If it doesn't make a sound, it's already a blockbuster!

Now look at the admiration all soldiers have for Lieutenant General Lin!

Civil, court, military, all the prestige has!

Simply step by step!

If the emperor's last edict is added...

That is really justifiable, and what the people want! ! !

No wonder Uncle Seventeen has never been close to women!

This is already developing a princess!

It's just that he raised this imperial concubine himself, or did the previous emperor raise it for him?

Oh, this game of chess is getting more and more interesting!

The third prince thought to himself while shaking the folding fan lightly.


After about half an hour, the remaining four arenas finally finished the challenge!

The results of the fifty generals have also come out!

First place: Lin Tingxuan picks nine, ten points!

Second place: Cao Zihao, one pick six, seven points!

Third place: Liu Chengjian, 1v5, 6 points

Fourth place: Zhang Zhongting, 1v4, 5 points


Then the deputy generals of the fifth ring are all ranked last.

Because they were all knocked down with one move, almost all of them got zero points!

Guo Mingjun 41st place: half a point!

Tang Jin 42nd, zero points



The famous lieutenant is the first, and the second-to-last score!

Only got half a point!

The faces of everyone with the surname Guo are extremely difficult to see!

Their Guo family has never been so humiliated!

The future star of their Guo family actually lost to a lieutenant who usually drives horses and occasionally appears in the barracks to make soy sauce?

In front of hundreds of thousands of troops!

One kick and one punch are easily defeated!

How does this make Guo Mingjun's prestige in the future? !

General Guo, General Guo, and Guo Mingyan all felt disgraced!

Cao Zihao patted his chest, secretly glad he didn't get the fifth group!

During the lottery, he also meditated in the hope that he and Lin Tingxuan would draw a group and get one more head point.

Fortunately, God did not hear his heart!

Otherwise, you won't be able to get a head score.


The ring match was over, and it was time for lunch.

After a simple lunch, I rested for a quarter of an hour.

Next, it's the turn of the formation competition!

General Guo led a hundred generals and lieutenants of different ranks and a thousand elite soldiers.

This is the Coiled Snake Big Dipper Array invented by General Guo, which combines the characteristics of the Long Snake Array and the Big Dipper Array.

The long snake array is entrenched, flexible and ever-changing.

Attack the head, move the tail; attack the tail, move the first; attack the waist, smash, head to tail, twist!

Seven stars sit in the formation, use stillness to stop, move and still are suitable, lore!

What's more, the hundreds of military generals are all masters of one against ten, making this formation even more powerful!

In each round of competition, five teams enter the battle together, and the deputy general who leads the team is destroyed and the entire army is wiped out, even if the battle fails.

The losing team immediately quits and lets the next team on.

In the end, the score is calculated based on which team succeeded in breaking out and left the most people.

If the team can catch General Guo, who is very close to the formation, it will be a success in breaking the formation!

10 points for a successful breakout!

At this moment, the yellow sand was rolling on the playground, and five teams cut into the battle from five directions.

Because there are seven stars sitting in the formation, the long snake formation is more flexible and changeable. Every place can be used as a snake head, and every place can be used as a snake tail!

So no matter which direction you cut in, there is actually not much advantage.

Everyone knows it well, so they don't have to worry about it. Instead of rushing to cut in from a certain direction, they separate from each direction.

Guo Mingjun is full of energy, and is about to win back the face he lost in this round.

Otherwise, with such a low score in the first game, he would not even be eligible to be an ambassador.

Sitting warmly on the high platform, watching carefully.

Lin Tingxuan led people to cut people from the tail of a snake.

Xu Shi's performance in the first game was too shocking.

As soon as the team they led entered.

When I warmed up, I saw the seven stars secretly and began to move!

It is slowly changing, and you can't see it unless you watch it carefully from the high platform.

Of course, if you don't understand the formation method, you can't see anything on the high platform.

Guo Mingyan looked at the mutated situation in the formation and sneered.

Seven-star lore, strangulation!

Lin Tingxuan is waiting to be the first lieutenant to be destroyed!

Lin Tingxuan led people all the way in.

This is a competition, not a real battlefield, so the enemy has to kill, as long as he enters the battle and captures the leader, he will win!

He instructed his team to be divided into ten teams and made breakthroughs in eight directions.

Take 20 people and attack Huanglong!

The strength in the arena was crushed, and at this moment, everyone simply admired him, and they all listened to Lin Tingxuan's words.

Nuan looked at Lin Tingxuan's team divided into ten teams, and then cut in the direction, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Going to win!"

This is not a real battlefield, it's a battlefield that kills you to the death.

Catch the thief first catch the king!

As long as you catch the king and try to keep your teammates from being annihilated, you will win!

Wen Nuan picked up the tea bowl, took a sip of tea, and his eyes in the formation were not as serious as before.

The emperor only saw that Lin Tingxuan was immediately surrounded and strangled by Seven Stars.

The other teams didn't see which team was going to win!

He looked at Nuan: "Which team is Hui'an County Master talking about? Which team is going to win?"

"Lieutenant General Lin Tingxuan!"


He took another look at the battle below?

to win?

How to win?

He looked at him seriously, his expression was inscrutable, and he didn't speak.

Lest anyone find out, he couldn't see that Deputy General Lin was going to win!

Nalan Jinnian didn't pay attention to it from the beginning, but lowered his head and peeled the seeds seriously.

After hearing this, he looked up and continued to lower his head to peel the seeds.

Within half a quarter of an hour, the formation was absolutely successful.

Everyone was looking at it seriously, but before they could see clearly, Princess Hui'an said that he had won? !

So people look more seriously!

However, I could see a little bit of head-sighting, but how to look at it, how could it be like Lieutenant General Lin broke into the killing ground and was about to lose!

Is Princess Hui'an pretending to understand? !

General Guo snorted coldly in his heart, yellow-haired girl, pretend to understand if you don't understand!

Play the ghost!

Guo Mingyan was very familiar with the formation developed by her father. What she saw at the moment was that Lin Tingxuan had people scattered to attack.

The direction he attacked with twenty people happened to be the center of the strangulation!

It's about to be destroyed soon!

Guo Mingyan chuckled: "I didn't expect that Hui'an County Master still knew the formation technique! Are you saying that Lieutenant General Lin is about to win?"

A little warmer: "Yes!"

Seven minutes left!

"Master Hui'an, how about we make a bet?"

Hearing it, Nuan became interested: "Okay! What are you betting on?"

"Just bet 100,000 taels. I bet that Lieutenant General Lin will lose within a quarter of an hour, and the entire army will not be guaranteed! Will the Hui'an County Master dare to bet?"

This is the formation designed by her father, this is the formation of soldiers led by his father, and his eldest brother is also in the formation at the moment!

Who knows this formation better than her!

Who knows better than she what's coming next?

Overly self-contained, deliberately pretending not to understand in front of the emperor!

She thought that Lin Tingxuan had picked the entire arena by himself, so this time he would definitely take the first place in the breakout.

So that everyone thinks she is amazing!

It's a pity that this time I'm going to be slapped in the face!

And not only will she be slapped in the face, but she will also make her lose face and money.

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