The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 413 Nalan Jinnian, Drunk by Warmth

Nalan Jinnian, who was drunk and dizzy but still a little conscious, wanted to kick Lin Feng out.

When did he need him to serve?

It is rare for a little girl to serve herself.

On weekdays, I serve the little girl by myself!

"I'll do it. You go and make Wan Yun make a pot of honey water. Honey water can hangover." Warming mainly wanted to help Nalan Jinnian to hangover with purple gas when he wiped his face.

Although he knew that he should be pretending to be drunk, but after drinking so much, even if he was not so drunk that he was unconscious, he must be a little drunk!

Inexplicably, Lin Feng felt that the master who was too drunk to wake up exuded an aura that he wanted to kill.

He just found out that he is a pig!

Tonight, the wine in the Huainan Palace is poisonous!

"Then there is Princess Lao Hui'an!" He left those words and hurried out.

Nuan took a warm cloth and carefully wiped Nalan Jinnian's face and hands.

Outside the courtyard, there are still servants who were sent by the Huainan Palace to serve as the marquis.

Said to be waiting, in fact, is monitoring.

Nalan Jinnian closed her eyes and let the warmth take care of herself.

The little girl's soft little hand grabbed his big hand, and a familiar warmth spread from her palm to her own.

A warm towel was wiping the back of his hand.

Since he was three years old, he didn't like being close to people. He did everything by himself to eat, dress, and wash.

But taking care of him warmly, he actually gave birth to a feeling that it is good to get drunk every day.

Seeing the beloved girl in front of her carefully wiping her hands, Nalan Jinnian couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth.

But in the end, she was reluctant to waste her purple qi. She had no use for motion sickness. She held back, thinking that the purple qi should not be unlimited.

Nalan Jinnian gently held her warm hand with her backhand, interrupting her use of purple energy.

Lest she waste the purple gas to help her hangover, let's keep her for motion sickness tomorrow!

"What's wrong?" Nuan looked at him.

Under the influence of the purple gas, the alcohol odor spread faster, and Nalan Jinnian only felt more dizzy.

There were two warmth in front of me.

He shook his head, and three warms appeared! ! !

"Stop wiping, come up to sleep with me, you're dizzy." Nalan Jinnian pulled the warmth into her arms, hugged her and rubbed her face.

A coquettish puppy.

Why is this little girl dangling in front of her eyes, it makes him dizzy!

I saw all three of her!

Unpredictably bumped into someone's warm embrace, warm: "..."

"Girl, how about you wash my face every day from now on? I like the feeling of being taken care of by you in the morning. Well,..." Nalan Jinnian was so dizzy, she rubbed her face again:

I also help you wash, not only help you wash your face, but also help you

"I also help wash my feet." He was dizzy and didn't know half of what he thought and half of what he said.


Wash his face and feet every day?

this man! Are you treating her as a maid?

Wen Nuan stretched out his hand and pinched the tender meat on his waist.


Nalan Jinnian gasped in pain, her red handsome face was aggrieved, and she looked at Nuan Nuan with drunken eyes: "Pain! Nuan Nuan, do you want to murder your husband?"

What did he do wrong?

He glared at him warmly and viciously.

At this time, the maid brought a bowl of sober soup.

Seeing the two of them on the bed, his face flushed: "Hui'an County Master is here sober soup."

Nuan quickly pushed Nalan Jinnian away.

Pretending to be calm, he sat up straight: "Stop it! I'll just feed you."

"Yes!" The maid retreated.

Looking at the steaming sobering soup, Wen Nuan, while it was still hot, poured a spoonful into Nalan Jinnian's mouth: "Drink some sobering soup to sober up!"

See if he dares to let her wash his feet!

Nalan Jinnian: "..."

Nalan Jinnian didn't even have time to vomit, her mouth was scalded until several blisters appeared!


Nalan Jinnian touched the blisters on her mouth and looked at Nuan Nuan with aggrieved expression: "Pain! Nuan Nuan, are you trying to burn your husband to death?"

Warm and angry: "Deserved! Have you sobered up?"

It's time to wake up from a drunken dream! Wash your feet every day?


"In the future, you will help me wash my feet for the rest of my life! Wash every day, every day, every night! Do you know?!"

Nalan Jinnian: "..."

Don't bully him with dizziness, isn't every day, every day, every night the same thing?

Warm put down the hangover soup, stood up and was about to leave.

With the warm movement, Nalan Jinnian became even more dizzy, so she quickly pulled her back, and five warmth appeared in front of her: "Girl, don't shake it! I'm stunned! Alright! Didn't I say to help you wash your feet just now? Every day."

Wash for you, wash your face for me, and I wash your feet.


Someone said half in his heart and half in his mouth.


"You just said you washed my feet? Didn't I wash your feet for you?"

"Well! I'll help you! Every day, every day, every night to help you wash, no, Nuan Nuan, don't shake! I'm dizzy!"

One, two, three... six!

"I saw six of you!" Nalan Jinnian snapped her fingers.


When did she shake? !

It seems that this person is really drunk and confused!

Wen Nuan sighed, sat down again, and used purple air to help him hangover.

By the way, heal his mouth!

All blisters!

Why is this man's mouth so tender!

Blisters when hot.

The purple gas made Nalan Jinnian digest the alcohol faster.

Nalan Jinnian's head hurt more and dizzy because of this: "Nuan Nuan, don't shake, one, two, three..."

There was so much warmth in front of him that he couldn't even count it!

Nalan Jinnian pulled the warmth into her arms and hugged her tightly, preventing her from moving.

If she swayed again, he guaranteed that he would faint!


Will Ziqi hangover make people more and more drunk?

The truth is, Nalan Jinnian was drunk without letting go of the warmth!

No matter how Nuan pushed him or pinched his face, he was indifferent!

Even when Lin Feng was called for help, he couldn't be pulled away.

Strange, the master's alcohol intake is not so bad! At least you can drink two or three more pots to get drunk like this!

Is it intentional now?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt that he was the truth, and he said helplessly: "Master Hui'an, the master is drunk, I really can't help it!"

Warm and depressed: "Forget it, you go out!"

Lin Feng hurried out and closed the door thoughtfully.

Lying warmly in someone's arms, smelling the faint aroma of tea on his body, mixed with the aroma of honest wine, drowsiness struck, and she followed her, who drank a little red wine, and slowly relaxed her body and fell asleep in his arms.

late at night

The General's Mansion next to the Huainan Prince's Mansion

Wang Xiao glanced at the sleeping princess Huaiyue beside him.

He gently lifted the quilt, sat up straight, and put his feet on the bed.

The cold air hit his face, and because of his frail body, Princess Huaiyue, who had always been sleeping lightly, shivered.

Princess Huaiyue put one hand on the man's waist: "Husband, where are you going?"

Wang Xiao was shocked, and said calmly, "I drank too much at night, and I want to go to the toilet. Go to sleep!"

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