The emperor took it and took a look.

Fortunately, this crossbow can only fire one arrow, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

It's just that this crossbow gave him a sense of familiarity.

"Who recommended the assassin, and how did he sneak into the palace?" The emperor couldn't remember where the familiarity of this crossbow came from.

The court did not produce such crossbows.

He put down his crossbow and looked at the Minister of Rites and the Department of Music.

The dancers who can enter the palace to participate in the performance of the palace banquet are generally palace maids trained in the Taile Department, or recruited into the Taile Department from the folk.

They are all women of good families with clean net worth, and there are traces of ancestors for three generations!

The order of the Tai Le Department hurriedly stepped forward and replied: "Back to the emperor, that dancer was recruited from the people seven years ago, and her ancestral home is Huainan. The guarantor was the magistrate of Zhanghe County, Huainan...".

While listening, Nalan Jinnian picked up the crossbow and studied it carefully.

this crossbow

He lowered his eyes, his icy eyes kept secret.

When General Guo saw Nalan Jinnian pick up the crossbow to look at it, he thought that he was the one who shot the assassin's hand with the silver needle just now. That person would miss the shot and almost let the eldest prince pierce his heart with an arrow!

He couldn't help but said: "King Jin just shot, did he find out that there was an assassin trying to kill the emperor? Why didn't King Jin stop the assassin at that time? If it wasn't for the eldest prince who risked his life to save the emperor, the emperor who was lying on the bed at the moment would be the emperor!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian's martial arts are unparalleled, if he had discovered the assassin's movements long ago and wanted to stop it, it would not be impossible!

After hearing this, Nalan Jinnian put down the crossbow in his hand and looked at General Guo: "Didn't this king make a move? This king made sure that the arrow would not hit the emperor, but the eldest prince would rush over to make an arrow. Target, General Guo and the eldest prince didn't tell this king beforehand!"

"If you tell me in advance that the eldest prince will act like this, this king will not take action, and let the eldest prince change from a minor injury to a serious injury, I am really sorry! Next time you want to act, remember to tell this king in advance. This king will definitely I will pretend not to know, and let you play well!"

Everyone: "..."

General Guo is dying of anger!

When King Jin spoke, he was still so angry that people could pay for their lives!

He glanced at the emperor.

The emperor did not speak, and his face was majestic, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

General Guo: "Xiaguan doesn't understand what King Jin means?! Does King Jin think the assassin was arranged by the first prince? Would the first prince risk his life to do such a thing? What's the point? Besides, if today It's not that the first prince's heart is different from that of ordinary people, he is dead now! King Jin Zuo said that he was acting, and that he was acting again, how would anyone take their own life to act?"

Nalan Jinnian smiled and said, "Has the first prince lost his life? Isn't he lost? How can it be regarded as taking one's life to act? If there is no guarantee of life, naturally he will not act, it will be different!"

General Guo: ""

"The first prince didn't lose his life because the position of his heart is different from that of ordinary people!"

Nalan Jinnian nodded lightly: "Yes, you should know where your heart is, so who knows if you are acting with your life?"

Nalan Jinnian did not say any more.

Let everyone taste carefully!

I just don't know that his heart is long!

Otherwise, he still has a chance to live in this world? !

General Guo was speechless. He found that in terms of eloquence, he couldn't say anything about Nalan Jinnian.

Nalan Jinnian is really good at talking!

He clearly wanted to say that Nalan Jinnian intended to harm the eldest prince!

After what he said, he became the eldest prince who was the mastermind of this assassination!

General Guo cupped his hands to the emperor and said, "Your Majesty, the eldest prince is definitely not such a person! He saved the emperor recklessly, and you can see the filial piety of the eldest prince to the emperor!"

Nalan Jinnian sneered: "Brother Huang, the eldest prince is not your son, but the son of General Guo? Why is he more nervous than his brother? What can I explain to you so impatiently?"


General Guo: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone has a little sympathy for the First Prince!

After King Jin said this, the first prince's credit for saving the emperor is gone! Instead, he became the mastermind behind the plot against the emperor!

The emperor said with a headache: "You all retreat!"

He still finds Jinlongwei to investigate secretly!

As an emperor, his position dictates that he must be paranoid.

Nalan Jinnian's words made him have to think more.

Nalan Jinnian stood up: "Brother Huang, this younger brother retire!"

The emperor nodded: "Go to the Kangning Palace to accompany the queen mother to keep the old age, don't run around!"

Nalan Jinnian, who was about to leave the palace to climb over the wall: "..."

Oh yes!

Tonight is New Year's Eve!

Stay old!

Almost forgot!

He also thought about going to the girl to eat dumplings together.


After the emperor waited for everyone to retreat, he called to the void.

A figure appeared in the dark.

"Check the identity of the assassin and see if it's a relationship"

The emperor paused when he said this: "The king of Huainan is related."


The man in black responded and disappeared.

The emperor picked up the crossbow on the table and looked at it carefully, thoughtfully.

After he stayed for a while, he drove the Kangning Palace to accompany the Queen Mother to keep the year old.

The palaces soon received news that the emperor went to the Kangning Palace to accompany the queen mother to keep the year old.

Although everyone knew that the emperor would not come to his palace on New Year's Eve, they were still disappointed.

The queen thought that the eldest prince had blocked the arrow for the emperor. Why would the emperor come to Kunning Palace to accompany her to keep her year old tonight, and said some comforting words to herself, and then said something nice about the eldest prince herself. I didn't expect to accompany the queen mother again!

pissed her off!

Nalan Jinnian accompanied the Empress Dowager Shou Sui Shou in Kangning Palace and left the palace when she was a child.

He took the crossbow with him by the way.


Nuan stayed with the family to keep the year old until the time passed, and then went back to his yard.

Shou Sui usually has to be kept until dawn, but Nuan Nuan was still a child, and when they were growing up, Wen Jiarui and Wu Shi drove them back to their room to sleep.

Wen Nuan washed her head and sat on the rocking chair with a blanket on her body, thinking about what happened at the palace banquet today, while waiting for Nalan Jinnian to come over, she knew that King Jin would definitely come to her.

It was too late, and the warm and usual work and rest time had passed, and she fell asleep on the rocking chair unknowingly.

When Nalan Jinnian came, he saw Nuan fell asleep.

The girl's sleeping face is very quiet and beautiful, her long eyelashes have become very quiet, and her slightly pouting mouth is like a red cherry, which is extraordinarily attractive.

He didn't even plan to wake her up, so he approached her lightly, ready to take her back to bed and leave.

It's just that as soon as Nalan Jinnian approached, Wen Nuan smelled the aroma of tea on him and woke up.

Wen Nuan opened his eyes and met someone's handsome face.

Warm rubbed his eyes and sat up straight: "Who sent the assassin?"

Nalan Jin smiled young, "It doesn't matter who sent it. In the end, only the remnants of the previous dynasty will be found."

Even if the emperor really found out that the eldest prince did it, this matter would not be announced at the time.

It won't be announced at least for now.

The emperor still has his own plans.

But only he knows that the real remnants of the previous dynasty have long been destroyed by him, and the rest have already surrendered, but there are always people who love to do all kinds of things under the guise of the remnants of the previous dynasty!

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