After Ning Huaihao went out, Mrs. Ning Er smiled and said: "Here is Huaihao's classmate, who seems to be the son of Master Tongzhi. This year's Imperial Examination was ranked in the top 20 in high school! It is said that she knows our family's plum tree and plum blossom. It's already in full bloom. I brought my sister to our Ning's house to enjoy the plums. Miss Wen, you sisters can also go to the plum forest to enjoy the plums in a while! There is a big plum garden in our house, covering an area of ​​nearly five acres! The plum blossoms are in full bloom today. Exactly."

The five-acre plum forest is bigger than the Wen family's courtyard!

Mrs. Ning looked at the warm family, waiting for them to envy.

Ning Huaijie sighed: "It's a pity that five acres of plum groves are not as good as a single golden lotus."

Mrs. Ning Er: "..."

Mrs. Ning was thinking about Huaihao's classmate bringing her sister to see Mei?

Did you come to see Huai Hao?

A grandson married Shi Changbo's daughter.

A grandson married Tongzhi's daughter!

Well, not bad!

Mrs. Ning said happily: "Today is really a good day, let the kitchen prepare a few more dishes. We also have plum blossom stuffing in our house, and the Princess Hui'an can try it. Shi Changbo, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Wu, you love each other on weekdays. I'll ask the cook to prepare more dishes."

The Ning family is rich, but the Ning family has never been a scholar, so none of the Ning family has been employed, and they have always been merchants.

Only rich, not expensive, after all, in front of those powerful people, they are inferior.

Mrs. Ning wondered if the daughters-in-law of the Ning family were mostly daughters of wealthy businessmen, so their children and grandchildren were not expected to study!

Therefore, Mrs. Ning wanted her children and grandchildren to marry a lady of the official family, so she could give birth to a study material and make the Ning family change her face!

Unexpectedly, the eldest son was disobedient and also married the daughter of a merchant.

Fortunately, the second son married a talented daughter, and the grandson he gave birth really had the material to study!

Now the two grandsons are more promising, and they know how to choose wives from among the officials of the official family.

Mrs. Ning was quite satisfied with her gentle background.

Wen Jiarui said with a smile, "Old lady, you're welcome, we can eat whatever we want, the guest is as much as you want."

Mrs. Ning turned her head and told Sang Zhi, "Let the cook cook all the healthy dishes that were photographed yesterday."

Then she enthusiastically looked for a topic. She looked at Wang's clothes and said enthusiastically, "The clothes on Mrs. Wang's body are so beautiful. I don't know which embroidered mother made them?"

Wang Shi glanced at Gentle: "This is what Sister Rou did."

Mrs. Ning looked surprised: "It was made by the gentle girl? The gentle girl is really ingenious! Weijie, you really found a daughter-in-law!"

it is good! Great!

It is very important that the daughter-in-law of the Ning family has a good embroidery worker.

If the eldest daughter-in-law was not good at embroidery, she would not let her in in the end.

Ning Huaijie smiled, of course he knew that.

A gentle smile: "The old lady praised it."

Second Madam Ning, Second Master Ning, and Ning Huaimin's faces were ugly!

This embroidery is better than Auntie Pan's!

This is even more detrimental to their second room.

Mrs. Ning looked at Wen Wen with a smile and said, "Eldest sister's embroidery skills are so good, so other sisters must be not bad, right?"

Mrs. Ning looked at Wen Wen, and thought of the daughter of Master Tong Zhi.

One is able to climb up to King Jin, the other is Tongzhi who has real power, and Mrs. Tongzhi heard that she is the daughter of the Minister of Industry.

Who should Huaihao marry? It's really fishbone and raging, it's hard to choose!

If you can have both at the same time, that's fine.

Wenxin shook his head: "I'm not good at embroidering."

Of course this is not good in contrast to gentleness.

Warm: "No."

Wen Ran: "I haven't studied."

Mrs. Ning Er: "..."

This second girl Wen is not good at embroidery, so Huaihao married her, wouldn't she be compared?

Or the daughter of the acquaintance!

Mrs. Ning doesn't care about the other three sisters, the grandson's daughter-in-law will do it, she is more enthusiastic to find a topic: "Today I was fortunate enough to meet a few sisters, all of them have a sinking eye, and they are ashamed of the moon, why not Seeing my buddies here, are you going to school?"

Nuan Nuan: "My brother and the others have entered Beijing, and they will have a test in the spring. The master told me that the distance between the capital and Jianghuai is far away, and it would take nearly ten days to come back and forth, so they couldn't come back. They said that next time Come back and say hello to the old lady."

After a while, the warmth also saw the character of Mrs. Ning.

Whoever is profitable to her and who is good to the Ning family will be good to whomever she is.

Such a person is not difficult to deal with.

This situation is not too bad!

As long as they show their family's trump card, let her feel that their family is profitable, and marry gently in the future, at least she will not be embarrassed by her.

"Young Master Wen is actually a master of juren? Uncle Shichang is very good at raising children!" Mrs. Ning was indeed even happier when she heard it.

will try! Those who can participate in the test are all people!

It's not easy to be admitted!

Prove that this family is the material for reading.

Many nephews are like uncles. She seems to see her great-grandson riding a tall horse, and the champion is parading through the streets!

She has been the old lady of the Ning family for most of her life. Although the Ning family is wealthy, she often feels contempt in front of the wives of some dignitaries.

It seems that they are superior to others because they are officials and wives, and they are like a copper stench.

So it was her obsession to let the Ning family transition from business to officialdom.

Mrs. Ning's heart was ringing.

Ning Huaimin was even more unwilling to marry her too early!

But what about taking the test? How many people stop at the exam and can only go back to their hometown to be a master?

He smiled and said: "I don't know how many places Wen Gongzi has taken the exam. If he is only in the top 50 of Jianghuai Mansion, he must be in the top 10. The son of Master Tongzhi is 20, and it is very likely that he will pass the exam. Participate in the palace exam!"

Wen Jiarui: "The eldest son is fine. He took the Jie Yuan exam, but the second son is not good. He is uncertain, so he only got the tenth place in the exam. It is not so easy for Jinshi to go to high school, and I don't know if they will be able to go to high school this year."

The house was eerily quiet!

Mrs. Ning: By the way, this year's Xie Yuan seems to have the surname Wen.

I heard that it is Lianzhong Sanyuan!

Even those who are in the middle school can't get high school jinshi, do others still need to take the test?

Old Madam Ning was overjoyed, overjoyed!

This is not just material for reading, this is material for Wenquxing!

Mrs. Ning said happily: "I will definitely be able to go to high school, but if I don't go to high school, there is no reason! Haha..."

The nephew looks like an uncle! Her great-grandson is also the champion!

Mrs. Ning took another look at Wen Wen: The elder brother is actually Xie Yuan, Jie Yuan of Jianghuai Mansion, and the champion are all capable of competing.

With another King Jin as his brother-in-law, will this official career be worse in the future?

The condition is better than that of the daughter of the same knowledge!

Huaihao's daughter-in-law should choose this warm one!

At this time, Ning Huaihao walked in with a few boys and girls with an ugly expression on his face.

What did Zhou Zhengtao think this time? The younger sister who brought her had a pockmarked face, and she was disgusting when she saw it!

Song Wei brought the ugly monster who was notoriously unmarried!

And this Song Jinxin, this big fat woman is his aunt! What happened when he took his sister out?

What about your sister?

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