Jiafu was seriously injured by the first prince. He has not been able to get out of bed yet and needs to take medicine every day.

She came out of the pharmacy, just when she saw Wen Nuan and Liang Ziyun passing by, and looked at her like poisoned eyes.

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Updated today~

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