The Peasant Girl’s Concubine’s Name Moves the World

Chapter 446: Returning to Beijing for Reunion

Nuan felt that she should think about how to use the purple energy more thoroughly.

Warm also wants to build a health garden in every state capital of the country.

But the health garden will take a year and a half to grow with purple energy. That is to say, if she wants to build a health garden somewhere, she will have to live there for a year and a half. She also thinks this is a little unrealistic. .

But if this can be done, it is a very good thing!

Warmth is planning and combing in her heart.

After combing, I didn't think about it anymore and fell asleep.

If you don't sleep, it's dawn!

Early the next morning, Nalan Jinnian came to Wenjia Village to pick up Wennuan and return to Beijing together.

Wen Nuan saw a faint shadow in his eyes, obviously he had been busy all night.

She also knew that he must have a lot to arrange.

"Did you not sleep last night?"

"Yeah. There are a lot of things to deal with and arrange." Although Nalan Jinnian didn't sleep all night, he was still in good spirits.

He is reading some official documents at the moment.

Wen Nuan picked up the official document in his hand: "Sleep and read later."

Nalan Jinnian gave him a warm look when his hands were empty.

The girl hid the official document behind her and looked at him stubbornly with her elvish charming eyes.

If he doesn't sleep, she won't let him watch.

Nalan Jinnian's sexy thin lips hooked, he sat out a little, then lay down, put his head directly on his warm thigh, raised his hands, and closed his eyes: "Okay, then I'm going to sleep! Don't harass me!"


this man!

Wen Nuan wanted to push him away, but when he saw the faint shadow under his thick eyelashes, he moved for a while, but in the end he didn't push him away.

In fact, Nalan Jinnian didn't plan to really sleep, he waited for the little girl to push him away.

Just waiting and waiting, but unknowingly fell asleep.

Seeing him fall asleep so quickly, Nuan Nuan used purple air to help him relieve his fatigue, and then picked up a soft pillow and put it under his head to make him more comfortable.

During this period of time, he has been on the road, and he guarded himself and took care of himself all the way.

They are all light sleepers. They know that it is very hard to sleep well, and only the warmth will use the purple energy to help him sleep.

Under the influence of Zi Qi, Nalan Jinnian slept soundly for the first time, smelling the familiar breath.

When he woke up, it was already an hour later.

The sound of the wheel rolling on the bluestone slab became clear in his ears.

Nalan Jinnian's head rested on his warm legs with a soft pillow.

He didn't open it for the first time, wondering if the warmth would be like himself, and do something while he fell asleep.

Like secretly kissing his forehead, touching his face, or something.

As a result, a surprised voice came from above his head: "Why didn't you open your eyes when you woke up?"

Nalan Jinnian: ""

Nuan looked at Nalan Jinnian who was awake and pretending to be asleep with a surprised look on his face.

Nalan Jinnian opened her eyes, sat up, and refused to answer her question!

"How long have I slept?" Nalan Jinnian lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked outside.

We have already left Ningyuan County and are about to arrive at Jianghuai Mansion.

Warm: "Not long, almost two hours."

The two stayed in Jianghuai Mansion for a day, and Nalan Jinnian was busy with the rhythm of the whole night.

He is arranging the layout, and he is also arranging the reeling.

The next day on the road, the two would learn about the local epidemic every time they went to a county, and they stopped and walked for more than ten days and finally returned to the capital.

At this time, I just stepped into the April day in the world.

The willows are elegant, the flowers are on the street, and Yan Shi is holding the mud.

The wind is warm, the clouds are pale, the mountains are clear, the water is beautiful, and the most beautiful April sky in the world.

The April day in Beijing is amazingly beautiful!

After Nalan Jinnian delivered the warmth to Shichangbo Mansion, he stood by the carriage and did not go in: "I will go to Beijing to return to my life and cook my meal at night."

Warm and surprised: "You have been out of the hospital for so long, the queen mother and the emperor should keep you for dinner in the palace?"

Nalan Jinnian: ""


"The food in the palace is not delicious, save me a copy!"

Warm nodded.

The family was very happy when he returned to the mansion with warmth.

In the evening, Mrs. Wu and Mrs. Wang personally cooked a sumptuous dinner.

During the meal, the family asked about Wen Nuan's mission to Dongling.

The warmth knew everything and answered them inexhaustibly.

Then Wen Nuan remembered that the spring season was over, and even the palace exam should have ended.

She asked, "How did the eldest brother and the second brother Chunwei do in the exam?"

Speaking of this, the joy on the family's face became even stronger.

Wen Hou immediately straightened his chest and said first: "Your second brother goes out, of course it's a success! Sister Nuan, guess what I was in high school?"

Wen Nuan smiled slightly: "Second brother's level of high school champion is impossible! If it is second place, I am afraid that the result will be achieved by a blind cat hitting a dead mouse! A small third flower should be able to win it!"

Gentleness: ""

Tanhualang, who was personally ordered by the emperor's royal pen, became a small Tanhualang in Sister Nuan's mouth!

Reluctantly win?

Does she look down on his second brother?

"Sister Nuan, do you know how difficult it is to take the third flower test? Do you know that there is only one third flower in the entire Nalan Kingdom, with hundreds of thousands of people?!"

Wen Nuan turned his head slightly: "Of course I know, not only is there only one third flower among the hundreds of thousands of people in the country!

There is only one last place! There is only one me and only one you in this world!"

The family laughed unkindly when they heard this.

Gentleness: ""

Wen Jiarui slapped Wen Jiahou's head with a slap: "Stinky boy, your eldest brother is not as shy as you are in the top spot in high school, what are you shy about! Why don't you come back with the second place in the exam!"

Gentleness: ""

This day can't be over, whoever is the third highest in high school will be beaten by his own father!

Mrs Wu hurriedly stopped Wen Jiarui: "Okay, the child has grown up and is about to be on duty. Are you still doing it, right?"

Gentle nodded.

Wen Jiarui couldn't help muttering: "What happened to the job? The job is not my son, so I can't teach him a lesson! He is so condescending to go to the Hanlin Academy as an official, I'm worried that he will be kicked out the next day! , Although the job seems simple, it is the job that can’t go wrong! And the interpersonal relationships inside are also intertwined! You don’t even know that your temper has been harmed.”

Even though Wen Jiarui said this, he didn't fight again, he didn't really hit hard just now.

But he was really worried.

"Don't worry, Dad, I'm just like this at home, and I'm very calm outside! I promise I won't go wrong!" Wen Hou immediately assured.

"Just you are still deep!"

Nuan believes: "The eldest brother and the second brother are conscientious and careful people, so don't worry about it."

Wen Chun also assured at this time: "Father, we will definitely do things carefully after we go in, you don't have to worry."

The family talked about other topics, and Wen Jiarui mentioned that Wen Liang did not do well in the exam and was unable to take the palace exam.

But Wen Wan gave birth to a son after the New Year, and it was already a full moon. The queen was very happy and rewarded a lot of things!

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