The emperor led the crowd to stand not far behind the two.

At the other end of the runway, there were also many soldiers watching the fun.

The emperor couldn't help but ask Nalan Jinnian who was beside him: "Seventeenth brother, how is the horsemanship of Hui'an County Master?"

Nalan Jinnian: "I know a little bit."


It's a little bit of understanding again! ! !

Nalan Jinnian looked at the first-rank officers and generals behind him: "Is there a bet? One hundred thousand taels for one bet?"

The emperor's eyes lit up!

People: ""

Not everyone is willing to bet one hundred thousand taels, hundreds of thousands of taels.

It was a pity that Nalan Jinnian saw that no one made a sound.

He looked at General Guo: "General Guo, your family has a lot of money. This king will bet with you? I bet the Hui'an County Lord will win, one million taels!"

What should I do if I really want the Guo family to go bankrupt? !

The emperor glanced at Eunuch Li: Follow!

Didn't you hear that Princess Hui'an knew a thing or two?

If you know a little bit about eight or nine, he won't gamble, but if you know a little bit about one or two, let's gamble!

Who made him poor!

Eunuch Li coughed: "General Guo, the Sa family also bet the Lord Hui'an to win, one million taels!"

General Guo: ""

How much do these two despise their daughters?

Do you think your daughter will lose?

General Guo smiled and said without a smile: "King Jin is joking, my family doesn't have much money at all! And it's not easy to gamble at the end!"

The emperor is disappointed: a big man is not good at gambling! It's really not even the girl Guo!

Nalan Jinnian nodded: "I don't dare to bet if I don't have much money in my family. It seems that General Guo has no confidence in his daughter! Understand, understand! This is a loser!"

He also thought about accumulating Ping Li from now on, and at that time, Jinshan, Yinshan, Yushan, and mines will be employed.

General Guo: ""

Really pissed him off!

Who is not confident? !

He just doesn't want to show off his wealth, okay?

Then a gong sounded.

Not far away, Wen Nuan and Guo Mingyan flew out together.

At the same time, the two sharp arrows flew out faster than the horses.

Wen Nuan rode a horse, with a small waist straight, and sat firmly on the horse's back.

She quickly drew her hand behind her, pulled out an arrow, then pulled the bow and released the arrow!

The hand draws back again, draws the bow, and fires the arrow!

Her speed is very fast, it seems that she doesn't even need to aim at all, and the arrow is directly released!

An arrow from the string flew in front of everyone's eyes.

Everyone was speechless looking at the warm movements.

They looked at the target within 100 meters of the warm side, two hundred meters, three hundred meters, not a single arrow was hanging:

"Master Hui'an doesn't care if he can shoot or not, as long as he can shoot out?"

On Guo Mingyan's side, he had already hit two 300-meter targets, and he was in the middle of the red heart!

"Could it be that Hui'an County Master wants to shoot the target of four hundred?"

"What are you kidding? Those targets are just for decoration. I've never heard of anyone being shot, and there's never been a blind cat hitting a dead mouse! How is this possible!"

"You can't say that! King Jin shot a row of 800 meters away back then, otherwise the target wouldn't have been set so far!"

"How many Jin Kings do you think there are in this world?"



All of them are first-rank officers, with high authority, so their age is also heavy!

They can be said to be a little dizzy, and they can't see things that are too far away.

The slightly younger prince did not speak, they looked into the distance, blinked, blinked again...

The arrow seems to have landed on the target of 500 meters!

The section of the riding and shooting test is not far, only five kilometers, and it will end soon!

Now the results of riding and shooting are still being counted, and Nuan didn't want to wait, and said to Mingyan: "Don't waste time! Let's go to the next match!"

When the words fell, he rode his horse to the archery range.

Guo Mingyan also knew that Nuan Nuan would shoot when he picked up the arrow, and he would shoot when he picked up the arrow. It felt like who shot more arrows than who shot it accurately!

She glanced at the target at a distance of one, two or three hundred meters, and there was no arrow at all. She smiled: "Don't Princess Hui'an dare to wait for the result? That's fine!"

Warm and surprised: "I'm worried that the result will come out, you can't compare!"

How could she still win the next million taels!

Guo Mingyan rolled her eyes!

"The county master Hui'an is so powerful that he even thinks that if he shoots blindly, he can beat me!"

Nodding warmly: "It's not difficult to win you, I can win with my eyes closed, not to mention shooting blindly with my eyes open?"

Guo Mingyan: ""


Blow all the cows to the sky!

"So good, my family's silver is waiting for you to take it back!"

Warm: "Can't wait! Thank you!"

Guo Mingyan: ""

People: ""

The mouth of Princess Hui'an can really piss people off without paying for their lives!

The two quarreled and came to the archery range.

In this archery field, what you want to shoot is not a target. There is a big shelf here, and the small sandbags are hung under the shelf with thin cotton ropes!

The rules of the competition are very simple, that is, the rope is broken within the specified time, and whoever breaks the most ropes is considered the winner.

Wen Nuan glanced at the rope on the shelf and asked, "How long?"

General Tang took out an hourglass: "An hourglass of time."

Wen Nuan glanced at the hourglass and estimated that it took about fifteen minutes.

"Is it enough to shoot with so little rope? Hundreds more sandbags!"

People: ""

What a big breath! ! !

Is Princess Hui'an kidding? There are a hundred small sandbags hanging here!

It's fine if she can finish it when it gets dark!

The rope is not easy to shoot!

Nalan Jinnian lowered her head and smiled.

What did the emperor think, he glanced at Nalan Jinnian, this was also said by the seventeenth brother back then!

The emperor said calmly: "Hang another 100 up!"

Guo Mingyan rolled her eyes!


Princess Hui'an is too good at pretending!

She really didn't want to see her pretending face again!

Can't help but say: "Hui An County Master, this time you or me first?"

He crossed his hands warmly and said nothing: "Whatever!"

Guo Mingyan: "Then you go first! I'm worried that I will ejaculate first. You will be under too much psychological pressure and will not perform well!"

"Oh." He replied softly.

Soon, another hundred sandbags were hung on the shelf.

Guo Mingyan smiled: "It's better to hang more. I see that Hui'an County Master is quite confident. If she shoots too many sandbags, I won't be able to shoot enough. I'll hang it again, right?"

Nodding warmly: "Don't worry, you must not be enough. I believe that no matter how bad you are, you won't be able to shoot one!"

After speaking, Wen Nuan picked up the bow and arrow on the side and walked forward.

"..." Guo Mingyan was stunned,

This means that she has the ability to shoot down all the sandbags!


She was really looking forward to seeing how many little sandbags she was able to shoot!

"Can County Master Hui'an start?" General Tang asked with an hourglass

Nodding warmly: "Okay."

General Tang turned the hourglass upside down.

Timing begins.

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