"Hey, what are you doing?!" After the warmth fell to the ground, he said dissatisfiedly.

She just wanted to put the little happy sparrow back in its nest on the tree.

"If you want to eat persimmons, let them pick them, and don't climb trees by yourself."

This persimmon tree is old, and its branches are already brittle.

Wen Nuan stretched out his palm to reveal a chick: "I just want to put it back in the nest."

Just now, the big bad wolf wanted to eat it in one bite.

Nalan Jinnian was stunned, but did not expect it to be like this: "Then you can't climb trees."

He grabbed the chick in her hand, jumped, and put it back into its nest in the tree.

"Hey, let's pick two persimmons by the way." She really wanted to eat them.

The basket of persimmons he sent home was red and sweet, but delicious.

Nalan Jinnian folded a bunch of persimmons and handed them to her. A smile appeared in her icy eyes, as if she was laughing at the fact that she wanted to eat them but used the birds as an excuse.

The warmth took it over as if nothing had happened, picked one, and directly broke the two halves with his hands. The orange flesh was crystal clear, the juice was radiant, and the luster was attractive.

The warmth bites down directly, soft and sweet, sweet and mellow: "It's so sweet, do you want it?"

Wen Nuan looked up at someone and handed him the other half of the persimmon in his hand.

Nalan Jinnian didn't move, just looked at her.

In this prosperous and bleak late autumn, the jagged branches are covered with clusters and clusters of red persimmons like small lanterns.

Under the persimmon tree, the girl dressed in plain blue coarse cloth squinted her pair of cut water autumn eyes with satisfaction, then raised her head, swept her long eyelashes like a fan, and opened her smart eyes to look at him.

Those clear eyes are dark and bright, as agile as the sea of ​​stars, illuminating the barren mountains and fields, and dispelling the bleakness of late autumn.

I don't know if it is the clusters on the branches, the clusters of fiery red persimmons or her bright eyes that light up the mountains.

"Aren't you going to eat it?" He stretched out his hand a little higher, handed half a persimmon to him, and asked again.

Nalan Jinnian looked at the half persimmon full of sweet juice that was handed to him in front of him, and it was very sweet at first glance.

He has never liked sweets, but looking at the clear eyes of the girl in front of him, he asked earnestly, clean and transparent.

There is no admiration that he is used to, no careful courtship, no shyness, no shrinking, open-minded, natural, pure and beautiful.

He stooped down like a ghost and took a bite, his lips accidentally touching her fingertips.

The sweet and glutinous persimmon flesh fills the taste buds, sliding from the tip of the tongue along the esophagus to the stomach.

Feeling a touch of softness touching his fingertips, he was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect that he would just lower his head and eat!

She said angrily: "Take it and eat it by yourself! Do you still need to feed it when it is so big? It's not that you have no hands!"

"I only have one hand, and I'll get my hands dirty."

He actually doesn't like this little thing, he just thinks it's too sweet, and now it's too sweet, but it's still delicious.

So, even though he said that, he still took the half of the persimmon he took a bite and finished eating.

"A hand is also a hand! Can't you wash it when it's dirty?" He muttered warmly, then walked away to wash his hands.


Butler Yuan on the other end sent Guo Mingyan and the three away.

Seeing that Guo Mingyan was a little down, Li Bing comforted: "Miss Guo, you don't have to be sad, King Jin has always been very demanding. But you are already very powerful! If it wasn't for you this time, how could we have made twenty arrows in a row? Looking at the entire Nalan country, I believe that no one except you can study it in a few days.”

King Jin doesn't understand Lianxiangxiyu too much, so rude to a girl!

Guo Mingyan is very talented in weapon design, and her martial arts are strong and beautiful. The soldiers in the barracks like her very much, and Li Bing also appreciates her.

Butler Yuan also felt that his master was too strict. Miss Guo was of noble birth, both civil and military, and had a beautiful face. Said: "Master has always demanded perfection in his work. Miss Guo is so powerful. I believe that in a few days, I will be able to develop a repeating crossbow that is more powerful than the Xirong people."

This is not what Guo Mingyan cares about at all. She has long been used to the indifference of the Seventeenth Master to her. Anyway, he treats everyone the same.

That's not right, she couldn't help but ask: "Butler Yuan, who is the girl next to Master Seventeen? Master Seventeen is very special to her."

"She is a peasant girl at the foot of the mountain. She came here to help the master take care of his hand. Therefore, the master naturally treats her kindly."

Guo Mingyan's intuition was wrong: "Help the Seventeenth Master's hand? A peasant girl knows medicine? Feng Gongzi can't do anything to the Seventeenth Master's hand! How could she?"

"She said that she had encountered this poison by chance, and she knew acupuncture and moxibustion, so she knew how to cure it."

However, Guo Mingyan didn't believe it at all: "How can there be so many coincidences in this world? The poisoning of the hands of the Seventeenth Master is too strange. A peasant girl of unknown origin can cure his hand, and the Seventeenth Master actually believed it and would not think that Is it wrong? Butler Yuan, the Seventeenth Master is very careful, and he trusts that girl. It is understandable, but you can't help it! I don't know why, but I always have a bad feeling when I see her."

Butler Yuan was startled and a little scared.

Guo Mingyan is the daughter of General Guo. She has been on the battlefield. I heard that her intuition is very accurate, and she once saved the lives of a group of soldiers on the battlefield with her intuition.

And it's really unusual for a peasant girl to know medical skills, in case it's a nail from another country...

Butler Yuan didn't dare to think about it.

If it is true, then that little girl is too capable and hidden too deep!

He was unconsciously vigilant.

Lin Tingxuan frowned: "That girl doesn't seem like the kind of person with deep scheming."

"Ting Xuan, do you know her?"

"It's just a one-sided relationship."

Guo Mingyan smiled and shook her head: "Amazing! You just believe him because of one-sided fate!"

Lin Tingxuan: "..."

Butler Yuan's eyelids jumped!

At this time, Nalan Jinnian's voice came from behind them, and the three couldn't help but turn their heads, only to see: a silver-gray figure performed light work, leaping up in the air and grabbing a girl.

He said something reproachful to her.

To the three of them, the tone of reproach carried a deep worry, which was never heard from Nalan Jinnian.

Why has King Jin, who has always been indifferent in temperament, ever worried about whom?

The girl didn't know what to say, but he jumped again and took off a bunch of red scorpions and gave it to her.

Not only that, the two also shared a shovel.

One has a long body and a jade robe, and the other is petite and exquisite, with coarse cloth clothes, but the picture is strange and makes people feel harmonious and beautiful.

Guo Mingyan was deeply stimulated! That lowly maid was so brazen, she took the initiative to feed King Jin to eat persimmons!

How could she be so embarrassed to do such an intimate behavior? shameless!

Guo Mingyan gave birth to a sense of crisis that she has never experienced before, and her intuition has always been accurate!

She glanced at Butler Yuan, who was also stunned, and couldn't help but say, "It seems that the Seventeenth Master was bewitched by her and couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and west."

Butler Yuan: "..."

Butler Yuan sent the three away worriedly.

Back in the study, the two had already entered the secret room for acupuncture. He stayed outside and could not wait to go in and stare closely.

It's just that he didn't dare to disturb him, so he could only wait outside anxiously.


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